The news of the month: diets are not effective!!! What to do,

Lauren Mendez tunnelingsgl72 at
Wed Mar 25 13:48:33 UTC 2009

Just use this url on picture to visit our mall

i want those red boots and that coat. 
i was given the irish name kelly after my great grandparents' last name. 
i am not going to worry...about a thing.

haha, that's my girl. 
it's definately worth the long drive,

see you then!
and a delicious coke.

i told cate about st. patrick's day and ireland- she has a lot of irish ancestors through me.  sol
here's an irish blessing from us to you...

interested? i think it would be so fun. 
last minute trip to idaho to see my sister- so much better than home blogging!

but then again, we looove roadtrips.
and my wheels are turning with projects to put together for a locals knitting class. 

but so worth it.
(i hate in quilting and knitting and sewing when the designs get all fancy just because they can). 

back in a few days
i am excited about my new running shoes.

it was super delicious. 
really, cate is also mexican, japanese, native american, swiss, and a lot more- a true american- so we actually have a lot of family history travelling to do, but i really love the romantic beauty of ireland, and have always been drawn to that part of the world. plus i really love corned beef.

may the light always find you on a dreary day. is this  ELLE
when she does these weekends she fills up really fast so don't wait- if you need color and/or cut and/or face waxing at very reasonable prices email her promptly and she'll get you booked and give you directions. 

happy happy days.
i made this one for a gift, but i've already cast on another for moi. 

they make me smile every day. 
pps- our topic of convo for the night was this article from the wall street journal.

and i love it (thanks, coco). 
i am determined to get the house clean so i can relax and sew tomorrow.

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