[hamradio-commits] [dump1090] 131/389: Tidy DF17 print output routine

Matthew Ernisse mernisse-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 5 00:19:47 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mernisse-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dump1090.

commit 5457c5b177bb8480cf67880962a76a422c371e85
Author: Malcolm Robb <Support at ATTAvionics.com>
Date:   Tue Apr 30 18:25:32 2013 +0100

    Tidy DF17 print output routine
 dump1090.c | 35 +++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dump1090.c b/dump1090.c
index 3a86ba8..4f71111 100644
--- a/dump1090.c
+++ b/dump1090.c
@@ -270,7 +270,6 @@ struct modesMessage {
     int mesub;                  /* Extended squitter message subtype. */
     int heading_is_valid;
     int heading;
-    int aircraft_type;
     int fflag;                  /* 1 = Odd, 0 = Even CPR message. */
     int tflag;                  /* UTC synchronized? */
     int raw_latitude;           /* Non decoded latitude */
@@ -1660,30 +1659,24 @@ void displayModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {
         printf("  ICAO Address   : %06x\n", mm->addr);
         printf("  Extended Squitter  Type: %d\n", mm->metype);
         printf("  Extended Squitter  Sub : %d\n", mm->mesub);
-        printf("  Extended Squitter  Name: %s\n",
-            getMEDescription(mm->metype,mm->mesub));
+        printf("  Extended Squitter  Name: %s\n", getMEDescription(mm->metype, mm->mesub));
         // Decode the extended squitter message
-        if (mm->metype >= 1 && mm->metype <= 4) {
-            /* Aircraft identification. */
-            char *ac_type_str[4] = {
-                "Aircraft Type D",
-                "Aircraft Type C",
-                "Aircraft Type B",
-                "Aircraft Type A"
-            };
-            printf("    Aircraft Type  : %s\n", ac_type_str[mm->aircraft_type]);
+        if (mm->metype >= 1 && mm->metype <= 4) { // Aircraft identification
+            printf("    Aircraft Type  : %c%d\n", ('A' + 4 - mm->metype), mm->mesub);
             printf("    Identification : %s\n", mm->flight);
-        } else if (mm->metype >= 9 && mm->metype <= 18) {
+      //} else if (mm->metype >= 5 && mm->metype <= 8) { // Surface position
+        } else if (mm->metype >= 9 && mm->metype <= 18) { // Airborne position Baro
             printf("    F flag   : %s\n", mm->fflag ? "odd" : "even");
             printf("    T flag   : %s\n", mm->tflag ? "UTC" : "non-UTC");
             printf("    Altitude : %d feet\n", mm->altitude);
             printf("    Latitude : %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_latitude);
             printf("    Longitude: %d (not decoded)\n", mm->raw_longitude);
-        } else if (mm->metype == 19 && mm->mesub >= 1 && mm->mesub <= 4) {
+        } else if (mm->metype == 19) { // Airborne Velocity
             if (mm->mesub == 1 || mm->mesub == 2) {
-                /* Velocity */
                 printf("    EW direction      : %d\n", mm->ew_dir);
                 printf("    EW velocity       : %d\n", mm->ew_velocity);
                 printf("    NS direction      : %d\n", mm->ns_dir);
@@ -1691,13 +1684,19 @@ void displayModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm) {
                 printf("    Vertical rate src : %d\n", mm->vert_rate_source);
                 printf("    Vertical rate sign: %d\n", mm->vert_rate_sign);
                 printf("    Vertical rate     : %d\n", mm->vert_rate);
             } else if (mm->mesub == 3 || mm->mesub == 4) {
                 printf("    Heading status: %d", mm->heading_is_valid);
                 printf("    Heading: %d", mm->heading);
+            } else {
+                printf("    Unrecognized ME subtype: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
+      //} else if (mm->metype >= 20 && mm->metype <= 22) { // Airborne position GNSS
         } else {
-            printf("    Unrecognized ME type: %d subtype: %d\n", 
-                mm->metype, mm->mesub);
+            printf("    Unrecognized ME type: %d subtype: %d\n", mm->metype, mm->mesub);
     } else if (mm->msgtype == 18) { // DF 18 

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git

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