[hamradio-commits] [dump1090] 264/389: DF-11 SI/II Detection changes

Matthew Ernisse mernisse-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Nov 5 00:20:02 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mernisse-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository dump1090.

commit fa004fc38a52d7f425c93aa15cec61c88bed1030
Author: Malcolm Robb <Support at ATTAvionics.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 4 10:34:26 2013 +0100

    DF-11 SI/II Detection changes
    Don't allow detection of DF-11 SI/II until we have received at least one
    DF-11 for the aircraft with an SI/II of zero.
    Previous versions would allow an ICAOAddr to be marked as valid if a
    DF-11 was received where the crc was less than 80. This is required for
    SI/II detection where the SI/II is overlaid on the crc field. However,
    this also decreaces the security of the crc. It is possible for a
    corrupt message to result in a crc value of between 1 and 79, and this
    will lead to an invalid ICAOAddr being marked as received.
    To try and prevent this, do not allow detection of DF-11 II/SI fields
    until at least one DF-11 crc=0 has been received. Once this happens, we
    ca be fairly sure that this aircraft really is within range, and so
    II/SI detection can e used.
 mode_s.c | 21 +++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mode_s.c b/mode_s.c
index fbccf0a..8be941d 100644
--- a/mode_s.c
+++ b/mode_s.c
@@ -842,8 +842,8 @@ void decodeModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm, unsigned char *msg) {
         // If we correct, validate ICAO addr to help filter birthday paradox solutions.
         if (mm->correctedbits) {
-            uint32_t addr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]); 
-            if (!ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(addr))
+            uint32_t ulAddr = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]); 
+            if (!ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(ulAddr))
                 mm->correctedbits = 0;
@@ -852,32 +852,34 @@ void decodeModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm, unsigned char *msg) {
     // single/two bit errors, otherwise we would need to recompute the fields again.
     if (mm->msgtype == 11) { // DF 11
-        mm->crcok = (mm->crc < 80);
         mm->iid   =  mm->crc;
         mm->addr  = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]); 
         mm->ca    = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Responder capabilities
-        if (0 == mm->crc) {
+        if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
             // DF 11 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
+        } else if (mm->crc < 80) {
+            mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->addr);
+            if (mm->crcok) {
+                addRecentlySeenICAOAddr(mm->addr);
+            }
     } else if (mm->msgtype == 17) { // DF 17
-        mm->crcok = (mm->crc == 0);
         mm->addr  = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]); 
         mm->ca    = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Responder capabilities
-        if (0 == mm->crc) {
+        if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
             // DF 17 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
     } else if (mm->msgtype == 18) { // DF 18
-        mm->crcok = (mm->crc == 0);
         mm->addr  = (msg[1] << 16) | (msg[2] << 8) | (msg[3]); 
         mm->ca    = (msg[0] & 0x07); // Control Field
-        if (0 == mm->crc) {
+        if ((mm->crcok = (0 == mm->crc))) {
             // DF 18 : if crc == 0 try to populate our ICAO addresses whitelist.
@@ -885,8 +887,7 @@ void decodeModesMessage(struct modesMessage *mm, unsigned char *msg) {
     } else { // All other DF's
         // Compare the checksum with the whitelist of recently seen ICAO 
         // addresses. If it matches one, then declare the message as valid
-        mm->addr  = mm->crc;
-        mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->crc);
+        mm->crcok = ICAOAddressWasRecentlySeen(mm->addr = mm->crc);
     // Fields for DF0, DF16

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/dump1090.git

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