Deadline submission for the SETIT 2011-TUNISIA-
medsalim.bouhlel at
Wed May 4 04:01:49 UTC 2011
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Just a small reminder that the deadline submission for the sixth International Conference Sciences of Electronics, Technologies of Information and Telecommunications SETIT 2011 is coming up.
If you are interested to submit a regular paper, tutorial or a proposal for a special session you are pleased to do it before June 1st 2011.
This conference will be held in Tunisia, 26-29 October 2011. It is technically sponsored by IEEE and the SAI. Until now, more than 750 papers have been proposed among which 350 have been retained for publication.
You can find more details in:
All papers in conference proceedings will be included in the IEEE Xplore. The selected best papers will be published in one of our partener journals .
See you in Sousse,
Mohamed Salim BOUHLEL
General Co-Chair, SETIT 2011
Head of Research Unit: Sciences & Technologies of Image and Telecommunications (Sfax University)
GSM +216 20 200005
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