Bug#863663: Letter to Santa

Francesco Poli invernomuto at paranoici.org
Wed Dec 20 22:57:12 UTC 2017

Dear Santa Claus,
I've been a good boy for the whole year and more.
I would like to receive a little present for this Christmas: I would
like to see GStreamer [bug 783267] solved once and for all.
I hope you can persuade GStreamer developers to devote some of their
time to the resolution of this issue.

      Francesco Poli

[bug 783267]: <https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=783267>


Seriously: is there any progress (not documented on the bugzilla bug)?
Please let me know.

P.S.: Please keep the Debian bug address in Cc. Thanks!

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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