Bug#365516: gstreamer0.10-pitfdll: Doesn't handle "video/mpeg" that MPlayer can play

Johan Walles johan.walles at gmail.com
Tue May 2 20:28:15 UTC 2006

2006/5/2, Sebastian Dröge <slomo at slomosnail.de>:
> Do you have gstreamer0.10-plugins-base installed? It contains the
> playbin element...

Nope.  If it's important, shouldn't something depend on it?

Anyway, I installed it and tried the same command line again:
johan at foo:/tmp$ LANG=C gst-launch-0.10 playbin uri=file:///tmp/johan.mpg
Setting pipeline to PAUSED ...
Pipeline is PREROLLING ...
ERROR: from element /playbin0: Both autoaudiosink and alsasink
elements are missing.
Additional debug info:
gstplaybin.c(757): gen_audio_element (): /playbin0
ERROR: pipeline doesn't want to preroll.
Setting pipeline to NULL ...
FREEING pipeline ...

> What does "gst-inspect-0.10 playbin" tell you?

Now that I've installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-base:
johan at foo:/tmp$ gst-inspect-0.10 playbin
Factory Details:
  Long name:    Player Bin
  Class:        Generic/Bin/Player
  Description:  Autoplug and play media from an uri
  Author(s):    Wim Taymans <wim at fluendo.com>
  Rank:         none (0)

Plugin Details:
  Name:                 playbin
  Description:          player bin
  Filename:             /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstplaybin.so
  Version:              0.10.5
  License:              LGPL
  Source module:        gst-plugins-base
  Binary package:
  Origin URL:


Implemented Interfaces:

Pad Templates:

Element Flags:
  no flags set

Bin Flags:
  no flags set

Element Implementation:
  No loopfunc(), must be chain-based or not configured yet
  Has change_state() function: gst_play_bin_change_state
  Has custom save_thyself() function: gst_bin_save_thyself
  Has custom restore_thyself() function: gst_bin_restore_thyself

Clocking Interaction:
  element requires a clock
  element is supposed to provide a clock but returned NULL

Indexing capabilities:
  element can do indexing


Element Properties:
  name                : The name of the object
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: "playbin0"
  delay               : Expected delay needed for elements to spin up
to PLAYING in nanoseconds
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer64. Range: 0 -
18446744073709551615 Default: 0 Current: 0
  auto-flush-bus      : Whether to automatically flush the pipeline's
bus when going from READY into NULL state
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Boolean. Default: true Current: true
  uri                 : URI of the media to play
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: null
  suburi              : Optional URI of a subtitle
                        flags: readable, writable
                        String. Default: null Current: null
  queue-size          : Size of internal queues in nanoseconds
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer64. Range: 0 -
9223372036854775807 Default: 3000000000 Current: 3000000000
  queue-threshold     : Buffering threshold of internal queues in nanoseconds
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Unsigned Integer64. Range: 0 -
9223372036854775807 Default: 2000000000 Current: 2000000000
  nstreams            : number of streams
                        flags: readable
                        Integer. Range: 0 - 2147483647 Default: 0 Current: 0
  stream-info         : List of streaminfo
                        flags: readable
  source              : Source element
                        flags: readable
                        Object of type "GstElement"
  current-video       : Currently playing video stream (-1 = none)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1 Current: -1
  current-audio       : Currently playing audio stream (-1 = none)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1 Current: -1
  current-text        : Currently playing text stream (-1 = none)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1 Current: -1
  audio-sink          : the audio output element to use (NULL = default sink)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Object of type "GstElement"
  video-sink          : the video output element to use (NULL = default sink)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Object of type "GstElement"
  vis-plugin          : the visualization element to use (NULL = none)
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Object of type "GstElement"
  volume              : volume
                        flags: readable, writable
                        Double. Range:               0 -              
4 Default:               1 Current:      1
  frame               : The last frame (NULL = no video available)
                        flags: readable
                        Unknown type 134560288 "GstBuffer"
  subtitle-font-desc  : Pango font description of font to be used for
subtitle rendering
                        flags: writable
                        String. Default: null  Write only

> Does /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstplaybin.so exist?

It does now.

> PS: the video works fine here in totem

Good!  If *you* can view it without MPlayer, I'm confident I'll be
able to as well :-).

  Cheers //Johan

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