Bug#472624: Elisa 0.5.25 upload

Paul van Tilburg paulvt at debian.org
Sun Jul 5 18:57:11 UTC 2009

Hi Norman,

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:53:19PM +0200, Norman Messtorff wrote:
> thanks for your upload. I've installed elisa 0.5.37 from experimental
> and had to install python-twisted and python-coherence by hand.

I don't have python-twisted installed, and it works fine.  Where did you
found you needed this, just having python-twisted-{core,web,web2} should
be fine.

> Elisa is still crashing, even if I remove the ~/.elisa* stuff.
> Attached you'll find the traceback...

Yes, I've seen this before.  Could you purge elisa, elisa-plugins*,
and python-elisa, and then do aptitude install -t experimental
elisa and see if that works?  I expect it does.  

There seems to be a problem when upgrading from 0.3 (currently in Lenny,
Squeeze, Sid) to 0.537 (from exp) and some python module symlinks that
remain.  I still have to follow up on that and get it fixed.


PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: paulvt at debian.org
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul at luon.net
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