General question about GStreamer plugin packages

Sebastian Dröge slomo at
Wed Mar 11 12:31:51 UTC 2009

Am Mittwoch, den 11.03.2009, 13:04 +0100 schrieb Fabian Greffrath:
> Dear Sebastian,
> I am curious! ;)
> I have seen that with the latest releases of the GStreamer plugins 
> packages, the twolame plugin has been moved from the "bad" plugin set 
> to the "ugly" plugin set.
> I'd like to know what was the cause of this move. Is it comparable to 
> the way packages are treated in Debian's archive, where they have to 
> prove for a while in unstable (= bad) before they may advance to 
> testing (=u gly)? Or is manual intervention by a maintainer necessary?

-bad is where all new plugins will go first. If a plugin complies to
some rules (documentation, unit tests, review by 2 developers, no
critical bugs known) it can be moved to -good or -ugly depending on the
license/patent situation (-ugly gets things with patents, GPL licensed
plugins and other licenses that can cause problems).

For twolame I've requested it to be moved for the new releases.
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