[hamradio-commits] [dump1090] 221/389: Small bugs and cleaned squawkdisplay

Matthew Ernisse mernisse-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 5 00:19:57 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mernisse-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dump1090.

commit e22cff4bd2c5f8197e7a275205347618df7a4f03
Author: terribl <terri at rannalla.net>
Date:   Sat May 25 14:06:31 2013 +0300

    Small bugs and cleaned squawkdisplay
    	modified:   public_html/script.js
    	modified:   public_html/style.css
 public_html/script.js | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 public_html/style.css |  1 -
 2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/public_html/script.js b/public_html/script.js
index 2617acb..1838629 100644
--- a/public_html/script.js
+++ b/public_html/script.js
@@ -198,7 +198,12 @@ function refreshSelected() {
 		if (selected.squawk == 7700) {
 			html += '<tr><td colspan="2" id="selectedinfotitle">Squawking: Emergancy</td>'
-		html += '<tr><td>Altitude: ' + selected.altitude + '</td><td>Squawk: ' + selected.squawk + '</td></tr>';
+		html += '<tr><td>Altitude: ' + selected.altitude + '</td>';
+		if (selected.squawk != '0000') {
+    		html += '<td>Squawk: ' + selected.squawk + '</td></tr>';
+    	} else {
+    	    html += '<td>Squawk: n/a</td></tr>';
+    	}
 		html += '<tr><td>Track: ' + selected.track + ' (' + normalizeTrack(selected.track, selected.vTrack)[1] +')</td><td>ICAO (hex): ' + selected.icao + '</td></tr>';
 		html += '<tr><td colspan="2" align="center">Lat/Long: ' + selected.latitude + ', ' + selected.longitude + '</td></tr>';
 		html += '</table>';
@@ -284,13 +289,20 @@ function refreshTableInfo() {
 			if (tableplane.squawk == 7700) {
 				specialStyle += " squawk7700";
-			if (tableplane.vPosition == true)
+			if (tableplane.vPosition == true) {
 				html += '<tr class="plane_table_row vPosition' + specialStyle + '">';
-			else
+			} else {
 				html += '<tr class="plane_table_row ' + specialStyle + '">';
+		    }
 			html += '<td>' + tableplane.icao + '</td>';
 			html += '<td>' + tableplane.flight + '</td>';
-			html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.squawk + '</td>';
+			if (tableplane.squawk != '0000' ) {
+    			html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.squawk + '</td>';
+    	    } else {
+    	        html += '<td align="right"> </td>';
+    	    }
 			html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.altitude + '</td>';
 			html += '<td align="right">' + tableplane.speed + '</td>';
 			html += '<td align="right">' + normalizeTrack(tableplane.track, tableplane.vTrack)[2] + ' (' + normalizeTrack(tableplane.track, tableplane.vTrack)[1] + ')</td>';
@@ -341,14 +353,20 @@ function sortTable(szTableID,iCol) {
 	var aStore=[];
 	//If supplied col # is greater than the actual number of cols, set sel col = to last col
-	if (oTbl.rows[0].cells.length<=iCol)
+	if (typeof oTbl.rows[0] !== 'undefined' && oTbl.rows[0].cells.length <= iCol) {
+    }
 	//store the col #
 	//determine if we are delaing with numerical, or alphanumeric content
-	bNumeric=!isNaN(parseFloat(oTbl.rows[0].cells[iSortCol].textContent||oTbl.rows[0].cells[iSortCol].innerText))?true:false;
+	var bNumeric = false;
+	if ((typeof oTbl.rows[0] !== 'undefined') &&
+	    (!isNaN(parseFloat(oTbl.rows[0].cells[iSortCol].textContent ||
+	    oTbl.rows[0].cells[iSortCol].innerText)))) {
+	    bNumeric = true;
+	}
 	//loop through the rows, storing each one inro aStore
 	for (var i=0,iLen=oTbl.rows.length;i<iLen;i++){
@@ -358,12 +376,13 @@ function sortTable(szTableID,iCol) {
 	//sort aStore ASC/DESC based on value of bSortASC
-	if(bNumeric){//numerical sort
+	if (bNumeric) { //numerical sort
 		aStore.sort(function(x,y){return bSortASC?x[0]-y[0]:y[0]-x[0];});
-	}else{//alpha sort
+	} else { //alpha sort
-		if(!bSortASC)
+		if(!bSortASC) {
+	    }
 	//rewrite the table rows to the passed table element
diff --git a/public_html/style.css b/public_html/style.css
index 459903b..ff72490 100644
--- a/public_html/style.css
+++ b/public_html/style.css
@@ -16,4 +16,3 @@ div#sidebar_container { float: left; width: 410px; margin-left: -410px; height:
 #selectedinfotitle { font-size: larger; }
 #selectedinfo { font-size: small; }
-.notvisable { visable: none; }

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git

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