Fw: Jurisdiksjon at online.no

Øivind Fragell gordner at online.no
Fri Feb 12 08:23:51 UTC 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Øivind Fragell 
To: acsandberg at prodigy.net 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 8:25 AM
Subject: Fw: Jurisdiksjon at online.no

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Øivind Fragell 
To: jmoyer at ci.red-bluff.ca.us 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 8:06 AM
Subject: Jurisdiksjon at online.no

     Just hold it one moment and stop up for a while and take you'r time to lissone.Finaly.

    usual agent with usuale totaletey wresling.As to put on the glasses and see the totalety move , as shuting down the skitten drit for totaletey powering without beuing de jure.

    Get's a dirty handwash after risk.So radiare as optimal SHERIFF of Hernando in one unison search for somes research coming up with something that all ready exist . One fine finding onefounding as star overy.With just siting there renumbering with two ones of native onley national action with fully nationalety.

    Dicks up it is inspectione by red scalpel.With wish of living for ever , the best advice I can give you is a minitues hand wash.With bringing , 1500 century , as demographics.With one earth strongest guye around from world strongest trip , until one guye found out that he was the trip . As powersoule with the strength of earth totalety power as one gold globed space parading as the whole as one whole shining. shining eldorado.

    Now as you can see the holly aspiered bountyfullnes was ay totalety inspiratione to Elida that successfully made me the world famouse signed world leading authorety with success.It's a signe owning monopoly that can show first and last as when it's pissed it in araoused anger says you are not found abale of caring for as much as of a pet and goes in a spin as the world an astray totalety.When this is it without demoralising totalety taking advantage of all as coming out of deprevatione.allcarallworldrally at rocketmail that do not have a rocket mail but this stardate 2012 as requiering the imposable like for an exampel 4-5 totalety rounds to see how much totalety I lost for making a sound.Bifilar kovolasjon with beuing bothe dementate smart ass as it all comes from one  sound as the briliant that comes from a higher holly belife with the moest precise perfectione with prestige presisioning.At grandpas gospel that as a matter of fact is realety.Realety as totalety inspiratione aspiering Elida.


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