[Pkg-gs-devel] r67 - in gsfonts-other: . trunk trunk/debian

Masayuki Hatta mhatta at alioth.debian.org
Sat Jan 3 15:43:39 UTC 2009

Author: mhatta
Date: Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
New Revision: 67

Importing debian/ of gsfonts-other

   gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/rules   (contents, props changed)

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/changelog
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/changelog	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+gsfonts-other (6.0-3.2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Nah, really fix the code that gets rid of the symlink. 
+ -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <amaya at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Jun 2006 03:03:23 +0200
+gsfonts-other (6.0-3.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Rebuild to get rid of the /usr/doc link (Closes: #352893). 
+ -- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <amaya at debian.org>  Sun, 18 Jun 2006 02:40:24 +0200
+gsfonts-other (6.0-3) unstable; urgency=low
+  * debian/control: Add dependency on defoma as it is used by the postinst
+    to update the font configuration (closes: #142863).
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>  Mon, 15 Apr 2002 00:56:52 +0200
+gsfonts-other (6.0-2) unstable; urgency=high
+  * debian/gsfonts-other.hints: Gngngn. Refer to /usr/share for the fonts 
+    instead of /usr/lib where they used to be. Thanks to David Starner
+    for waking me up (closes: #141536).
+  * debian/postrm: Add a post removal script to unregister the fonts
+    after removal.
+  * debian/rules: Install the postrm script as well.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>  Sun,  7 Apr 2002 02:13:15 +0200
+gsfonts-other (6.0-1) unstable; urgency=high
+  * Urgency high since the old package is not usable without modifying
+    the fontmaps by hand - the defoma support is crucial.
+  * New upstream release.
+  * Finally add defoma support by using the hints files created by
+    Steve Haslam (thanks a lot, Steve!!) (closes: #116827).
+  * Acknowledge Colins NMU - thanks, Colin (closes: #91485).
+  * debian/control: Update Standards-Version (no changes needed).
+  * debian/control: Kill both the dependency on and the conflict with
+    gsfonts which do not apply anymore.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>  Sat,  6 Apr 2002 21:09:09 +0200
+gsfonts-other (5.10-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Move /usr/doc to /usr/share/doc (closes: #91485).
+  * Include Section: and Priority: fields in the .deb.
+  * Bump standards-version to 3.1.1.
+ -- Colin Watson <cjwatson at debian.org>  Sat,  4 Aug 2001 12:32:52 +0100
+gsfonts-other (5.10-2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New maintainer.
+ -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>  Fri, 14 Jan 2000 20:45:24 +0100
+gsfonts-other (5.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New package: it contains the additional fonts distributed with
+    ghostscript. In previous releases, these fonts were in the gsfonts
+    package. I have moved them in a new package now. This package will go 
+    in non-free until the license issues have been clarified.
+ -- Marco Pistore <pistore at di.unipi.it>  Sun, 11 Oct 1998 12:22:10 +0200

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/conffiles
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/conffiles	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/control
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/control	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+Source: gsfonts-other
+Section: non-free/text
+Priority: optional
+Maintainer: Torsten Landschoff <torsten at debian.org>
+Standards-Version: 3.5.6
+Package: gsfonts-other
+Architecture: all
+Section: non-free/text
+Priority: optional
+Depends: defoma
+Description: Additional fonts for the ghostscript interpreter
+ This package contains a miscellaneous set of fonts, including
+ Cyrillic, kana, and fonts derived from the free Hershey fonts, with
+ improvements (such as adding accented characters) by Thomas Wolff.

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/copyright
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/copyright	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+Copyright file from Debian Ghostscript auxiliary fonts package.
+I have downloaded the fonts from 
+  ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/gnu/fonts/ 
+in the file named
+  gnu-gs-fonts-other-6.0.tar.gz
+For the Charter fonts (files bch*):
+% The following notice accompanied the Charter fonts.
+% (c) Copyright 1989-1992, Bitstream Inc., Cambridge, MA.
+% You are hereby granted permission under all Bitstream propriety rights
+% to use, copy, modify, sublicense, sell, and redistribute the 4 Bitstream
+% Charter (r) Type 1 outline fonts and the 4 Courier Type 1 outline fonts
+% for any purpose and without restriction; provided, that this notice is
+% left intact on all copies of such fonts and that Bitstream's trademark
+% is acknowledged as shown below on all unmodified copies of the 4 Charter
+% Type 1 fonts.
+% BITSTREAM CHARTER is a registered trademark of Bitstream Inc.
+For the Utopia fonts (files put*):
+% The following notice accompanied the Utopia font:
+%   Permission to use, reproduce, display and distribute the listed
+%   typefaces is hereby granted, provided that the Adobe Copyright notice
+%   appears in all whole and partial copies of the software and that the
+%   following trademark symbol and attribution appear in all unmodified
+%   copies of the software:
+%           Copyright (c) 1989 Adobe Systems Incorporated
+%           Utopia (R)
+%           Utopia is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated
+%   The Adobe typefaces (Type 1 font program, bitmaps and Adobe Font
+%   Metric files) donated are:
+%           Utopia Regular
+%           Utopia Italic
+%           Utopia Bold
+%           Utopia Bold Italic
+For the Grotesk and Antiqua fonts (files u003043t* and u004006t*) 
+[ i have changed the address of FSF ]:
+% Fonts contributed by URW GmbH for distribution under the GNU License.
+% The following notice accompanied these fonts:
+% U004006T URW Grotesk 2031 Bold PostScript Type 1 Font Program
+% U003043T URW Antiqua 2051 Regular Condensed PostScript Type 1 Font Program
+% Copyright (c) 1992 URW GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+% (at your option) later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; wihtout even the implied warranty of
+% See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software 
+% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+% Address:
+% URW GmbH
+% PC Support
+% Harksheider Strasse 102
+% 2000 Hamburg 65
+% Germany
+% Phone: +49 40 60 60 50       (Reception)
+% Phone: +49 40 60 60 52 30   (PC Support)
+% Fax    : +49 40 60 60 52 52
+For the Kana fonts (files fhirw* and fkarw*):
+% Shareware Kana fonts.  These are subject to the following notice:
+% These copyrighted fonts were developed by Kevin Hartig. Permission is
+% granted to freely distribute them in entirety along with this statement.
+% This is shareware. If you decide to use these fonts please contribute
+% $10 US to help support further freeware and shareware software development.
+% Questions and comments may be sent to:
+% hartig at fsl.noaa.gov
+% khartig at nyx.cs.du.edu
+% Kevin Hartig
+% 1126 Collyer Street
+% Longmont, CO 80501 USA
+% copyright 1993.
+For the Cyrillic fonts (files fcyr*):
+% Public-domain fonts.  These have no copyright, and are of unknown quality.
+For the fonts converted from Hershey outlines (files hr*):
+% Fonts converted from Hershey outlines.  These are constructed and
+% maintained manually.  These are also in the public domain.
+% Fonts created by Thomas Wolff <wolff at inf.fu-berlin.de>, by adding
+% accents, accented characters, and various other non-alphabetics
+% to the original Hershey fonts.  These are "freeware", not to be sold.

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/gsfonts-other.hints
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/gsfonts-other.hints	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/putr.pfa
+  FontName = Utopia-Regular
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -adobe-utopia-regular-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Adobe
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/putb.pfa
+  FontName = Utopia-Bold
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -adobe-utopia-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Adobe
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/putri.pfa
+  FontName = Utopia-Italic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -adobe-utopia-regular-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Adobe
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/putbi.pfa
+  FontName = Utopia-BoldItalic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -adobe-utopia-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Adobe
+# Charter
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/bchr.pfa
+  FontName = CharterBT-Roman
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -bitstream-charter-regular-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Bitstream
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/bchb.pfa
+  FontName = CharterBT-Bold
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -bitstream-charter-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Bitstream
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/bchri.pfa
+  FontName = CharterBT-Italic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -bitstream-charter-regular-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Bitstream
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/bchbi.pfa
+  FontName = CharterBT-BoldItalic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = Utopia
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  X-FontName = -bitstream-charter-bold-i-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
+  Foundry = Bitstream
+# Hershey Plain
+category type3
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplr.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplrb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Bold
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplr.gsf
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplro.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplr.gsf
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplrbo.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Bold-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplr.gsf
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain
+# Hershey Plain Simplex
+category type3
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpls.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Simplex
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplsb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpls.gsf
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Simplex
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplso.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpls.gsf
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Simplex
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplsbo.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Simplex-Bold-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpls.gsf
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Simplex
+# Hershey Plain Duplex
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpld.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Duplex
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainDuplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpldi.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainDuplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpldb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainDuplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Duplex
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpld.pfa
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpldbi.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Bold-Italic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainDuplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Duplex-Italic
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpldi.pfa
+# Hershey Plain Triplex
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplt.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Triplex
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainTriplx
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplti.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainTriplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpltb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainTriplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Triplex
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplt.pfa
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrpltbi.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Bold-Italic
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyPlainTriplex
+  GeneralFamily = Roman
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Italic Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Plain-Triplex-Italic
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrplti.pfa
+# Hershey Script Simplex
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscs.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Script-Simplex
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyScriptSimplex
+  GeneralFamily = Script
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscsb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Script-Simplex-Bold
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyScriptSimplex
+  GeneralFamily = Script
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Script-Simplex
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscs.pfa
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscso.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Script-Simplex-Oblique
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyScriptSimplex
+  GeneralFamily = Script
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Slanted Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Script-Simplex
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscs.pfa
+# Hershey Script Complex
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscc.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Script-Complex
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyScriptComplex
+  GeneralFamily = Script
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrsccb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Script-Complex-Bold
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyScriptComplex
+  GeneralFamily = Script
+  Weight = Bold
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Script-Complex
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscc.pfa
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscco.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Script-Complex-Oblique
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyScriptComplex
+  GeneralFamily = Script
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Slanted Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Script-Complex
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrscc.pfa
+# Hershey Gothic English
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrger.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-English
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyGothicEnglish
+  GeneralFamily = Gothic
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgerb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-English-Bold
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrger.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-English
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgerd.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-English-SemiBold
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrger.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-English
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgero.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-English-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrger.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-English
+# Hershey Gothic German
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgrr.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-German
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyGothicGerman
+  GeneralFamily = Gothic
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgrrb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-German-Bold
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgrr.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-German
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgrro.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-German-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgrr.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-German
+# Hershey Gothic Italian
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hritr.pfa
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-Italian
+  Charset = ISO8859-1
+  Family = HersheyGothicItalian
+  GeneralFamily = Gothic
+  Weight = Medium
+  Width = Variable
+  Shape = Upright Serif
+  Priority = 20
+  Foundry = Hershey
+category gsfontderivative
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hritrb.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Bold
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hritr.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-Italian
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hritro.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Gothic-Italian-Oblique
+  GSF-OriginFont = /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hritr.pfa
+  GSF-OriginID = Hershey-Gothic-Italian
+# Hershey Greek
+category type3
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgks.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Greek-Simplex
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrgkc.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Greek-Complex
+# Hershey (other)
+category type3
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/hrsyr.gsf
+  FontName = Hershey-Symbol
+# URW Aniqua and Grotesk
+category type3
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/u003043t.gsf
+  FontName = URWAntiquaT-RegularCondensed
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/u004006t.gsf
+  FontName = URWGroteskT-Bold
+# Cyriliic
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/fcyr.gsf
+  FontName = Cyrillic
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/fcyri.gsf
+  FontName = Cyrillic-Italic
+# Calligraphic Japanese
+category type1
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/fhirw.gsf
+  FontName = Calligraphic-Hiragana
+begin /usr/share/ghostscript/fonts/fkarw.gsf
+  FontName = Calligraphic-Katakana

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/postinst
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/postinst	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+if [ "$1" = configure ]; then
+    echo -n "(Re-)registering Postscript fonts..."
+    defoma-font -q reregister-all /etc/defoma/hints/gsfonts-other.hints
+    echo done
+if [ "$1" = "configure" ]; then
+	if [ -d /usr/doc -a ! -h /usr/doc/gsfonts-other -a -d /usr/share/doc/gsfonts-other ]; then
+		rm -f /usr/doc/gsfonts-other
+	fi

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/postrm
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/postrm	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -e
+if [ "$1" = remove ]; then
+    echo -n "Unregistering Postscript fonts..."
+    defoma-font -qt purge-all /etc/defoma/hints/gsfonts-other.hints
+    echo done

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/prerm
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/prerm	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#! /bin/sh -e
+if [ \( "$1" = "upgrade" -o "$1" = "remove" \) -a -L /usr/doc/gsfonts-other ]; then
+	rm -f /usr/doc/gsfonts-other

Added: gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/rules
--- (empty file)
+++ gsfonts-other/trunk/debian/rules	Sat Jan  3 15:43:39 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+#!/usr/bin/make -f
+#   -*- mode: makefile; -*-
+# Debian rules for building gsfonts-other (by Marco Pistore), based on:
+# Sample debian/rules file - for GNU Hello (1.3).
+# Copyright 1994,1995 by Ian Jackson.
+# I hereby give you perpetual unlimited permission to copy,
+# modify and relicense this file, provided that you do not remove
+# my name from the file itself.  (I assert my moral right of
+# paternity under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.)
+arch = $(shell dpkg --print-architecture)
+# The next section may have to be extensively modified
+	$(checkdir)
+	echo "This package does not need to be build"      
+	touch build
+clean:		checkroot
+	$(checkdir)
+	-rm -f build
+	-rm -rf debian/tmp
+	-rm -f *~ debian/*~
+	-rm -f debian/files* debian/substvars
+binary-indep:	checkroot build
+	$(checkdir)
+	-rm -rf debian/tmp 
+	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/tmp debian/tmp/DEBIAN
+	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/tmp/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts 
+	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 \
+	  debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gsfonts-other
+	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/tmp/etc
+	install -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/postinst debian/postrm \
+	  debian/prerm \
+	  debian/tmp/DEBIAN
+	install -o root -g root -m 0644 debian/conffiles \
+	  debian/tmp/DEBIAN
+	install -o root -g root -m 0644 \
+	  *.pfa *.gsf *.afm debian/tmp/usr/share/ghostscript/fonts
+	install -o root -g root -m 0644 \
+	  debian/changelog \
+	  debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gsfonts-other/changelog.Debian
+	install -d -o root -g root -m 0755 debian/tmp/etc/defoma/hints
+	install -o root -g root -m 0644 \
+	  debian/gsfonts-other.hints \
+	  debian/tmp/etc/defoma/hints/
+	gzip -9v debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gsfonts-other/* 
+	install -o root -g root -m 0644 \
+	  debian/copyright debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gsfonts-other/copyright
+	dpkg-gencontrol -isp
+	chown -R root.root debian/tmp
+	chmod -R g-ws debian/tmp
+	dpkg --build debian/tmp ..
+binary-arch:	checkroot build
+	$(checkdir)
+# There are no architecture-dependent files to be uploaded
+# generated by this package.  If there were any they would be
+# made here.
+define checkdir
+	test -f u003043t.gsf -a -f debian/rules
+# Below here is fairly generic really
+binary:		binary-indep binary-arch
+source diff:
+	@echo >&2 'source and diff are obsolete - use dpkg-source -b'; false
+	$(checkdir)
+	test root = "`whoami`"
+.PHONY: binary binary-arch binary-indep clean checkroot

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