[Pkg-graphite-maint] Bug#775783: Bug#775783: [graphite-web] Please prepare a candidate including maxDataPoints backport
Jonas Genannt
jonas at brachium-system.net
Thu Jan 29 12:14:09 UTC 2015
> Do let me know as soon as you have something for me to test and I'll be
> there!
I have uploaded 0.9.12+debian-7 to unstable with the patched included. It worked for me.
Could you please test it also?
debdiff graphite-web_0.9.12+debian-6_all.deb graphite-web_0.9.12+debian-7_all.deb
File lists identical (after any substitutions)
Control files: lines which differ (wdiff format)
Installed-Size: [-8384-] {+8385+}
Version: [-0.9.12+debian-6-] {+0.9.12+debian-7+}
Attached the debdiff source patch.
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