Processed: Fixing control's lack of support for -1 in clone
Debian Bug Tracking System
owner at
Sat Feb 10 18:34:07 CET 2007
Processing commands for control at
> clone 410384 -1 -2 -3
Bug#410384: Dropping the gstreamer0.8 stack
Bug 410384 cloned as bugs 410440-410442.
> retitle -1 teatime: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
Bug#410440: Dropping the gstreamer0.8 stack
Changed Bug title.
> reassign -1 teatime 2.6.0-4
Bug#410440: teatime: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
Bug reassigned from package `gstreamer0.8' to `teatime'.
> close -1 2.6.0-5
Bug#410440: teatime: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
'close' is deprecated; see
Bug marked as fixed in version 2.6.0-5, send any further explanations to Moritz Muehlenhoff <jmm at>
> retitle -2 goobox: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
Bug#410441: Dropping the gstreamer0.8 stack
Changed Bug title.
> reassign -2 goobox 0.9.93-7
Bug#410441: goobox: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
Bug reassigned from package `gstreamer0.8' to `goobox'.
> retitle -3 muine: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
Bug#410442: Dropping the gstreamer0.8 stack
Changed Bug title.
> reassign -3 muine 0.8.5-1.1
Bug#410442: muine: Please switch to GStreamer 0.10 ASAP
Bug reassigned from package `gstreamer0.8' to `muine'.
> block 410384 with -1 -2 -3
Bug#410384: Dropping the gstreamer0.8 stack
Was blocked by: 410352
Blocking bugs of 410384 added: 410440, 410441, 410442
> stop
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)
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