[hamradio-commits] [dump1090] 173/389: Combined effort and code from bdavenport and me.
Matthew Ernisse
mernisse-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 5 00:19:52 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mernisse-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dump1090.
commit 72142fac840d31be714a93d56adc91e4f582bf94
Author: terribl <terri at rannalla.net>
Date: Tue May 14 12:55:16 2013 +0300
Combined effort and code from bdavenport and me.
Added quite a lot of new things this time - see modified files or just
be brave and try :)
modified: public_html/gmap.html
modified: public_html/script.js
modified: public_html/style.css
public_html/gmap.html | 9 +-
public_html/script.js | 260 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------
public_html/style.css | 64 +++++++------
3 files changed, 203 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-)
diff --git a/public_html/gmap.html b/public_html/gmap.html
index 07935c0..b26217b 100644
--- a/public_html/gmap.html
+++ b/public_html/gmap.html
@@ -10,17 +10,16 @@
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>
<body onload="initialize()">
- <div id="map_canvas"></div>
+ <div id="map_canvas" style="height:100%"></div>
<div id="info">
- <h1>
- Dump1090 - <span id="utcTime">00:00:00</span> UTC
- <a href="#" onClick="resetMap();">Reset Map</a>
- </h1>
+ <h1>Dump1090 - <span id="utcTime">00:00:00</span> UTC</h1>
<p id="geninfo"></p>
<p id="selinfo">Click on a plane for info.</p>
<p id="tabinfo"></p>
+ <div id="info_footer"><a href="#" onClick="resetMap();">Reset Map</a></div>
diff --git a/public_html/script.js b/public_html/script.js
index eab9f48..a2af763 100644
--- a/public_html/script.js
+++ b/public_html/script.js
@@ -45,9 +45,11 @@ function getIconForPlane(plane, deselect) {
function selectPlane(selectedPlane) {
if (selectedPlane.length) this.planehex = selectedPlane;
- // Deselect all planes
+ // Deselect planes
if (!Planes[this.planehex]) {
- Planes[Selected].marker.setIcon(getIconForPlane(Planes[Selected], true));
+ if (Planes[Selected].marker) {
+ Planes[Selected].marker.setIcon(getIconForPlane(Planes[Selected], true));
+ }
Selected = null;
@@ -57,11 +59,14 @@ function selectPlane(selectedPlane) {
var old = Selected;
Selected = this.planehex;
- if (Planes[old]) {
+ if (Planes[old] && Planes[old].validposition) {
// Remove the highlight in the previously selected plane.
- Planes[Selected].marker.setIcon(getIconForPlane(Planes[Selected]));
+ if (Planes[Selected].validposition) {
+ Planes[Selected].marker.setIcon(getIconForPlane(Planes[Selected]));
+ }
@@ -70,8 +75,8 @@ function selectPlane(selectedPlane) {
function refreshGeneralInfo() {
var i = document.getElementById('geninfo');
- i.innerHTML = PlanesOnGrid + ' planes on grid.<br>';
- i.innerHTML += PlanesOnMap + ' planes on map.';
+ i.innerHTML += PlanesOnMap + ' planes on map.<br>';
+ i.innerHTML = PlanesOnGrid + ' planes on grid.';
function refreshSelectedInfo() {
@@ -95,10 +100,18 @@ function refreshSelectedInfo() {
var html = '<table id="selectedinfo">';
html += '<tr><td colspan=2><b>'+p.flight+' </b></td></tr>';
html += '<tr><td>ICAO:</td><td>'+p.hex+'</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Squawk:</td><td>'+p.squawk+'</td></tr>';
+ if (p.squawk != "0000") {
+ html += '<tr><td>Squawk:</td><td>'+p.squawk+'</td></tr>';
+ } else {
+ html += '<tr><td>Squawk:</td><td>n/a</td></tr>';
+ }
html += '<tr><td>Altitude:</td><td>'+p.altitude+' feet</td></tr>';
html += '<tr><td>Speed:</td><td>'+p.speed+' knots</td></tr>';
- html += '<tr><td>Coordinates:</td><td>'+p.lat+', '+p.lon+'</td></tr>';
+ if (p.validposition) {
+ html += '<tr><td>Coordinates:</td><td>'+p.lat+', '+p.lon+'</td></tr>';
+ } else {
+ html += '<tr><td>Coordinates:</td><td>n/a</td></tr>';
+ }
html += '<tr><td>Messages:</td><td>'+p.messages+'</td></tr>';
html += '<tr><td>Seen:</td><td>'+p.seen+' sec</td></tr>';
html += '</table>';
@@ -112,19 +125,23 @@ function refreshTableInfo() {
html += '<td align="right">Speed</td><td align="right">Track</td>';
html += '<td align="right">Msgs</td><td align="right">Seen</td></thead>';
for (var p in Planes) {
+ var specialStyle = "";
if (p == Selected) {
html += '<tr id="tableinforow" style="background-color: #E0E0E0;">';
} else {
html += '<tr id="tableinforow">';
- html += '<td>' + Planes[p].hex + '</td>';
- html += '<td>' + Planes[p].flight + '</td>';
- html += '<td align="right">' + Planes[p].squawk + '</td>';
- html += '<td align="right">' + Planes[p].altitude + '</td>';
- html += '<td align="right">' + Planes[p].speed + '</td>';
- html += '<td align="right">' + Planes[p].track + '</td>';
- html += '<td align="right">' + Planes[p].messages + '</td>';
- html += '<td align="right">' + Planes[p].seen + '</td>';
+ if (Planes[p].validposition) {
+ specialStyle = 'bold';
+ }
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '">' + Planes[p].hex + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '">' + Planes[p].flight + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '" align="right">' + Planes[p].squawk + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '" align="right">' + Planes[p].altitude + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '" align="right">' + Planes[p].speed + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '" align="right">' + Planes[p].track + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '" align="right">' + Planes[p].messages + '</td>';
+ html += '<td class="' + specialStyle + '" align="right">' + Planes[p].seen + '</td>';
html += '</tr>';
html += '</table>';
@@ -139,75 +156,117 @@ function refreshTableInfo() {
function fetchData() {
- $.getJSON('data.json', function(data) {
- var stillhere = {}
- PlanesOnMap = 0;
- for (var j=0; j < data.length; j++) {
- var plane = data[j];
- stillhere[plane.hex] = true;
- plane.flight = $.trim(plane.flight);
- // Show only planes with position
- if (plane.validposition == 1) {
- var marker = null;
- PlanesOnMap++;
- if (Planes[plane.hex]) {
- // Move and refresh old plane on map
- var myplane = Planes[plane.hex];
- marker = myplane.marker;
- var icon = marker.getIcon();
- var newpos = new google.maps.LatLng(plane.lat, plane.lon);
- marker.setPosition(newpos);
- marker.setIcon(getIconForPlane(plane));
- myplane.altitude = plane.altitude;
- myplane.speed = plane.speed;
- myplane.lat = plane.lat;
- myplane.lon = plane.lon;
- myplane.track = plane.track;
- myplane.flight = plane.flight;
- myplane.seen = plane.seen;
- myplane.squawk = plane.squawk;
- myplane.messages = plane.messages;
- if (myplane.hex == Selected)
- refreshSelectedInfo();
- } else {
- // Add new plane to map
- marker = new google.maps.Marker({
- position: new google.maps.LatLng(plane.lat, plane.lon),
- map: Map,
- icon: getIconForPlane(plane)
- });
- plane.marker = marker;
- marker.planehex = plane.hex;
- Planes[plane.hex] = plane;
- // Trap clicks for this marker.
- google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', selectPlane);
- }
- if (plane.flight.length == 0) {
- marker.setTitle(plane.hex)
- } else {
- marker.setTitle(plane.flight+' ('+plane.hex+')')
- }
- }
- }
+ $.getJSON('data.json', function(data) {
+ // Planes that are still with us, and set map count to 0
+ var stillhere = {}
+ PlanesOnMap = 0;
- PlanesOnGrid = data.length;
- /* Remove idle planes. */
- for (var p in Planes) {
- if (!stillhere[p]) {
- Planes[p].marker.setMap(null);
- delete Planes[p];
- }
- }
- refreshTableInfo();
- refreshSelectedInfo();
- });
+ // Loop through all the planes in the data packet
+ for (var j=0; j < data.length; j++) {
+ // Set plane to be this particular plane in the data set
+ var plane = data[j];
+ // Add to the still here list
+ stillhere[plane.hex] = true;
+ plane.flight = $.trim(plane.flight);
+ // Set the marker to null, for now
+ var marker = null;
+ // Either update the data or add it
+ if (Planes[plane.hex]) {
+ // Declare our plane that we are working with from our old data set
+ var myplane = Planes[plane.hex];
+ // If the lat/long is not 0, we should make a marker for it
+ if (plane.lat != 0 && plane.lon != 0) {
+ if (myplane.marker != null) {
+ marker = myplane.marker;
+ var icon = marker.getIcon();
+ var newpos = new google.maps.LatLng(plane.lat, plane.lon);
+ marker.setPosition(newpos);
+ marker.setIcon(getIconForPlane(plane));
+ PlanesOnMap++;
+ } else {
+ // Add new plane to map, dont ask me why this is needed here now...
+ marker = new google.maps.Marker({
+ position: new google.maps.LatLng(plane.lat, plane.lon),
+ map: Map,
+ icon: getIconForPlane(plane)
+ });
+ myplane.marker = marker;
+ marker.planehex = plane.hex;
+ PlanesOnMap++;
+ // Trap clicks for this marker.
+ google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', selectPlane);
+ }
+ }
+ // Update all the other information
+ myplane.altitude = plane.altitude;
+ myplane.speed = plane.speed;
+ myplane.lat = plane.lat;
+ myplane.lon = plane.lon;
+ myplane.track = plane.track;
+ myplane.flight = plane.flight;
+ myplane.seen = plane.seen;
+ myplane.messages = plane.messages;
+ myplane.squawk = plane.squawk;
+ myplane.validposition = plane.validposition;
+ myplane.validtrack = plane.validtrack;
+ // If this is a selected plane, refresh its data outside of the table
+ if (myplane.hex == Selected)
+ refreshSelectedInfo();
+ } else {
+ // This is a new plane
+ // Do we have a lat/long that is not 0?
+ if (plane.lat != 0 && plane.lon != 0) {
+ // Add new plane to map
+ marker = new google.maps.Marker({
+ position: new google.maps.LatLng(plane.lat, plane.lon),
+ map: Map,
+ icon: getIconForPlane(plane)
+ });
+ plane.marker = marker;
+ marker.planehex = plane.hex;
+ PlanesOnMap++;
+ // Trap clicks for this marker.
+ google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', selectPlane);
+ }
+ // Copy the plane into Planes
+ Planes[plane.hex] = plane;
+ }
+ // If we have lat/long, we must have a marker, so lets set the marker title
+ if (plane.lat != 0 && plane.lon != 0) {
+ if (plane.flight.length == 0) {
+ marker.setTitle(plane.hex)
+ } else {
+ marker.setTitle(plane.flight+' ('+plane.hex+')')
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // How many planes have we heard from?
+ PlanesOnGrid = data.length;
+ /* Remove idle planes. */
+ for (var p in Planes) {
+ if (!stillhere[p]) {
+ if (Planes[p].marker != null)
+ Planes[p].marker.setMap(null);
+ delete Planes[p];
+ }
+ }
+ refreshTableInfo();
+ refreshSelectedInfo();
+ });
function checkTime(i) {
@@ -229,6 +288,19 @@ function printTime() {
+function placeFooter() {
+ var windHeight = $(window).height();
+ var footerHeight = $('#info_footer').height();
+ var offset = parseInt(windHeight) - parseInt(footerHeight);
+ var footerWidth = parseInt($('#info_footer').width());
+ var infoWidth = parseInt($('#info').width());
+ var marginLeft = parseInt((infoWidth / 2) - (footerWidth / 2));
+ $('#info_footer').css('top', offset);
+ $('#info_footer').css('margin-left', marginLeft);
function resetMap() {
localStorage['CenterLat'] = 45.0;
localStorage['CenterLon'] = 9.0;
@@ -236,14 +308,7 @@ function resetMap() {
Map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(parseInt(localStorage['CenterLat']), parseInt(localStorage['CenterLon'])));
Selected = null;
- document.getElementById('selinfo').innerHTML = '';
-function resizeMap() {
- var windWidth = parseInt($(window).width());
- var infoWidth = parseInt($('#info').width());
- var mapWidth = windWidth - infoWidth;
- $('#map_canvas').css('width', mapWidth);
+ refreshSelectedInfo();
function initialize() {
@@ -273,8 +338,14 @@ function initialize() {
maxZoom: 18
- $(window).resize(function(e){
- resizeMap();
+ // show footer at info-area
+ $(function(){
+ $(window).resize(function(e){
+ placeFooter();
+ });
+ placeFooter();
+ // hide it before it's positioned
+ $('#info_footer').css('display','inline');
// Listener for newly created Map
@@ -310,5 +381,4 @@ function initialize() {
- resizeMap();
diff --git a/public_html/style.css b/public_html/style.css
index 3af14ff..7296a9e 100644
--- a/public_html/style.css
+++ b/public_html/style.css
@@ -1,44 +1,48 @@
-html { height: 100%; }
-body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
-#map_canvas {
- height: 100%;
+html { height: 100% }
+body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0 }
+#map_canvas {
+height: 100%;
#info {
- position: absolute;
- width: 300px;
- height: 100%;
- bottom: 0px;
- right: 0px;
- top: 0px;
- background-color: white;
- border-left: 1px #666 solid;
- font-family: Helvetica;
+position: absolute;
+background-color: white;
+border-left:1px #666 solid;
#info div {
- padding: 0px;
- padding-left: 10px;
- margin:0px;
#info div h1 {
- margin-top: 10px;
- font-size: 16px;
#info div p {
- font-size: 14px;
- color: #333;
+#info_footer {
+position: absolute;
+display: none;
+text-align: center;
#tableinfo {
- font-size: x-small;
- font-family: monospace;
+font-size: x-small;
+font-family: monospace;
#tableinforow {
- cursor: pointer;
+cursor: pointer;
+#tableinforow .bold {
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