[hamradio-commits] [libax25] 01/04: Imported Upstream version 0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204

Iain R. Learmonth irl at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 3 11:10:21 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

irl pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libax25.

commit 8266c691fd092e69f13e22ff712480b054cc7e74
Author: Iain R. Learmonth <irl at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Sep 3 12:08:04 2015 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 0.0.12-rc2+cvs20120204
 .cvsignore             |   27 +
 AUTHORS                |    5 +
 COPYING                |  504 ++++++++
 CVS/Entries            |   30 +
 CVS/Entries.Log        |    3 +
 CVS/Repository         |    1 +
 CVS/Root               |    1 +
 ChangeLog              |   83 ++
 INSTALL                |   24 +
 Makefile.am            |   77 ++
 NEWS                   |    4 +
 README                 |   23 +
 ax25.3                 |   92 ++
 ax25io.c               |  708 ++++++++++++
 axconfig.c             |  394 +++++++
 axports                |    9 +
 axports.5              |   69 ++
 axutils.c              |  327 ++++++
 configure.ac           |   71 ++
 daemon.c               |   62 +
 glibc.patch            |  110 ++
 libax25.spec.in        |   61 +
 ltconfig               | 3017 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 netax25/CVS/Entries    |   11 +
 netax25/CVS/Repository |    1 +
 netax25/CVS/Root       |    1 +
 netax25/ax25.h         |  171 +++
 netax25/ax25io.h       |   87 ++
 netax25/axconfig.h     |  108 ++
 netax25/axlib.h        |  135 +++
 netax25/daemon.h       |   49 +
 netax25/mheard.h       |   71 ++
 netax25/nrconfig.h     |  101 ++
 netax25/procutils.h    |  192 +++
 netax25/rsconfig.h     |   95 ++
 netax25/ttyutils.h     |   73 ++
 netrom/CVS/Entries     |    2 +
 netrom/CVS/Repository  |    1 +
 netrom/CVS/Root        |    1 +
 netrom/netrom.h        |   84 ++
 netrose/CVS/Entries    |    2 +
 netrose/CVS/Repository |    1 +
 netrose/CVS/Root       |    1 +
 netrose/rose.h         |  116 ++
 nrconfig.c             |  375 ++++++
 nrports                |    8 +
 nrports.5              |   56 +
 pathnames.h            |   25 +
 procutils.c            |  673 +++++++++++
 rose.3                 |   50 +
 rsconfig.c             |  319 +++++
 rsports                |    8 +
 rsports.5              |   52 +
 ttyutils.c             |  164 +++
 54 files changed, 8735 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae03aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d39007d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Jonathan Naylor
+Tomi Manninen
+Alan Cox
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..223ede7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+		       Version 2.1, February 1999
+ Copyright (C) 1991, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+     59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+[This is the first released version of the Lesser GPL.  It also counts
+ as the successor of the GNU Library Public License, version 2, hence
+ the version number 2.1.]
+			    Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
+free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.
+  This license, the Lesser General Public License, applies to some
+specially designated software packages--typically libraries--of the
+Free Software Foundation and other authors who decide to use it.  You
+can use it too, but we suggest you first think carefully about whether
+this license or the ordinary General Public License is the better
+strategy to use in any particular case, based on the explanations below.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom of use,
+not price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that
+you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge
+for this service if you wish); that you receive source code or can get
+it if you want it; that you can change the software and use pieces of
+it in new free programs; and that you are informed that you can do
+these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+distributors to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender these
+rights.  These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for
+you if you distribute copies of the library or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis
+or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave
+you.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
+code.  If you link other code with the library, you must provide
+complete object files to the recipients, so that they can relink them
+with the library after making changes to the library and recompiling
+it.  And you must show them these terms so they know their rights.
+  We protect your rights with a two-step method: (1) we copyright the
+library, and (2) we offer you this license, which gives you legal
+permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the library.
+  To protect each distributor, we want to make it very clear that
+there is no warranty for the free library.  Also, if the library is
+modified by someone else and passed on, the recipients should know
+that what they have is not the original version, so that the original
+author's reputation will not be affected by problems that might be
+introduced by others.

+  Finally, software patents pose a constant threat to the existence of
+any free program.  We wish to make sure that a company cannot
+effectively restrict the users of a free program by obtaining a
+restrictive license from a patent holder.  Therefore, we insist that
+any patent license obtained for a version of the library must be
+consistent with the full freedom of use specified in this license.
+  Most GNU software, including some libraries, is covered by the
+ordinary GNU General Public License.  This license, the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, applies to certain designated libraries, and
+is quite different from the ordinary General Public License.  We use
+this license for certain libraries in order to permit linking those
+libraries into non-free programs.
+  When a program is linked with a library, whether statically or using
+a shared library, the combination of the two is legally speaking a
+combined work, a derivative of the original library.  The ordinary
+General Public License therefore permits such linking only if the
+entire combination fits its criteria of freedom.  The Lesser General
+Public License permits more lax criteria for linking other code with
+the library.
+  We call this license the "Lesser" General Public License because it
+does Less to protect the user's freedom than the ordinary General
+Public License.  It also provides other free software developers Less
+of an advantage over competing non-free programs.  These disadvantages
+are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many
+libraries.  However, the Lesser license provides advantages in certain
+special circumstances.
+  For example, on rare occasions, there may be a special need to
+encourage the widest possible use of a certain library, so that it becomes
+a de-facto standard.  To achieve this, non-free programs must be
+allowed to use the library.  A more frequent case is that a free
+library does the same job as widely used non-free libraries.  In this
+case, there is little to gain by limiting the free library to free
+software only, so we use the Lesser General Public License.
+  In other cases, permission to use a particular library in non-free
+programs enables a greater number of people to use a large body of
+free software.  For example, permission to use the GNU C Library in
+non-free programs enables many more people to use the whole GNU
+operating system, as well as its variant, the GNU/Linux operating
+  Although the Lesser General Public License is Less protective of the
+users' freedom, it does ensure that the user of a program that is
+linked with the Library has the freedom and the wherewithal to run
+that program using a modified version of the Library.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.  Pay close attention to the difference between a
+"work based on the library" and a "work that uses the library".  The
+former contains code derived from the library, whereas the latter must
+be combined with the library in order to run.

+  0. This License Agreement applies to any software library or other
+program which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder or
+other authorized party saying it may be distributed under the terms of
+this Lesser General Public License (also called "this License").
+Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+  A "library" means a collection of software functions and/or data
+prepared so as to be conveniently linked with application programs
+(which use some of those functions and data) to form executables.
+  The "Library", below, refers to any such software library or work
+which has been distributed under these terms.  A "work based on the
+Library" means either the Library or any derivative work under
+copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Library or a
+portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated
+straightforwardly into another language.  (Hereinafter, translation is
+included without limitation in the term "modification".)
+  "Source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For a library, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated
+interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation
+and installation of the library.
+  Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running a program using the Library is not restricted, and output from
+such a program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based
+on the Library (independent of the use of the Library in a tool for
+writing it).  Whether that is true depends on what the Library does
+and what the program that uses the Library does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Library's
+complete source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that
+you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an
+appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact
+all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
+warranty; and distribute a copy of this License along with the
+  You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy,
+and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a

+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Library or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Library, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) The modified work must itself be a software library.
+    b) You must cause the files modified to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    c) You must cause the whole of the work to be licensed at no
+    charge to all third parties under the terms of this License.
+    d) If a facility in the modified Library refers to a function or a
+    table of data to be supplied by an application program that uses
+    the facility, other than as an argument passed when the facility
+    is invoked, then you must make a good faith effort to ensure that,
+    in the event an application does not supply such function or
+    table, the facility still operates, and performs whatever part of
+    its purpose remains meaningful.
+    (For example, a function in a library to compute square roots has
+    a purpose that is entirely well-defined independent of the
+    application.  Therefore, Subsection 2d requires that any
+    application-supplied function or table used by this function must
+    be optional: if the application does not supply it, the square
+    root function must still compute square roots.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Library,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Library, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Library.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Library
+with the Library (or with a work based on the Library) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ordinary GNU General Public
+License instead of this License to a given copy of the Library.  To do
+this, you must alter all the notices that refer to this License, so
+that they refer to the ordinary GNU General Public License, version 2,
+instead of to this License.  (If a newer version than version 2 of the
+ordinary GNU General Public License has appeared, then you can specify
+that version instead if you wish.)  Do not make any other change in
+these notices.

+  Once this change is made in a given copy, it is irreversible for
+that copy, so the ordinary GNU General Public License applies to all
+subsequent copies and derivative works made from that copy.
+  This option is useful when you wish to copy part of the code of
+the Library into a program that is not a library.
+  4. You may copy and distribute the Library (or a portion or
+derivative of it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form
+under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you accompany
+it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
+must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a
+medium customarily used for software interchange.
+  If distribution of object code is made by offering access to copy
+from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the
+source code from the same place satisfies the requirement to
+distribute the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the
+Library, but is designed to work with the Library by being compiled or
+linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library".  Such a
+work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and
+therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
+  However, linking a "work that uses the Library" with the Library
+creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library (because it
+contains portions of the Library), rather than a "work that uses the
+library".  The executable is therefore covered by this License.
+Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables.
+  When a "work that uses the Library" uses material from a header file
+that is part of the Library, the object code for the work may be a
+derivative work of the Library even though the source code is not.
+Whether this is true is especially significant if the work can be
+linked without the Library, or if the work is itself a library.  The
+threshold for this to be true is not precisely defined by law.
+  If such an object file uses only numerical parameters, data
+structure layouts and accessors, and small macros and small inline
+functions (ten lines or less in length), then the use of the object
+file is unrestricted, regardless of whether it is legally a derivative
+work.  (Executables containing this object code plus portions of the
+Library will still fall under Section 6.)
+  Otherwise, if the work is a derivative of the Library, you may
+distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6.
+Any executables containing that work also fall under Section 6,
+whether or not they are linked directly with the Library itself.

+  6. As an exception to the Sections above, you may also combine or
+link a "work that uses the Library" with the Library to produce a
+work containing portions of the Library, and distribute that work
+under terms of your choice, provided that the terms permit
+modification of the work for the customer's own use and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications.
+  You must give prominent notice with each copy of the work that the
+Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are covered by
+this License.  You must supply a copy of this License.  If the work
+during execution displays copyright notices, you must include the
+copyright notice for the Library among them, as well as a reference
+directing the user to the copy of this License.  Also, you must do one
+of these things:
+    a) Accompany the work with the complete corresponding
+    machine-readable source code for the Library including whatever
+    changes were used in the work (which must be distributed under
+    Sections 1 and 2 above); and, if the work is an executable linked
+    with the Library, with the complete machine-readable "work that
+    uses the Library", as object code and/or source code, so that the
+    user can modify the Library and then relink to produce a modified
+    executable containing the modified Library.  (It is understood
+    that the user who changes the contents of definitions files in the
+    Library will not necessarily be able to recompile the application
+    to use the modified definitions.)
+    b) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+    Library.  A suitable mechanism is one that (1) uses at run time a
+    copy of the library already present on the user's computer system,
+    rather than copying library functions into the executable, and (2)
+    will operate properly with a modified version of the library, if
+    the user installs one, as long as the modified version is
+    interface-compatible with the version that the work was made with.
+    c) Accompany the work with a written offer, valid for at
+    least three years, to give the same user the materials
+    specified in Subsection 6a, above, for a charge no more
+    than the cost of performing this distribution.
+    d) If distribution of the work is made by offering access to copy
+    from a designated place, offer equivalent access to copy the above
+    specified materials from the same place.
+    e) Verify that the user has already received a copy of these
+    materials or that you have already sent this user a copy.
+  For an executable, the required form of the "work that uses the
+Library" must include any data and utility programs needed for
+reproducing the executable from it.  However, as a special exception,
+the materials to be distributed need not include anything that is
+normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major
+components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
+which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies
+the executable.
+  It may happen that this requirement contradicts the license
+restrictions of other proprietary libraries that do not normally
+accompany the operating system.  Such a contradiction means you cannot
+use both them and the Library together in an executable that you

+  7. You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library
+facilities not covered by this License, and distribute such a combined
+library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on
+the Library and of the other library facilities is otherwise
+permitted, and provided that you do these two things:
+    a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work
+    based on the Library, uncombined with any other library
+    facilities.  This must be distributed under the terms of the
+    Sections above.
+    b) Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact
+    that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining
+    where to find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+  8. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute
+the Library except as expressly provided under this License.  Any
+attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or
+distribute the Library is void, and will automatically terminate your
+rights under this License.  However, parties who have received copies,
+or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses
+terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
+  9. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Library or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Library or works based on it.
+  10. Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the
+Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library
+subject to these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with
+this License.

+  11. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Library at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Library.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any
+particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply,
+and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  12. If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add
+an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries,
+so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus
+excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if
+written in the body of this License.
+  13. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new
+versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time.
+Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version,
+but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Library
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and
+"any later version", you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that version or of any later version published by
+the Free Software Foundation.  If the Library does not specify a
+license version number, you may choose any version ever published by
+the Free Software Foundation.

+  14. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these,
+write to the author to ask for permission.  For software which is
+copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free
+Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this.  Our
+decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status
+of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing
+and reuse of software generally.

+           How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries
+  If you develop a new library, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, we recommend making it free software that
+everyone can redistribute and change.  You can do so by permitting
+redistribution under these terms (or, alternatively, under the terms of the
+ordinary General Public License).
+  To apply these terms, attach the following notices to the library.  It is
+safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the library's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) <year>  <name of author>
+    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    Lesser General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the library, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+  library `Frob' (a library for tweaking knobs) written by James Random Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1990
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/CVS/Entries b/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2bd831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/.cvsignore/1.7/Sat Jun 27 23:47:52 2009//
+/AUTHORS/ Apr 10 01:54:01 2001//
+/COPYING/ Apr 10 01:54:04 2001//
+/ChangeLog/1.9/Tue Jan 31 23:18:38 2012//
+/INSTALL/ Apr 10 01:54:04 2001//
+/Makefile.am/1.6/Sat Jun 27 23:47:52 2009//
+/NEWS/ Apr 10 01:54:06 2001//
+/README/1.3/Sun Mar 16 21:25:22 2003//
+/ax25.3/1.2/Wed Apr  2 13:34:05 2008//
+/ax25io.c/1.5/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009//
+/axconfig.c/1.12/Tue Jan 31 23:18:37 2012//
+/axports/1.2/Wed Apr  2 13:34:05 2008//
+/axports.5/1.2/Wed Apr  2 13:34:05 2008//
+/axutils.c/1.7/Sun Jan 16 11:18:30 2011//
+/configure.ac/1.10/Sat Jun 27 23:47:52 2009//
+/daemon.c/1.3/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009//
+/glibc.patch/ Apr 10 01:54:24 2001//
+/libax25.spec.in/1.1/Sat Jun 27 23:47:52 2009/-ko/
+/ltconfig/ Apr 10 01:54:34 2001//
+/nrconfig.c/1.7/Tue Jan 31 23:18:37 2012//
+/nrports/1.2/Wed Apr  2 13:34:05 2008//
+/nrports.5/ Apr 10 01:54:46 2001//
+/pathnames.h/ Apr 10 01:54:46 2001//
+/procutils.c/1.5/Tue Jan 31 23:18:37 2012//
+/rose.3/1.2/Wed Apr  2 13:34:05 2008//
+/rsconfig.c/1.6/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009//
+/rsports/1.2/Wed Apr  2 13:34:05 2008//
+/rsports.5/ Apr 10 01:54:47 2001//
+/ttyutils.c/1.2/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009//
diff --git a/CVS/Entries.Log b/CVS/Entries.Log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..978c67a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Entries.Log
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+A D/netax25////
+A D/netrom////
+A D/netrose////
diff --git a/CVS/Repository b/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f973084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/CVS/Root b/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2593976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:cvs at cvs.linux-ax25.org:/home/ax25-cvs
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dd5dcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+	* Interfaces with a callsign without SSID were not been found anymore
+	  after the last patch below. See cvs comment for detail.
+          Affected files: axconfig.c, nrconfig.c and procutils.c.
+ -- Thomas Osterried DL9SAU <ax25 at x-berg.in-berlin.de> Wed, 01 Feb 2012 00:10:45 +0100
+	* ax25_ntoa() does no longer print a zero SSID.  This avoids addresses
+	  like AB3DEF-0 which is general convention anyway.
+ -- Ralf Baechle DL5RB <ralf at linux-mips.org> Thu, 10 Sep 2009 18:52:00 +0200
+libax25 0.0.12
+	* Fix numerous warnings triggered by modern compilers
+	* Updated to recent autoconf and automake version to keep the code
+	  buildable on modern distributions.
+	* libax25 will again find AX.25 interfaces if if they do not have an
+	  IP address assigned.
+	* Add support for building rpm packages.
+ -- Ralf Baechle DL5RB <ralf at linux-mips.org> Sat, 6 Jun 2009 17:00:00 +0100
+libax25 0.0.11	
+	* libax25io handles nonblocking io correctly. (PE1RXQ)
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  Fri, 21 Feb 2003 21:33:48 +1100
+libax25 0.0.10
+ 	* Fixed byte counting in flush_obuf() (PE1RXQ)
+ 	* Fixed buffer overflow in flush_obuf() (PE1RXQ)
+ 	* axio_flush() actually flushes the buffer (PE1RXQ)
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  Fri, 29 Mar 2002 08:54:20 +1100
+libax25 0.0.9
+	* Updated config.guess and config.sub for hppa
+	* Updated stuff for new libtool
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  Tue, 28 Aug 2001 10:20:18 +1000
+libax25 0.0.8
+	* Included ax25.h and rose.h for axlib.h Closes Debian bug #64102
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  NEVER RELEASED
+libax25 0.0.7
+	* Added Tomi's patch to fix glibc 2.0 includes
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  Mon, 23 Aug 1999 11:23:40 +1000
+libax25 0.0.6
+	* Fixed pathnames.h typo
+	* Fixed instructions
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  , 19 Jul 1999
+libax25 0.0.5
+	* More patches from Tomi for ax25io stuff
+	* Cleaner way of naming config files
+	* The licence use is now obvious
+	* Added axports, rsports and nrports plus their man pages
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  ,  5 Jul 1999
+libax25 0.0.4
+	* Made some more functions use const args
+	* Split the libaxio library out
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  , 30 Apr 1999
+libax25 0.0.3
+	* Added Jean-Pauls ROSE patches
+	* Changed all the convert names to ntoa type names
+	* Added Tomi's axio stuff
+	* Started writing ax25.3 and rose.3
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  , 20 Apr 1999
+libax25 0.0.2
+	* Initial version from Terry Dawson's code, split from the old
+	  ax25-utils package.
+ -- Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>  ,  2 Apr 1999
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29eeb6e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Installation Instructions for AX.25 Library
+To make this library you will need the following:
+	glibc2.1 (Debian 2.1.1-5 or RedHat glibc-2.1.2-3)
+	A Modern kernel (2.2.x)
+	libtool
+To build it you type:
+	./configure
+	make
+	make install
+If you want to put the files in the "normal" places, type:
+	./configure --exec_prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var
+	make 
+	make install
+That will put the binaries in /usr/{s}bin and the config files in
+If you want to install the example config files
+	make installconf
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dd22f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = libax25.la libax25io.la
+libax25includedir = $(includedir)
+libax25ioincludedir = $(includedir)
+INCLUDES = -DAX25_SYSCONFDIR=\""$(sysconfdir)/ax25/"\" \
+	   -DAX25_LOCALSTATEDIR=\""$(localstatedir)/ax25/"\" 
+if !AX25_H
+USE_LIBAX25_AX25_H = netax25/ax25.h
+USE_LIBAX25_NETROM_H = netrom/netrom.h
+if !ROSE_H
+USE_LIBAX25_ROSE_H = netrose/rose.h
+nobase_libax25include_HEADERS = 	\
+	netax25/axlib.h			\
+	netax25/axconfig.h		\
+	netax25/nrconfig.h		\
+	netax25/rsconfig.h		\
+	netax25/daemon.h		\
+	netax25/ttyutils.h		\
+	netax25/procutils.h		\
+	netax25/mheard.h		\
+	$(USE_LIBAX25_AX25_H)		\
+nobase_libax25ioinclude_HEADERS = 	\
+	netax25/ax25io.h
+libax25_la_SOURCES = \
+	axconfig.c \
+	netax25/axconfig.h \
+	netax25/axlib.h \
+	axutils.c \
+	config.h \
+	daemon.c \
+	netax25/daemon.h \
+	netax25/mheard.h \
+	nrconfig.c \
+	netax25/nrconfig.h \
+	pathnames.h \
+	procutils.c \
+	netax25/procutils.h \
+	rsconfig.c \
+	netax25/rsconfig.h \
+	ttyutils.c \
+	netax25/ttyutils.h  \
+	$(USE_LIBAX25_AX25_H) \
+libax25io_la_SOURCES = \
+	ax25io.c \
+	netax25/ax25io.h 
+man_MANS = ax25.3 rose.3 axports.5 rsports.5 nrports.5
+EXTRA_DIST= $(man_MANS) glibc.patch $(etcfiles) libax25.spec
+# Needed so that the install is optional
+etcdir = $(AX25_SYSCONFDIR)
+etcfiles =  axports rsports nrports
+	$(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(etcdir)
+	@list='$(etcfiles)'; for p in $$list; do \
+	  echo " $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(etcdir)/$$p"; \
+	  $(INSTALL_DATA) $$p $(DESTDIR)$(etcdir)/$$p; \
+	done
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e19e4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+NEWS for ax25-libs
+This code is alpha, use at your own risk.
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c79915f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+AX25 Library
+This library set is still really under test but is now release for
+general use.
+You are supposed to use glibc 2.1 (libc6 unstable libraries) for this
+package.  I have attempted to cater for glibc 2.0 users here.
+To compile this I used:
+  * A Debian GNU/Linux system
+  * autoconf 2.57
+  * automake 1.5
+  * libtool 1.4.3
+  * libc 2.3.1
+  * gcc 3.2.3
+This library is copyright by the respective authors (see AUTHORS for a list)
+and licensed under the GNU LGPL (see COPYING for more information).
+  - Craig Small <csmall at small.dropbear.id.au>
diff --git a/ax25.3 b/ax25.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795adf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ax25.3
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+.TH INET 3  "2008-Feb-04" "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
+.B ax25_aton, ax25_aton_entry, ax25_aton_arglist,
+.B ax25_ntoa, ax25_cmp, ax25_validate
+\- AX25 Address manipulation routines
+.B #include <netax25/ax25.h>
+.BI "int ax25_aton(const char *" cp ", struct full_sockaddr_ax25 *" fsap ");"
+.BI "int ax25_aton_arglist(const char **" cp ", struct full_sockaddr_ax25 *" fsap ");"
+.BI "int ax25_aton_entry(const char *" cp ", char *" axp ");"
+.BI "char *ax25_ntoa(ax25_address *" axp ");"
+.BI "int ax25_cmp(ax25_address *" ax1 ", ax25_address *" ax2 ");"
+.BI "int ax25_validate(char *" axp ");"
+.BI "char *ax25_config_file(const char *filename);"
+.BR ax25_aton ()
+takes the ASCII string
+.I cp
+that is in the format
+.I callsign
+.RI [[ V | VIA ] callsign "...]"
+and stores it in
+.I fsap
+in network format. 
+.BR ax25_aton_entry ()
+takes the ASCII string of a callsign
+.I cp
+and stores it in network format in
+.I axp.
+.BR ax25_aton_arglist ()
+takes a NULL terminated array of strings
+.I cp
+and stores it in
+.I fsap
+in network format.
+.BR ax25_ntoa ()
+takes a network format address
+.I axp
+and returns the ASCII representation.
+The string is returned in a statically allocated buffer, which
+subsequent calls will overwrite.
+.BR ax25_cmp ()
+function compares the two ax25 addresses,
+.I ax1
+.IR ax2 ,
+that are in network format and determines wether they are identical,
+differ only by their SSIDs or are different.
+.BR ax25_validate ()
+function checks to see if the address
+.I axp
+in network format is a correctly formatted address.
+.BR ax25_aton () and
+.BR ax25_aton_arglist ()
+functions return -1 if an error occurs otherwise the length of
+the returned structure.
+.BR ax25_aton_entry ()
+function returns -1 if an error occurs otherwise zero.
+.BR ax25_cmp ()
+function returns 0 if the two addresses are identical, 1 if they are
+different or 2 is only the SSIDs are different.
+.BR ax25_validate ()
+function returns TRUE if the callsign is valid or FALSE if it is not.
+.BR ax25 "(4), " netrom "(4), " rose "(4)"
diff --git a/ax25io.c b/ax25io.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7090075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ax25io.c
@@ -0,0 +1,708 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <arpa/telnet.h>
+#include <netax25/ax25io.h>
+#include "config.h"
+static inline int send_iac_iac(ax25io *p);
+static inline int send_iac_cmd(ax25io *p, unsigned char cmd, unsigned char opt);
+static inline int send_linemode(ax25io *p);
+static ax25io *Iolist = NULL;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+#include <zlib.h>
+struct compr_s {
+	int z_error;		/* "(de)compression error" flag         */
+	unsigned char char_buf;	/* temporary character buffer           */
+	z_stream zin;		/* decompressor structure               */
+	z_stream zout;		/* compressor structure                 */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ax25io *axio_init(int in, int out, int paclen, char *eol)
+	ax25io *new;
+	if ((new = calloc(1, sizeof(ax25io))) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	if (paclen > AXBUFLEN)
+		paclen = AXBUFLEN;
+	new->ifd = in;
+	new->ofd = out;
+	new->eolmode = EOLMODE_TEXT;
+	new->paclen = paclen;
+	new->gbuf_usage = 0;
+	strncpy(new->eol, eol, 3);
+	new->eol[3] = 0;
+	new->next = Iolist;
+	Iolist = new;
+	return new;
+void axio_end(ax25io *p)
+	axio_flush(p);
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+	if (p->zptr) {
+		struct compr_s *z = (struct compr_s *) p->zptr;
+		deflateEnd(&z->zout);
+		inflateEnd(&z->zin);
+	}
+	close(p->ifd);
+	close(p->ofd);
+	p->ifd = -1;
+	p->ofd = -1;
+	return;
+void axio_end_all(void)
+	ax25io *p = Iolist;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->ifd != -1 && p->ofd != -1)
+			axio_end(p);
+		p = p->next;
+	}
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int axio_compr(ax25io *p, int flag)
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+	if (flag) {
+		struct compr_s *z = calloc(1, sizeof(struct compr_s));
+		if (!z)
+			return -1;
+		p->zptr = z;
+		if (inflateInit(&z->zin) != Z_OK)
+			return -1;
+		if (deflateInit(&z->zout, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) != Z_OK)
+			return -1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	/* ax25_errno = AX25IO_NO_Z_SUPPORT; */
+	return -1;
+int axio_paclen(ax25io *p, int paclen)
+	axio_flush(p);
+	if (paclen > AXBUFLEN)
+		return -1;
+	return p->paclen = paclen;
+int axio_eolmode(ax25io *p, int newmode)
+	int oldmode;
+	oldmode = p->eolmode;
+	p->eolmode = newmode;
+	return oldmode;
+int axio_cmpeol(ax25io *p1, ax25io *p2)
+	return strcmp(p1->eol, p2->eol);
+int axio_tnmode(ax25io *p, int newmode)
+	int oldmode;
+	oldmode = p->telnetmode;
+	p->telnetmode = newmode;
+	return oldmode;
+static int flush_obuf(ax25io *p)
+	int ret, len;
+	if (p->optr == 0)
+		return 0;
+	len = p->optr < p->paclen ? p->optr : p->paclen;
+	if ((ret = write(p->ofd, p->obuf, len)) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (ret && ret < p->optr)
+		memmove(p->obuf, &p->obuf[ret], p->optr - ret);
+	p->optr -= ret;
+	return ret;
+int axio_flush(ax25io *p)
+	int flushed = 0;
+	int ret;
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+	if (p->zptr) {
+		struct compr_s *z = (struct compr_s *) p->zptr;
+		int ret;
+		/*
+		 * Fail immediately if there has been an error in
+		 * compression or decompression.
+		 */
+		if (z->z_error) {
+			errno = z->z_error;
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * No new input, just flush the compression block.
+		 */
+		z->zout.next_in = NULL;
+		z->zout.avail_in = 0;
+		do {
+			/* Adjust the output pointers */
+			z->zout.next_out = p->obuf + p->optr;
+			z->zout.avail_out = p->paclen - p->optr;
+			ret = deflate(&z->zout, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH);
+			p->optr = p->paclen - z->zout.avail_out;
+			switch (ret) {
+			case Z_OK:
+				/* All OK */
+				break;
+			case Z_BUF_ERROR:
+				/*
+				 * Progress not possible, it's been
+				 * flushed already (I hope).
+				 */
+				break;
+			case Z_STREAM_END:
+				/* What ??? */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_STREAM_END;
+				return -1;
+			case Z_STREAM_ERROR:
+				/* Something strange */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_STREAM_ERROR;
+				return -1;
+			default:
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_UNKNOWN;
+				return -1;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * If output buffer is full, flush it to make room
+			 * for more compressed data.
+			 */
+			if (z->zout.avail_out == 0 && flush_obuf(p) < 0)
+				return -1;
+		} while (z->zout.avail_out == 0);
+	}
+	while (p->optr) {
+		/* Return on error or if zero bytes written */
+		if ((ret = flush_obuf(p)) <= 0)
+			return -1;
+		flushed += ret;
+	}
+	return flushed;
+static int rsend(char *c, int len, ax25io *p)
+	/* Don't go further until there is space */
+	if (p->paclen <= p->optr) {
+		if (flush_obuf(p) <= 0)
+			return -1;
+	}
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+	if (p->zptr) {
+		struct compr_s *z = (struct compr_s *) p->zptr;
+		int ret;
+		/*
+		 * Fail immediately if there has been an error in
+		 * compression or decompression.
+		 */
+		if (z->z_error) {
+			errno = z->z_error;
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * One new character to input.
+		 */
+		z->zout.next_in = (unsigned char *) c;
+		z->zout.avail_in = len;
+		/*
+		 * Now loop until deflate returns with avail_out != 0
+		 */
+		do {
+			/* Adjust the output pointers */
+			z->zout.next_out = p->obuf + p->optr;
+			z->zout.avail_out = p->paclen - p->optr;
+			ret = deflate(&z->zout, Z_NO_FLUSH);
+			p->optr = p->paclen - z->zout.avail_out;
+			switch (ret) {
+			case Z_OK:
+				/* All OK */
+				break;
+			case Z_STREAM_END:
+				/* What ??? */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_STREAM_END;
+				return -1;
+			case Z_STREAM_ERROR:
+				/* Something strange */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_STREAM_ERROR;
+				return -1;
+			case Z_BUF_ERROR:
+				/* Progress not possible (should be) */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_BUF_ERROR;
+				return -1;
+			default:
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_UNKNOWN;
+				return -1;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * If the output buffer is full, flush it to make
+			 * room for more compressed data.
+			 */
+			if (z->zout.avail_out == 0 && flush_obuf(p) < 0)
+				return -1;
+		} while (z->zout.avail_out == 0);
+		return len;
+	}
+	if (p->optr + len < AXBUFLEN) {
+		memcpy(p->obuf + p->optr, c, len);
+		p->optr += len;
+	} else {
+		errno = EAGAIN;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (p->optr >= p->paclen && flush_obuf(p) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	return len;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int recv_ibuf(ax25io *p)
+	int ret;
+	p->iptr = 0;
+	p->size = 0;
+	if ((ret = read(p->ifd, p->ibuf, AXBUFLEN)) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	if (ret == 0) {
+		errno = 0;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	return p->size = ret;
+static int rrecvchar(ax25io *p)
+#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
+	if (p->zptr) {
+		struct compr_s *z = (struct compr_s *) p->zptr;
+		int ret;
+		/*
+		 * Fail immediately if there has been an error in
+		 * compression or decompression.
+		 */
+		if (z->z_error) {
+			errno = z->z_error;
+			return -1;
+		}
+		for (;;) {
+			/* Adjust the input pointers */
+			z->zin.next_in = p->ibuf + p->iptr;
+			z->zin.avail_in = p->size - p->iptr;
+			/* Room for one output character */
+			z->zin.next_out = &z->char_buf;
+			z->zin.avail_out = 1;
+			ret = inflate(&z->zin, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH);
+			p->iptr = p->size - z->zin.avail_in;
+			switch (ret) {
+			case Z_OK:
+				/*
+				 * Progress made! Return if there is
+				 * something to be returned.
+				 */
+				if (z->zin.avail_out == 0)
+					return z->char_buf;
+				break;
+			case Z_BUF_ERROR:
+				/*
+				 * Not enough new data to proceed,
+				 * let's hope we'll get some more below.
+				 */
+				break;
+			case Z_STREAM_END:
+				/* What ??? */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_STREAM_END;
+				return -1;
+			case Z_STREAM_ERROR:
+				/* Something weird */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_STREAM_ERROR;
+				return -1;
+			case Z_DATA_ERROR:
+				/* Compression protocol error */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_DATA_ERROR;
+				return -1;
+			case Z_MEM_ERROR:
+				/* Not enough memory */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_MEM_ERROR;
+				return -1;
+			default:
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_UNKNOWN;
+				return -1;
+			}
+			/*
+			 * Our only hope is that inflate has consumed all
+			 * input and we can get some more.
+			 */
+			if (z->zin.avail_in == 0) {
+				if (recv_ibuf(p) < 0)
+					return -1;
+			} else {
+				/* inflate didn't consume all input ??? */
+				errno = z->z_error = ZERR_UNKNOWN;
+				return -1;
+			}
+		}
+		/*
+		 * We should never fall through here ???
+		 */
+		errno = z->z_error = ZERR_UNKNOWN;
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (p->iptr >= p->size && recv_ibuf(p) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	return p->ibuf[p->iptr++];
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int axio_putc(int c, ax25io *p)
+	char cp;
+	if (p->telnetmode && c == IAC)
+		return send_iac_iac(p);
+	if (c == INTERNAL_EOL) {
+		if (p->eolmode == EOLMODE_BINARY)
+			return rsend("\n", 1, p);
+		else
+			return rsend(p->eol, strlen(p->eol), p);
+	}
+	if (p->eolmode == EOLMODE_TEXT && c == '\n')
+		return rsend(p->eol, strlen(p->eol), p);
+	cp = c & 0xff;
+	return rsend(&cp, 1, p);
+int axio_getc(ax25io *p)
+	int c, opt;
+	char *cp;
+	opt = 0;		/* silence warning */
+	if ((c = rrecvchar(p)) == -1)
+		return -1;
+	if (p->telnetmode && c == IAC) {
+		if ((c = rrecvchar(p)) == -1)
+			return -1;
+		if (c > 249 && c < 255 && (opt = rrecvchar(p)) == -1)
+			return -1;
+		switch (c) {
+		case IP:
+		case ABORT:
+		case xEOF:
+			return -1;
+		case SUSP:
+			break;
+		case SB:
+			/*
+			 * Start of sub-negotiation. Just ignore everything
+			 * until we see a IAC SE (some negotiation...).
+			 */
+			if ((c = rrecvchar(p)) == -1)
+				return -1;
+			if ((opt = rrecvchar(p)) == -1)
+				return -1;
+			while (!(c == IAC && opt == SE)) {
+				c = opt;
+				if ((opt = rrecvchar(p)) == -1)
+					return -1;
+			}
+			break;
+		case WILL:
+			/*
+			 * Client is willing to negotiate linemode and
+			 * we want it too. Tell the client to go to
+			 * local edit mode and also to translate any
+			 * signals to telnet commands. Clients answer
+			 * is ignored above (rfc1184 says client must obey
+			 * ECHO and TRAPSIG).
+			 */
+			if (opt == TELOPT_LINEMODE && p->tn_linemode) {
+				if (send_linemode(p) < 0)
+					return -1;
+			} else {
+				if (send_iac_cmd(p, DONT, opt) < 0)
+					return -1;
+			}
+			axio_flush(p);
+			break;
+		case DO:
+			switch (opt) {
+			case TELOPT_SGA:
+				if (send_iac_cmd(p, WILL, opt) < 0)
+					return -1;
+				axio_flush(p);
+				break;
+			case TELOPT_ECHO:
+				/*
+				 * If we want echo then just silently
+				 * approve, otherwise deny.
+				 */
+				if (p->tn_echo)
+					break;
+				/* Note fall-through */
+			default:
+				if (send_iac_cmd(p, WONT, opt) < 0)
+					return -1;
+				axio_flush(p);
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case IAC:	/* Escaped IAC */
+			return IAC;
+			break;
+		case WONT:
+		case DONT:
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+		return axio_getc(p);
+	}
+	if (c == p->eol[0]) {
+		switch (p->eolmode) {
+			break;
+			for (cp = p->eol + 1; *cp; cp++)
+				if (rrecvchar(p) == -1)
+					return -1;
+			c = '\n';
+			break;
+		case EOLMODE_GW:
+			for (cp = p->eol + 1; *cp; cp++)
+				if (rrecvchar(p) == -1)
+					return -1;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return c;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int axio_gets(char *buf, int buflen, ax25io *p)
+	int c, len = 0;
+	while (len < (buflen - 1)) {
+		c = axio_getc(p);
+		if (c == -1) {
+			return -len;
+		}
+		/* NUL also interpreted as EOL */
+		if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == 0) {
+			buf[len] = 0;
+			errno = 0;
+			return len;
+		}
+		buf[len++] = c;
+	}
+	buf[buflen - 1] = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	return len;
+char *axio_getline(ax25io *p)
+	int ret;
+	ret = axio_gets((char *) p->gbuf + p->gbuf_usage,
+	                AXBUFLEN - p->gbuf_usage, p);
+	if (ret > 0 || (ret == 0 && errno == 0)) {
+		p->gbuf_usage = 0;
+		return (char *) p->gbuf;
+	}
+	p->gbuf_usage += ret;
+	return NULL;
+int axio_puts(const char *s, ax25io *p)
+	int count=0;
+	while (*s)
+		if (axio_putc(*s++, p) == -1) {
+			if (errno != EAGAIN)
+				return -1;
+			else
+				break;
+		} else {
+			count++;
+		}
+	return count;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static int axio_vprintf(ax25io *p, const char *fmt, va_list args)
+	static char buf[AXBUFLEN];
+	int len, i;
+	len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, args);
+	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+		if (axio_putc(buf[i], p) == -1)
+			return -1;
+	return len;
+int axio_printf(ax25io *p, const char *fmt, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	int len;
+	va_start(args, fmt);
+	len = axio_vprintf(p, fmt, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return len;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+int axio_tn_do_linemode(ax25io *p)
+	if (send_iac_cmd(p, DO, TELOPT_LINEMODE) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	p->tn_linemode = 1;
+	return 0;
+int axio_tn_will_echo(ax25io *p)
+	if (send_iac_cmd(p, WILL, TELOPT_ECHO) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	p->tn_echo = 1;
+	return 0;
+int axio_tn_wont_echo(ax25io *p)
+	if (send_iac_cmd(p, WONT, TELOPT_ECHO) < 0)
+		return -1;
+	p->tn_echo = 0;
+	return 0;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static inline int send_iac_iac(ax25io *p)
+	unsigned char buf[2] = { IAC, IAC };
+	return rsend((char *) buf, 2, p);
+static inline int send_iac_cmd(ax25io *p, unsigned char cmd, unsigned char opt)
+	unsigned char buf[3];
+	buf[0] = IAC;
+	buf[1] = cmd;
+	buf[2] = opt;
+	return rsend((char *)buf, 3, p);
+static inline int send_linemode(ax25io *p)
+	unsigned char buf[7] = {
+		IAC,
+		SB,
+		IAC,
+		SE
+	};
+	return rsend((char *) buf, 7, p);
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/axconfig.c b/axconfig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3505d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/axconfig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#define _LINUX_STRING_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_arp.h>
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>
+#include <netax25/axconfig.h>
+#include <netax25/axlib.h>
+#include <netrose/rose.h>
+#include "pathnames.h"
+typedef struct _axport
+	struct _axport *Next;
+	char *Name;
+	char *Call;
+	char *Device;
+	int  Baud;
+	int  Window;
+	int  Paclen;
+	char *Description;
+} AX_Port;
+static AX_Port *ax25_ports     = NULL;
+static AX_Port *ax25_port_tail = NULL;
+static int is_same_call(char *call1, char *call2)
+	if (!call1 || !call2)
+		return 0;
+	for (; *call1 && *call2; call1++, call2++) {
+		if (*call1 == '-' || *call2 == '-')
+			break;
+		if (tolower(*call1 & 0xff) != tolower(*call2 & 0xff))
+			return 0;
+	}
+	if (!*call1 && !*call2)
+		return 1;
+	if (!*call1 && !strcmp(call2, "-0"))
+		return 1;
+	if (!*call2 && !strcmp(call1, "-0"))
+		return 1;
+	return (!strcmp(call1, call2) ? 1 : 0);
+static AX_Port *ax25_port_ptr(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_ports;
+	if (name == NULL)
+		return p;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Name != NULL && strcasecmp(p->Name, name) == 0)
+			return p;
+		if (p->Call != NULL && is_same_call(p->Call, name))
+			return p;
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *ax25_config_get_next(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p;
+	if (ax25_ports == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	if (name == NULL)
+		return ax25_ports->Name;
+	if ((p = ax25_port_ptr(name)) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	p = p->Next;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Name;
+char *ax25_config_get_name(char *device)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_ports;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Device != NULL) {
+			if (strcmp(p->Device, device) == 0)
+				return p->Name;
+		}
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *ax25_config_get_addr(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Call;
+char *ax25_config_get_dev(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Device;
+char *ax25_config_get_port(ax25_address *callsign)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_ports;
+	ax25_address addr;
+	if (ax25_cmp(callsign, &null_ax25_address) == 0)
+		return "*";
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Call != NULL) {
+			ax25_aton_entry(p->Call, (char *)&addr);
+			if (ax25_cmp(callsign, &addr) == 0)
+				return p->Name;
+		}
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+int ax25_config_get_window(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return p->Window;
+int ax25_config_get_paclen(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return p->Paclen;
+int ax25_config_get_baud(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return p->Baud;
+char *ax25_config_get_desc(char *name)
+	AX_Port *p = ax25_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Description;
+static int ax25_config_init_port(int fd, int lineno, char *line, const char **ifcalls, const char **ifdevs)
+	AX_Port *p;
+	char *name, *call, *baud, *paclen, *window, *desc;
+	const char *dev = NULL;
+	int found;
+	name   = strtok(line, " \t");
+	call   = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	baud   = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	paclen = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	window = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	desc   = strtok(NULL, "");
+	if (name == NULL   || call == NULL   || baud == NULL ||
+	    paclen == NULL || window == NULL || desc == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: unable to parse line %d of axports file\n", lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	for (p = ax25_ports; p != NULL; p = p->Next) {
+		if (p->Name != NULL && strcasecmp(name, p->Name) == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: duplicate port name %s in line %d of axports file\n", name, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (p->Call != NULL && is_same_call(call, p->Call)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: duplicate callsign %s in line %d of axports file\n", call, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	if (atoi(baud) < 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: invalid baud rate setting %s in line %d of axports file\n", baud, lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if (atoi(paclen) <= 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: invalid packet size setting %s in line %d of axports file\n", paclen, lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if (atoi(window) <= 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: invalid window size setting %s in line %d of axports file\n", window, lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	strupr(call);
+	found = 0;
+	char *cp;
+	if ((cp = strstr(call, "-0")) != NULL)
+	  *cp = '\0';
+	for (;ifcalls && *ifcalls; ++ifcalls, ++ifdevs) {
+          if (strcmp(call, *ifcalls) == 0) {
+	    found = 1;
+	    dev = *ifdevs;
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	if (!found) {
+#if 0 /* None of your business to complain about some port being down... */
+		fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: port with call '%s' is not active\n", call);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ((p = (AX_Port *)malloc(sizeof(AX_Port))) == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: out of memory!\n");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	p->Name        = strdup(name);
+	p->Call        = strdup(call);
+	p->Device      = strdup(dev);
+	p->Baud        = atoi(baud);
+	p->Window      = atoi(window);
+	p->Paclen      = atoi(paclen);
+	p->Description = strdup(desc);
+	if (ax25_ports == NULL)
+		ax25_ports = p;
+	else
+		ax25_port_tail->Next = p;
+	ax25_port_tail = p;
+	p->Next = NULL;
+	return TRUE;
+int ax25_config_load_ports(void)
+	FILE *fp = NULL;
+	char buffer[256], *s;
+	int fd = -1, lineno = 1, n = 0, i;
+	const char **calllist = NULL;
+	const char **devlist  = NULL;
+	const char **pp;
+	int callcount = 0;
+	struct ifreq ifr;
+	/* Reliable listing of all network ports on Linux
+	   is only available via reading  /proc/net/dev ...  */
+	if ((fd = socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: unable to open socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
+	  goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if ((fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r"))) {
+	  /* Two header lines.. */
+	  s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
+	  s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
+	  /* .. then network interface names */
+	  while (!feof(fp)) {
+	    if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
+	      break;
+	    s = strchr(buffer, ':');
+	    if (s) *s = 0;
+	    s = buffer;
+	    while (isspace(*s & 0xff)) ++s;
+	    memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
+	    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, s, IFNAMSIZ-1); 	 
+            ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0;
+	    if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
+	      fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: SIOCGIFHWADDR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	      return FALSE;
+	    }
+	    if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family != ARPHRD_AX25)
+	      continue;
+	    /* store found interface callsigns */
+	    /* ax25_ntoa() returns pointer to static buffer */
+	    s = ax25_ntoa((void*)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data);
+	    if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
+	      fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	      return FALSE;
+	    }
+	    if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP))
+	      continue;
+            if ((pp = realloc(calllist, sizeof(char *) * (callcount+2))) == 0)
+              break;
+	    calllist = pp;
+	    if ((pp = realloc(devlist,  sizeof(char *) * (callcount+2))) == 0)
+              break;
+	    devlist  = pp;
+	    if ((calllist[callcount] = strdup(s)) != NULL) {
+              if ((devlist[callcount] = strdup(ifr.ifr_name)) != NULL) {
+	        ++callcount;
+	        calllist[callcount] = NULL;
+	        devlist [callcount] = NULL;
+              } else {
+                free((void*)calllist[callcount]);
+                calllist[callcount] = NULL;
+              }
+            }
+	  }
+	  fclose(fp);
+	  fp = NULL;
+	}
+	if ((fp = fopen(CONF_AXPORTS_FILE, "r")) == NULL) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "axconfig: unable to open axports file %s (%s)\n", CONF_AXPORTS_FILE, strerror(errno));
+	  goto cleanup;
+	}
+	while (fp && fgets(buffer, 255, fp)) {
+	  if ((s = strchr(buffer, '\n')))
+	    *s = '\0';
+	  if (strlen(buffer) > 0 && *buffer != '#')
+	    if (ax25_config_init_port(fd, lineno, buffer, calllist, devlist))
+	      n++;
+	  lineno++;
+	}
+ cleanup:;
+	if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
+	if (fp) fclose(fp);
+	for(i = 0; calllist && calllist[i]; ++i) {
+	  free((void*)calllist[i]);
+	  if (devlist[i] != NULL)
+	    free((void*)devlist[i]);
+	}
+	if (calllist) free(calllist);
+	if (devlist) free(devlist);
+	if (ax25_ports == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return n;
diff --git a/axports b/axports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ccef9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/axports
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# /etc/ax25/axports
+# The format of this file is:
+# name callsign speed paclen window description
+#1	OH2BNS-1	1200	255	2	144.675 MHz (1200  bps)
+#2	OH2BNS-9	38400	255	7	TNOS/Linux  (38400 bps)
diff --git a/axports.5 b/axports.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e918b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/axports.5
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+.TH AXPORTS 5 "2008-Feb-04" Linux "Linux Programmer's Manual"
+.I /etc/ax25/axports
+\- AX.25 port configuration file.
+.I axports
+is an ASCII file that contains information about each of the physical AX.25
+ports that are to be used.
+When dealing with an AX.25 utility such as
+.BR call ,
+it takes an argument that is the port name.
+This port name is a reference to the line within
+.B axports,
+which has that name as its first argument.
+The information on each line contains enough information to bind
+the command to a particular physical AX.25 interface, this binding
+is done by matching the callsign on the line in
+.B axports
+with the callsign of the port set by
+.B kissattach.
+The lines within
+.I axports
+must either be a comment line, which starts with a # in the first column,
+or a port description in the following format, each field being delimited
+by white space:
+name callsign speed paclen window description
+The field descriptions are:
+.TP 14
+.B name
+is the unique identifier of the port.
+This is the name given as the port argument of many of the AX.25 support
+This is
+.I not
+in any way related to actual device identities, just unique
+.TP 14
+.B callsign
+the callsign of the physical interface to bind to.
+.TP 14
+.B speed
+this is the speed of interface, a value of zero means that no speed will be
+set by kissattach(8).
+.TP 14
+.B paclen
+is the default maximum packet size for this interface.
+.TP 14
+.B window
+the default window size for this interface.
+.TP 14
+.B description
+a free format description of this interface, this field extends to the end
+of the line. This field may contain spaces.
+.BR call (1),
+.BR ax25 (4),
+.BR axparms (8),
+.BR kissattach (8).
diff --git a/axutils.c b/axutils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf435d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/axutils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>
+#include <netax25/axlib.h>
+#include <netrose/rose.h>
+ax25_address null_ax25_address = {{0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x00}};
+ *	Library routine for callsign conversion.
+ */
+int ax25_aton_entry(const char *name, char *buf)
+	int ct   = 0;
+	int ssid = 0;
+	const char *p = name;
+	char c;
+	while (ct < 6) {
+		c = toupper(*p);
+		if (c == '-' || c == '\0')
+			break;
+		if (!isalnum(c)) {
+			printf("axutils: invalid symbol in callsign '%s'\n", name);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		buf[ct] = c << 1;
+		p++;
+		ct++;
+	}
+	while (ct < 6) {
+		buf[ct] = ' ' << 1;
+		ct++;
+	}
+	if (*p != '\0') {
+		p++;
+		if (sscanf(p, "%d", &ssid) != 1 || ssid < 0 || ssid > 15) {
+			printf("axutils: SSID must follow '-' and be numeric in the range 0-15 - '%s'\n", name);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	buf[6] = ((ssid + '0') << 1) & 0x1E;
+	return 0;
+int ax25_aton(const char *call, struct full_sockaddr_ax25 *sax)
+	char *bp, *np;
+	char *addrp;
+	int n = 0;
+	char *tmp = strdup(call);
+	if (tmp == NULL)
+		return -1;
+	bp = tmp;
+	addrp = sax->fsa_ax25.sax25_call.ax25_call;
+	do {
+		/* Fetch one callsign token */
+		while (*bp != '\0' && isspace(*bp))
+			bp++;
+		np = bp;
+		while (*np != '\0' && !isspace(*np))
+			np++;
+		if (*np != '\0')
+			*np++ = '\0';
+		/* Check for the optional 'via' syntax */
+		if (n == 1 && (strcasecmp(bp, "V") == 0 || strcasecmp(bp, "VIA") == 0)) {
+			bp = np;
+			continue;
+		}
+		/* Process the token */
+		if (ax25_aton_entry(bp, addrp) == -1) {
+			free(tmp);
+			return -1;
+		}
+		/* Move along */
+		bp = np;
+		n++;
+		if (n == 1)
+			addrp  = sax->fsa_digipeater[0].ax25_call;	/* First digipeater address */
+		else
+			addrp += sizeof(ax25_address);
+	} while (n <= AX25_MAX_DIGIS && *bp);
+	free(tmp);
+	/* Tidy up */
+	sax->fsa_ax25.sax25_ndigis = n - 1;
+	sax->fsa_ax25.sax25_family = AF_AX25;	
+	return sizeof(struct full_sockaddr_ax25);
+int ax25_aton_arglist(const char *call[], struct full_sockaddr_ax25 *sax)
+	const char *bp;
+	char *addrp;
+	int n = 0;
+	int argp = 0;
+	addrp = sax->fsa_ax25.sax25_call.ax25_call;
+	do {
+		/* Fetch one callsign token */
+		if ((bp = call[argp++]) == NULL)
+			break;
+		/* Check for the optional 'via' syntax */
+		if (n == 1 && (strcasecmp(bp, "V") == 0 || strcasecmp(bp, "VIA") == 0))
+			continue;
+		/* Process the token */
+		if (ax25_aton_entry(bp, addrp) == -1)
+			return -1;
+		n++;
+		if (n == 1)
+			addrp  = sax->fsa_digipeater[0].ax25_call;	/* First digipeater address */
+		else
+			addrp += sizeof(ax25_address);
+	} while (n <= AX25_MAX_DIGIS && call[argp] != NULL);
+	/* Tidy up */
+	sax->fsa_ax25.sax25_ndigis = n - 1;
+	sax->fsa_ax25.sax25_family = AF_AX25;	
+	return sizeof(struct full_sockaddr_ax25);
+ *	Library routine for Rose address conversion.
+ */
+int rose_aton(const char *addr, char *buf)
+	int i, n;
+	if (strlen(addr) != 10) {
+		printf("axutils: invalid rose address '%s' length = %d\n", addr, strlen(addr));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	if (strspn(addr, "0123456789") != 10) {
+		printf("axutils: invalid characters in address\n");
+		return -1;
+	}
+	for (n = 0, i = 0; i < 5; i++, n += 2) {
+		buf[i]  = (addr[n + 0] - '0') << 4;
+		buf[i] |= (addr[n + 1] - '0') << 0;
+	}
+	return 0;
+ *	ax25 -> ascii conversion
+ */
+char *ax25_ntoa(const ax25_address *a)
+	static char buf[11];
+	char c, *s;
+	int n;
+	for (n = 0, s = buf; n < 6; n++) {
+		c = (a->ax25_call[n] >> 1) & 0x7F;
+		if (c != ' ')
+			*s++ = c;
+	}
+	/* Convention is:  -0 suffixes are NOT printed */
+	if (a->ax25_call[6] & 0x1E) {
+	       *s++ = '-';
+		if ((n = ((a->ax25_call[6] >> 1) & 0x0F)) > 9) {
+			*s++ = '1';
+			n -= 10;
+		}
+		*s++ = n + '0';
+	}
+	*s++ = '\0';
+	return buf;
+ *	rose -> ascii conversion
+ */
+char *rose_ntoa(const rose_address *a)
+	static char buf[11];
+	sprintf(buf, "%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X", a->rose_addr[0] & 0xFF,
+					     a->rose_addr[1] & 0xFF,
+					     a->rose_addr[2] & 0xFF,
+					     a->rose_addr[3] & 0xFF,
+					     a->rose_addr[4] & 0xFF);
+	return buf;
+ *	Compare two ax.25 addresses
+ */
+int ax25_cmp(const ax25_address *a, const ax25_address *b)
+	if ((a->ax25_call[0] & 0xFE) != (b->ax25_call[0] & 0xFE))
+		return 1;
+	if ((a->ax25_call[1] & 0xFE) != (b->ax25_call[1] & 0xFE))
+		return 1;
+	if ((a->ax25_call[2] & 0xFE) != (b->ax25_call[2] & 0xFE))
+		return 1;
+	if ((a->ax25_call[3] & 0xFE) != (b->ax25_call[3] & 0xFE))
+		return 1;
+	if ((a->ax25_call[4] & 0xFE) != (b->ax25_call[4] & 0xFE))
+		return 1;
+	if ((a->ax25_call[5] & 0xFE) != (b->ax25_call[5] & 0xFE))
+		return 1;
+ 	if ((a->ax25_call[6] & 0x1E) != (b->ax25_call[6] & 0x1E))	/* SSID without control bit */
+ 		return 2;
+ 	return 0;
+ *	Compare two Rose addresses
+ */
+int rose_cmp(const rose_address *a, const rose_address *b)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+		if (a->rose_addr[i] != b->rose_addr[i])
+			return 1;
+	return 0;
+ * Validate an AX.25 callsign.
+ */
+int ax25_validate(const char *call)
+	char s[7];
+	int n;
+	for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
+		s[n] = (call[n] >> 1) & 0x7F;
+	}
+	s[6] = '\0';
+	if (strspn(s, "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ") == 6)
+		return TRUE;
+	return FALSE;
+ *	Convert a string to upper case
+ */
+char *strupr(char *s)
+	char *p;
+	if (s == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
+		*p = toupper(*p);
+	return s;
+ *	Convert a string to lower case
+ */
+char *strlwr(char *s)
+	char *p;
+	if (s == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
+		*p = tolower(*p);
+	return s;
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f1709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+AC_INIT(libax25, 0.0.12-rc2, linux-hams at vger.kernel.org)
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign no-define])
+dnl Checks for programs.
+dnl Checks for libraries.
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(socket strdup strerror strspn)
+dnl Checks for header files.
+AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fcntl.h sys/file.h sys/ioctl.h unistd.h zlib.h)
+dnl Checks for working glibc 2.1 headers
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for working netax25/ax25.h header file)
+AC_EGREP_HEADER(ax25_fwd_struct, netax25/ax25.h, has_ax25=yes, has_ax25=no)
+if test "$has_ax25" = "yes" ; then
+  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NETAX25_AX25_H, 1, [Define if you have a proper netax25/ax25.h header file])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([AX25_H], [test "$has_ax25" = "yes"])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for working netrom/netrom.h header file)
+AC_EGREP_HEADER(unsigned int ndigis, netrom/netrom.h, has_netrom=yes, has_netrom=no)
+if test "$has_netrom" = "yes" ; then
+  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NETROM_NETROM_H, 1, [Define if you have a proper netrom/netrom.h header file.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([NETROM_H], [test "$has_netrom" = "yes"])
+AC_MSG_CHECKING(for working netrose/rose.h header file)
+AC_EGREP_HEADER(rose_facilities_struct, netrose/rose.h, has_rose=yes, has_rose=no)
+if test "$has_rose" = "yes" ; then
+  AC_DEFINE(HAVE_NETROSE_ROSE_H, 1, [Define if you have a proper netrose/rose.h header file.])
+AM_CONDITIONAL([ROSE_H], [test "$has_rose" = "yes"])
+dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+dnl Only use -Wall if we have gcc
+if test "x$GCC" = "xyes"; then
+  if test -z "`echo "$CFLAGS" | grep "\-Wall" 2> /dev/null`" ; then
+    CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -Wall"
+  fi
+dnl Checks for library functions.
+basever=$(echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | sed -e 's at -.*$@@')
+extraver=$(echo $PACKAGE_VERSION | sed -e 's@@<:@^-@:>@*-@@' -e 's at -@_@')
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile libax25.spec])
diff --git a/daemon.c b/daemon.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01511b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/daemon.c
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <netax25/daemon.h>
+int daemon_start(int ignsigcld)
+	/* Code to initialiaze a daemon process. Taken from _UNIX Network	*/
+	/* Programming_ pp.72-85, by W. Richard Stephens, Prentice		*/
+	/* Hall PTR, 1990							*/
+	int childpid, fd;
+	/* If started by init, don't bother */
+	if (getppid() == 1)
+		goto out;
+	/* Ignore the terminal stop signals */
+	signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN);
+	signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN);
+	signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN);
+	/* Fork and let parent exit, insures we're not a process group leader */
+	if ((childpid = fork()) < 0) {
+		return 0;
+	} else if (childpid > 0) {
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	/* Disassociate from controlling terminal and process group.		*/
+	/* Ensure the process can't reacquire a new controlling terminal.	*/
+	if (setpgrp() == -1)
+		return 0;
+	if ((fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR)) >= 0) {
+		/* loose controlling tty */
+		ioctl(fd, TIOCNOTTY, NULL);
+		close(fd);
+	}
+	/* Move the current directory to root, to make sure we aren't on a	*/
+	/* mounted filesystem.							*/
+	chdir("/");
+	/* Clear any inherited file mode creation mask.	*/
+	umask(0);
+	if (ignsigcld)
+		signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
+	/* That's it, we're a "daemon" process now */
+	return 1;
diff --git a/glibc.patch b/glibc.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e20a2ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/glibc.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+--- netax25/ax25.h.orig	Fri Apr 30 13:59:17 1999
++++ netax25/ax25.h	Fri Apr 30 14:17:16 1999
+@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
+ #define AX25_IDLE	9
+ #define	AX25_PACLEN	10
+ #define AX25_IPMAXQUEUE 11
++#define AX25_IAMDIGI	12
+ #define AX25_KILL	99
+ /* AX.25 socket ioctls: */
+@@ -48,6 +49,9 @@
+ /* unknown: */
+ #define AX25_NOUID_DEFAULT	0
+@@ -101,6 +105,25 @@
+     ax25_address dest_addr;
+     unsigned int cmd;
+     unsigned long arg;
++    unsigned char digi_count;
++    ax25_address digi_addr[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
++  };
++struct ax25_info_struct 
++  {
++    unsigned int  n2, n2count;
++    unsigned int t1, t1timer;
++    unsigned int t2, t2timer;
++    unsigned int t3, t3timer;
++    unsigned int idle, idletimer;
++    unsigned int state;
++    unsigned int rcv_q, snd_q;
++  };
++struct ax25_fwd_struct 
++  {
++    ax25_address port_from;
++    ax25_address port_to;
+   };
+ /* AX.25 route structure: */
+--- netrom/netrom.h.orig	Fri Apr 30 14:17:53 1999
++++ netrom/netrom.h	Fri Apr 30 14:19:52 1999
+@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
+ #define NETROM_T2	2
+ #define NETROM_N2	3
+ #define NETROM_PACLEN	5
++#define	NETROM_T4	6
+ #define NETROM_KILL	99
+@@ -45,6 +46,8 @@
+     char mnemonic[7];
+     ax25_address neighbour;
+     unsigned int obs_count;
++    unsigned int ndigis;
++    ax25_address digipeaters[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
+   };
+ /* NetRom socket ioctls: */
+--- netrose/rose.h.orig	Fri Apr 30 14:20:41 1999
++++ netrose/rose.h	Fri Apr 30 14:24:55 1999
+@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
+ #define	ROSE_DTE_ORIGINATED	0x00
+ #define	ROSE_NUMBER_BUSY	0x01
+@@ -73,6 +74,15 @@
+   ax25_address	srose_digi;
+ };
++struct full_sockaddr_rose 
++  sa_family_t srose_family;
++  rose_address srose_addr;
++  ax25_address srose_call;
++  unsigned int srose_ndigis;
++  ax25_address srose_digis[ROSE_MAX_DIGIS];
+ struct rose_route_struct
+ {
+   rose_address address;
+@@ -87,6 +97,18 @@
+ {
+   unsigned char	cause;
+   unsigned char	diagnostic;
++struct rose_facilities_struct 
++  rose_address source_addr,   dest_addr;
++  ax25_address source_call,   dest_call;
++  unsigned char source_ndigis, dest_ndigis;
++  ax25_address source_digis[ROSE_MAX_DIGIS];
++  ax25_address dest_digis[ROSE_MAX_DIGIS];
++  unsigned int rand;
++  rose_address fail_addr;
++  ax25_address fail_call;
+ };
+ #endif	/* netrose/rose.h */
diff --git a/libax25.spec.in b/libax25.spec.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e38c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libax25.spec.in
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+Name:           libax25
+Release:        1
+Summary:        AX.25 library for hamradio applications
+Group:          System Environment/Libraries
+License:        LGPLv2+
+URL:            http://www.linux-ax25.org/
+Source0:        http://www.linux-ax25.org/pub/%{name}/%{name}- at VERSION@.tar.gz
+BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}- at VERSION@-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+libax25 is a library for ham radio applications that use the AX.25, NETROM
+or ROSE protocols.  Included are routines to do ax25 address parsing, common
+ax25 application config file parsing, etc. 
+%package        devel
+Summary:        Development files for %{name}
+Group:          Development/Libraries
+Requires:       %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description    devel
+The %{name}-devel package contains libraries and header files for
+developing applications that use %{name}.
+%setup -q -n %{name}- at VERSION@
+%configure --disable-static
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name '*.la' -exec rm -f {} ';'
+%post -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%files devel
+* Sat Jun 27 2009 Ralf Baechle <ralf at linux-mips.org>
+- Initial version
diff --git a/ltconfig b/ltconfig
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..65ec6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ltconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,3017 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# ltconfig - Create a system-specific libtool.
+# Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Originally by Gordon Matzigkeit <gord at gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 1996
+# This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# A lot of this script is taken from autoconf-2.10.
+# Check that we are running under the correct shell.
+if test "X$1" = X--no-reexec; then
+  # Discard the --no-reexec flag, and continue.
+  shift
+elif test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then
+  # Avoid inline document here, it may be left over
+  :
+elif test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t'; then
+  # Yippee, $echo works!
+  :
+  # Restart under the correct shell.
+  exec "$SHELL" "$0" --no-reexec ${1+"$@"}
+if test "X$1" = X--fallback-echo; then
+  # used as fallback echo
+  shift
+  cat <<EOF
+  exit 0
+# Find the correct PATH separator.  Usually this is `:', but
+# DJGPP uses `;' like DOS.
+if test "X${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != "Xset"; then
+  UNAME=${UNAME-`uname 2>/dev/null`}
+  case X$UNAME in
+    *-DOS) PATH_SEPARATOR=';' ;;
+    *)     PATH_SEPARATOR=':' ;;
+  esac
+# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout
+# if CDPATH is set.
+if test "${CDPATH+set}" = set; then CDPATH=; export CDPATH; fi
+if test "X${echo_test_string+set}" != "Xset"; then
+  # find a string as large as possible, as long as the shell can cope with it
+  for cmd in 'sed 50q "$0"' 'sed 20q "$0"' 'sed 10q "$0"' 'sed 2q "$0"' 'echo test'; do
+    # expected sizes: less than 2Kb, 1Kb, 512 bytes, 16 bytes, ...
+    if (echo_test_string="`eval $cmd`") 2>/dev/null &&
+       echo_test_string="`eval $cmd`" &&
+       (test "X$echo_test_string" = "X$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null; then
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+if test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" != 'X\t' ||
+   test "X`($echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" != X"$echo_test_string"; then
+  # The Solaris, AIX, and Digital Unix default echo programs unquote
+  # backslashes.  This makes it impossible to quote backslashes using
+  #   echo "$something" | sed 's/\\/\\\\/g'
+  #
+  # So, first we look for a working echo in the user's PATH.
+  IFS="${IFS= 	}"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}"
+  for dir in $PATH /usr/ucb; do
+    if (test -f $dir/echo || test -f $dir/echo$ac_exeext) &&
+       test "X`($dir/echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' &&
+       test "X`($dir/echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then
+      echo="$dir/echo"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  IFS="$save_ifs"
+  if test "X$echo" = Xecho; then
+    # We didn't find a better echo, so look for alternatives.
+    if test "X`(print -r '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' &&
+       test "X`(print -r "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then
+      # This shell has a builtin print -r that does the trick.
+      echo='print -r'
+    elif (test -f /bin/ksh || test -f /bin/ksh$ac_exeext) &&
+	 test "X$CONFIG_SHELL" != X/bin/ksh; then
+      # If we have ksh, try running ltconfig again with it.
+      CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/ksh
+      export CONFIG_SHELL
+      exec "$CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --no-reexec ${1+"$@"}
+    else
+      # Try using printf.
+      echo='printf "%s\n"'
+      if test "X`($echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' &&
+	 test "X`($echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then
+	# Cool, printf works
+	:
+      elif test "X`("$ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' &&
+	   test "X`("$ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then
+	export SHELL
+	echo="$CONFIG_SHELL $0 --fallback-echo"
+      elif test "X`("$CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo '\t') 2>/dev/null`" = 'X\t' &&
+	   test "X`("$CONFIG_SHELL" "$0" --fallback-echo "$echo_test_string") 2>/dev/null`" = X"$echo_test_string"; then
+	echo="$CONFIG_SHELL $0 --fallback-echo"
+      else
+	# maybe with a smaller string...
+	prev=:
+	for cmd in 'echo test' 'sed 2q "$0"' 'sed 10q "$0"' 'sed 20q "$0"' 'sed 50q "$0"'; do
+	  if (test "X$echo_test_string" = "X`eval $cmd`") 2>/dev/null; then
+	    break
+	  fi
+	  prev="$cmd"
+	done
+	if test "$prev" != 'sed 50q "$0"'; then
+	  echo_test_string=`eval $prev`
+	  export echo_test_string
+	  exec "${ORIGINAL_CONFIG_SHELL}" "$0" ${1+"$@"}
+	else
+	  # Oops.  We lost completely, so just stick with echo.
+	  echo=echo
+	fi
+      fi
+    fi
+  fi
+# Sed substitution that helps us do robust quoting.  It backslashifies
+# metacharacters that are still active within double-quoted strings.
+Xsed='sed -e s/^X//'
+# Same as above, but do not quote variable references.
+# Sed substitution to delay expansion of an escaped shell variable in a
+# double_quote_subst'ed string.
+# The name of this program.
+progname=`$echo "X$0" | $Xsed -e 's%^.*/%%'`
+# Constants:
+TIMESTAMP=" (1.385.2.181 1999/07/02 15:49:11)"
+ac_compile='${CC-cc} -c $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS conftest.c 1>&5'
+ac_link='${CC-cc} -o conftest $CFLAGS $CPPFLAGS $LDFLAGS conftest.c $LIBS 1>&5'
+rm="rm -f"
+help="Try \`$progname --help' for more information."
+# Global variables:
+# All known linkers require a `.a' archive for static linking (except M$VC,
+# which needs '.lib').
+# Parse the command line options.
+for option
+  case "$option" in
+  -*=*) optarg=`echo "$option" | sed 's/[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*=//'` ;;
+  *) optarg= ;;
+  esac
+  # If the previous option needs an argument, assign it.
+  if test -n "$prev"; then
+    eval "$prev=\$option"
+    prev=
+    continue
+  fi
+  case "$option" in
+  --help) cat <<EOM
+Usage: $progname [OPTION]... [HOST [LTMAIN]]
+Generate a system-specific libtool script.
+    --debug                enable verbose shell tracing
+    --disable-shared       do not build shared libraries
+    --disable-static       do not build static libraries
+    --disable-fast-install do not optimize for fast installation
+    --enable-dlopen        enable dlopen support
+    --enable-win32-dll     enable building dlls on win32 hosts
+    --help                 display this help and exit
+    --no-verify            do not verify that HOST is a valid host type
+-o, --output=FILE          specify the output file [default=$default_ofile]
+    --quiet                same as \`--silent'
+    --silent               do not print informational messages
+    --srcdir=DIR           find \`config.guess' in DIR
+    --version              output version information and exit
+    --with-gcc             assume that the GNU C compiler will be used
+    --with-gnu-ld          assume that the C compiler uses the GNU linker
+    --disable-lock         disable file locking
+    --cache-file=FILE      configure cache file
+LTMAIN is the \`ltmain.sh' shell script fragment or \`ltmain.c' program
+that provides basic libtool functionality.
+HOST is the canonical host system name [default=guessed].
+  exit 0
+  ;;
+  --debug)
+    echo "$progname: enabling shell trace mode"
+    set -x
+    ;;
+  --disable-shared) enable_shared=no ;;
+  --disable-static) enable_static=no ;;
+  --disable-fast-install) enable_fast_install=no ;;
+  --enable-dlopen) enable_dlopen=yes ;;
+  --enable-win32-dll) enable_win32_dll=yes ;;
+  --quiet | --silent) silent=yes ;;
+  --srcdir) prev=srcdir ;;
+  --srcdir=*) srcdir="$optarg" ;;
+  --no-verify) verify_host=no ;;
+  --output | -o) prev=ofile ;;
+  --output=*) ofile="$optarg" ;;
+  --version) echo "$PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE) $VERSION$TIMESTAMP"; exit 0 ;;
+  --with-gcc) with_gcc=yes ;;
+  --with-gnu-ld) with_gnu_ld=yes ;;
+  --disable-lock) need_locks=no ;;
+  --cache-file=*) cache_file="$optarg" ;;
+  -*)
+    echo "$progname: unrecognized option \`$option'" 1>&2
+    echo "$help" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  *)
+    if test -z "$ltmain"; then
+      ltmain="$option"
+    elif test -z "$host"; then
+# This generates an unnecessary warning for sparc-sun-solaris4.1.3_U1
+#      if test -n "`echo $option| sed 's/[-a-z0-9.]//g'`"; then
+#        echo "$progname: warning \`$option' is not a valid host type" 1>&2
+#      fi
+      host="$option"
+    else
+      echo "$progname: too many arguments" 1>&2
+      echo "$help" 1>&2
+      exit 1
+    fi ;;
+  esac
+if test -z "$ltmain"; then
+  echo "$progname: you must specify a LTMAIN file" 1>&2
+  echo "$help" 1>&2
+  exit 1
+if test ! -f "$ltmain"; then
+  echo "$progname: \`$ltmain' does not exist" 1>&2
+  echo "$help" 1>&2
+  exit 1
+# Quote any args containing shell metacharacters.
+for arg
+  case "$arg" in
+  *" "*|*"	"*|*[\[\]\~\#\$\^\&\*\(\)\{\}\\\|\;\<\>\?]*)
+  ltconfig_args="$ltconfig_args '$arg'" ;;
+  *) ltconfig_args="$ltconfig_args $arg" ;;
+  esac
+# A relevant subset of AC_INIT.
+# File descriptor usage:
+# 0 standard input
+# 1 file creation
+# 2 errors and warnings
+# 3 some systems may open it to /dev/tty
+# 4 used on the Kubota Titan
+# 5 compiler messages saved in config.log
+# 6 checking for... messages and results
+if test "$silent" = yes; then
+  exec 6>/dev/null
+  exec 6>&1
+exec 5>>./config.log
+# NLS nuisances.
+# Only set LANG and LC_ALL to C if already set.
+# These must not be set unconditionally because not all systems understand
+# e.g. LANG=C (notably SCO).
+if test "${LC_ALL+set}" = set; then LC_ALL=C; export LC_ALL; fi
+if test "${LANG+set}"   = set; then LANG=C;   export LANG;   fi
+if test -n "$cache_file" && test -r "$cache_file"; then
+  echo "loading cache $cache_file within ltconfig"
+  . $cache_file
+if (echo "testing\c"; echo 1,2,3) | grep c >/dev/null; then
+  # Stardent Vistra SVR4 grep lacks -e, says ghazi at caip.rutgers.edu.
+  if (echo -n testing; echo 1,2,3) | sed s/-n/xn/ | grep xn >/dev/null; then
+    ac_n= ac_c='
+' ac_t='	'
+  else
+    ac_n=-n ac_c= ac_t=
+  fi
+  ac_n= ac_c='\c' ac_t=
+if test -z "$srcdir"; then
+  # Assume the source directory is the same one as the path to LTMAIN.
+  srcdir=`$echo "X$ltmain" | $Xsed -e 's%/[^/]*$%%'`
+  test "$srcdir" = "$ltmain" && srcdir=.
+trap "$rm conftest*; exit 1" 1 2 15
+if test "$verify_host" = yes; then
+  # Check for config.guess and config.sub.
+  ac_aux_dir=
+  for ac_dir in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../..; do
+    if test -f $ac_dir/config.guess; then
+      ac_aux_dir=$ac_dir
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  if test -z "$ac_aux_dir"; then
+    echo "$progname: cannot find config.guess in $srcdir $srcdir/.. $srcdir/../.." 1>&2
+    echo "$help" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  ac_config_guess=$ac_aux_dir/config.guess
+  ac_config_sub=$ac_aux_dir/config.sub
+  # Make sure we can run config.sub.
+  if $SHELL $ac_config_sub sun4 >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+  else
+    echo "$progname: cannot run $ac_config_sub" 1>&2
+    echo "$help" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+  echo $ac_n "checking host system type""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  host_alias=$host
+  case "$host_alias" in
+  "")
+    if host_alias=`$SHELL $ac_config_guess`; then :
+    else
+      echo "$progname: cannot guess host type; you must specify one" 1>&2
+      echo "$help" 1>&2
+      exit 1
+    fi ;;
+  esac
+  host=`$SHELL $ac_config_sub $host_alias`
+  echo "$ac_t$host" 1>&6
+  # Make sure the host verified.
+  test -z "$host" && exit 1
+elif test -z "$host"; then
+  echo "$progname: you must specify a host type if you use \`--no-verify'" 1>&2
+  echo "$help" 1>&2
+  exit 1
+  host_alias=$host
+# Transform linux* to *-*-linux-gnu*, to support old configure scripts.
+case "$host_os" in
+linux-gnu*) ;;
+linux*) host=`echo $host | sed 's/^\(.*-.*-linux\)\(.*\)$/\1-gnu\2/'`
+host_cpu=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\1/'`
+host_vendor=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\2/'`
+host_os=`echo $host | sed 's/^\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)-\(.*\)$/\3/'`
+case "$host_os" in
+  # AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program.  For some
+  # reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems
+  # vanish in a puff of smoke.
+  if test "${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != set; then
+    export COLLECT_NAMES
+  fi
+  ;;
+# Determine commands to create old-style static archives.
+old_archive_cmds='$AR cru $oldlib$oldobjs'
+old_postinstall_cmds='chmod 644 $oldlib'
+# Set a sane default for `AR'.
+test -z "$AR" && AR=ar
+# Set a sane default for `OBJDUMP'.
+test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump
+# If RANLIB is not set, then run the test.
+if test "${RANLIB+set}" != "set"; then
+  result=no
+  echo $ac_n "checking for ranlib... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  IFS="${IFS= 	}"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}"
+  for dir in $PATH; do
+    test -z "$dir" && dir=.
+    if test -f $dir/ranlib || test -f $dir/ranlib$ac_exeext; then
+      RANLIB="ranlib"
+      result="ranlib"
+      break
+    fi
+  done
+  IFS="$save_ifs"
+  echo "$ac_t$result" 1>&6
+if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+  old_archive_cmds="$old_archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$oldlib"
+  old_postinstall_cmds="\$RANLIB \$oldlib~$old_postinstall_cmds"
+# Set sane defaults for `DLLTOOL', `OBJDUMP', and `AS', used on cygwin.
+test -z "$DLLTOOL" && DLLTOOL=dlltool
+test -z "$OBJDUMP" && OBJDUMP=objdump
+test -z "$AS" && AS=as
+# Check to see if we are using GCC.
+if test "$with_gcc" != yes || test -z "$CC"; then
+  # If CC is not set, then try to find GCC or a usable CC.
+  if test -z "$CC"; then
+    echo $ac_n "checking for gcc... $ac_c" 1>&6
+    IFS="${IFS= 	}"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}"
+    for dir in $PATH; do
+      test -z "$dir" && dir=.
+      if test -f $dir/gcc || test -f $dir/gcc$ac_exeext; then
+	CC="gcc"
+	break
+      fi
+    done
+    IFS="$save_ifs"
+    if test -n "$CC"; then
+      echo "$ac_t$CC" 1>&6
+    else
+      echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Not "gcc", so try "cc", rejecting "/usr/ucb/cc".
+  if test -z "$CC"; then
+    echo $ac_n "checking for cc... $ac_c" 1>&6
+    IFS="${IFS= 	}"; save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}"
+    cc_rejected=no
+    for dir in $PATH; do
+      test -z "$dir" && dir=.
+      if test -f $dir/cc || test -f $dir/cc$ac_exeext; then
+	if test "$dir/cc" = "/usr/ucb/cc"; then
+	  cc_rejected=yes
+	  continue
+	fi
+	CC="cc"
+	break
+      fi
+    done
+    IFS="$save_ifs"
+    if test $cc_rejected = yes; then
+      # We found a bogon in the path, so make sure we never use it.
+      set dummy $CC
+      shift
+      if test $# -gt 0; then
+	# We chose a different compiler from the bogus one.
+	# However, it has the same name, so the bogon will be chosen
+	# first if we set CC to just the name; use the full file name.
+	shift
+	set dummy "$dir/cc" "$@"
+	shift
+	CC="$@"
+      fi
+    fi
+    if test -n "$CC"; then
+      echo "$ac_t$CC" 1>&6
+    else
+      echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+    fi
+    if test -z "$CC"; then
+      echo "$progname: error: no acceptable cc found in \$PATH" 1>&2
+      exit 1
+    fi
+  fi
+  # Now see if the compiler is really GCC.
+  with_gcc=no
+  echo $ac_n "checking whether we are using GNU C... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  echo "$progname:581: checking whether we are using GNU C" >&5
+  $rm conftest.c
+  cat > conftest.c <<EOF
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+  yes;
+  if { ac_try='${CC-cc} -E conftest.c'; { (eval echo $progname:589: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }; } | egrep yes >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    with_gcc=yes
+  fi
+  $rm conftest.c
+  echo "$ac_t$with_gcc" 1>&6
+# Allow CC to be a program name with arguments.
+set dummy $CC
+echo $ac_n "checking for object suffix... $ac_c" 1>&6
+$rm conftest*
+echo 'int i = 1;' > conftest.c
+echo "$progname:603: checking for object suffix" >& 5
+if { (eval echo $progname:604: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; }; then
+  # Append any warnings to the config.log.
+  cat conftest.err 1>&5
+  for ac_file in conftest.*; do
+    case $ac_file in
+    *.c) ;;
+    *) objext=`echo $ac_file | sed -e s/conftest.//` ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  cat conftest.err 1>&5
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.c >&5
+$rm conftest*
+echo "$ac_t$objext" 1>&6
+echo $ac_n "checking for executable suffix... $ac_c" 1>&6
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_exeext'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  ac_cv_exeext="no"
+  $rm conftest*
+  echo 'main () { return 0; }' > conftest.c
+  echo "$progname:629: checking for executable suffix" >& 5
+  if { (eval echo $progname:630: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>conftest.err; }; then
+    # Append any warnings to the config.log.
+    cat conftest.err 1>&5
+    for ac_file in conftest.*; do
+      case $ac_file in
+      *.c | *.err | *.$objext ) ;;
+      *) ac_cv_exeext=.`echo $ac_file | sed -e s/conftest.//` ;;
+      esac
+    done
+  else
+    cat conftest.err 1>&5
+    echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+    cat conftest.c >&5
+  fi
+  $rm conftest*
+if test "X$ac_cv_exeext" = Xno; then
+  exeext=""
+  exeext="$ac_cv_exeext"
+echo "$ac_t$ac_cv_exeext" 1>&6
+echo $ac_n "checking for $compiler option to produce PIC... $ac_c" 1>&6
+if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+  wl='-Wl,'
+  link_static_flag='-static'
+  case "$host_os" in
+  beos* | irix5* | irix6* | osf3* | osf4*)
+    # PIC is the default for these OSes.
+    ;;
+  aix*)
+    # Below there is a dirty hack to force normal static linking with -ldl
+    # The problem is because libdl dynamically linked with both libc and
+    # libC (AIX C++ library), which obviously doesn't included in libraries
+    # list by gcc. This cause undefined symbols with -static flags.
+    # This hack allows C programs to be linked with "-static -ldl", but
+    # we not sure about C++ programs.
+    link_static_flag="$link_static_flag ${wl}-lC"
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw* | os2*)
+    # We can build DLLs from non-PIC.
+    ;;
+  amigaos*)
+    # FIXME: we need at least 68020 code to build shared libraries, but
+    # adding the `-m68020' flag to GCC prevents building anything better,
+    # like `-m68040'.
+    pic_flag='-m68020 -resident32 -malways-restore-a4'
+    ;;
+  sysv4*MP*)
+    if test -d /usr/nec; then
+       pic_flag=-Kconform_pic
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    pic_flag='-fPIC'
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # PORTME Check for PIC flags for the system compiler.
+  case "$host_os" in
+  aix3* | aix4*)
+    # All AIX code is PIC.
+    link_static_flag='-bnso -bI:/lib/syscalls.exp'
+    ;;
+  hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+    # Is there a better link_static_flag that works with the bundled CC?
+    wl='-Wl,'
+    link_static_flag="${wl}-a ${wl}archive"
+    pic_flag='+Z'
+    ;;
+  irix5* | irix6*)
+    wl='-Wl,'
+    link_static_flag='-non_shared'
+    # PIC (with -KPIC) is the default.
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw* | os2*)
+    # We can build DLLs from non-PIC.
+    ;;
+  osf3* | osf4*)
+    # All OSF/1 code is PIC.
+    wl='-Wl,'
+    link_static_flag='-non_shared'
+    ;;
+  sco3.2v5*)
+    pic_flag='-Kpic'
+    link_static_flag='-dn'
+    special_shlib_compile_flags='-belf'
+    ;;
+  solaris*)
+    pic_flag='-KPIC'
+    link_static_flag='-Bstatic'
+    wl='-Wl,'
+    ;;
+  sunos4*)
+    pic_flag='-PIC'
+    link_static_flag='-Bstatic'
+    wl='-Qoption ld '
+    ;;
+  sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*)
+    pic_flag='-KPIC'
+    link_static_flag='-Bstatic'
+    wl='-Wl,'
+    ;;
+  uts4*)
+    pic_flag='-pic'
+    link_static_flag='-Bstatic'
+    ;;
+  sysv4*MP*)
+    if test -d /usr/nec ;then
+      pic_flag='-Kconform_pic'
+      link_static_flag='-Bstatic'
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    can_build_shared=no
+    ;;
+  esac
+if test -n "$pic_flag"; then
+  echo "$ac_t$pic_flag" 1>&6
+  # Check to make sure the pic_flag actually works.
+  echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler PIC flag $pic_flag works... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  $rm conftest*
+  echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c
+  save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $pic_flag -DPIC"
+  echo "$progname:776: checking if $compiler PIC flag $pic_flag works" >&5
+  if { (eval echo $progname:777: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; } && test -s conftest.$objext; then
+    # Append any warnings to the config.log.
+    cat conftest.err 1>&5
+    case "$host_os" in
+    hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+      # On HP-UX, both CC and GCC only warn that PIC is supported... then they
+      # create non-PIC objects.  So, if there were any warnings, we assume that
+      # PIC is not supported.
+      if test -s conftest.err; then
+	echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+	can_build_shared=no
+	pic_flag=
+      else
+	echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6
+	pic_flag=" $pic_flag"
+      fi
+      ;;
+    *)
+      echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6
+      pic_flag=" $pic_flag"
+      ;;
+    esac
+  else
+    # Append any errors to the config.log.
+    cat conftest.err 1>&5
+    can_build_shared=no
+    pic_flag=
+    echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+  fi
+  CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+  $rm conftest*
+  echo "$ac_t"none 1>&6
+# Check to see if options -o and -c are simultaneously supported by compiler
+echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.o... $ac_c" 1>&6
+$rm -r conftest 2>/dev/null
+mkdir conftest
+cd conftest
+$rm conftest*
+echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c
+mkdir out
+# According to Tom Tromey, Ian Lance Taylor reported there are C compilers
+# that will create temporary files in the current directory regardless of
+# the output directory.  Thus, making CWD read-only will cause this test
+# to fail, enabling locking or at least warning the user not to do parallel
+# builds.
+chmod -w .
+CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -o out/conftest2.o"
+echo "$progname:829: checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.o" >&5
+if { (eval echo $progname:830: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>out/conftest.err; } && test -s out/conftest2.o; then
+  # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized
+  # So say no if there are warnings
+    if test -s out/conftest.err; then
+      echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+      compiler_c_o=no
+    else
+      echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6
+      compiler_c_o=yes
+    fi
+  # Append any errors to the config.log.
+  cat out/conftest.err 1>&5
+  compiler_c_o=no
+  echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+chmod u+w .
+$rm conftest* out/*
+rmdir out
+cd ..
+rmdir conftest
+$rm -r conftest 2>/dev/null
+if test x"$compiler_c_o" = x"yes"; then
+  # Check to see if we can write to a .lo
+  echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.lo... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  $rm conftest*
+  echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c
+  save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -c -o conftest.lo"
+  echo "$progname:862: checking if $compiler supports -c -o file.lo" >&5
+if { (eval echo $progname:863: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; } && test -s conftest.lo; then
+    # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized
+    # So say no if there are warnings
+      if test -s conftest.err; then
+	echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+	compiler_o_lo=no
+      else
+	echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6
+	compiler_o_lo=yes
+      fi
+  else
+    # Append any errors to the config.log.
+    cat conftest.err 1>&5
+    compiler_o_lo=no
+    echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+  fi
+  CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+  $rm conftest*
+  compiler_o_lo=no
+# Check to see if we can do hard links to lock some files if needed
+if test "$compiler_c_o" = no && test "$need_locks" != no; then
+  # do not overwrite the value of need_locks provided by the user
+  echo $ac_n "checking if we can lock with hard links... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  hard_links=yes
+  $rm conftest*
+  ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no
+  touch conftest.a
+  ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>&5 || hard_links=no
+  ln conftest.a conftest.b 2>/dev/null && hard_links=no
+  echo "$ac_t$hard_links" 1>&6
+  $rm conftest*
+  if test "$hard_links" = no; then
+    echo "*** WARNING: \`$CC' does not support \`-c -o', so \`make -j' may be unsafe" >&2
+    need_locks=warn
+  fi
+  need_locks=no
+if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+  # Check to see if options -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions are supported by compiler
+  echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions ... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  $rm conftest*
+  echo "int some_variable = 0;" > conftest.c
+  save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -c conftest.c"
+  echo "$progname:914: checking if $compiler supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions" >&5
+  if { (eval echo $progname:915: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>conftest.err; } && test -s conftest.o; then
+    # The compiler can only warn and ignore the option if not recognized
+    # So say no if there are warnings
+      if test -s conftest.err; then
+	echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+	compiler_rtti_exceptions=no
+      else
+	echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6
+	compiler_rtti_exceptions=yes
+      fi
+  else
+    # Append any errors to the config.log.
+    cat conftest.err 1>&5
+    compiler_rtti_exceptions=no
+    echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+  fi
+  CFLAGS="$save_CFLAGS"
+  $rm conftest*
+  if test "$compiler_rtti_exceptions" = "yes"; then
+    no_builtin_flag=' -fno-builtin -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'
+  else
+    no_builtin_flag=' -fno-builtin'
+  fi
+# Check for any special shared library compilation flags.
+if test -n "$special_shlib_compile_flags"; then
+  echo "$progname: warning: \`$CC' requires \`$special_shlib_compile_flags' to build shared libraries" 1>&2
+  if echo "$old_CC $old_CFLAGS " | egrep -e "[ 	]$special_shlib_compile_flags[ 	]" >/dev/null; then :
+  else
+    echo "$progname: add \`$special_shlib_compile_flags' to the CC or CFLAGS env variable and reconfigure" 1>&2
+    can_build_shared=no
+  fi
+echo $ac_n "checking if $compiler static flag $link_static_flag works... $ac_c" 1>&6
+$rm conftest*
+echo 'main(){return(0);}' > conftest.c
+LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $link_static_flag"
+echo "$progname:958: checking if $compiler static flag $link_static_flag works" >&5
+if { (eval echo $progname:959: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest; then
+  echo "$ac_t$link_static_flag" 1>&6
+  echo "$ac_t"none 1>&6
+  link_static_flag=
+$rm conftest*
+if test -z "$LN_S"; then
+  # Check to see if we can use ln -s, or we need hard links.
+  echo $ac_n "checking whether ln -s works... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  $rm conftest.dat
+  if ln -s X conftest.dat 2>/dev/null; then
+    $rm conftest.dat
+    LN_S="ln -s"
+  else
+    LN_S=ln
+  fi
+  if test "$LN_S" = "ln -s"; then
+    echo "$ac_t"yes 1>&6
+  else
+    echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+  fi
+# Make sure LD is an absolute path.
+if test -z "$LD"; then
+  ac_prog=ld
+  if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+    # Check if gcc -print-prog-name=ld gives a path.
+    echo $ac_n "checking for ld used by GCC... $ac_c" 1>&6
+    echo "$progname:991: checking for ld used by GCC" >&5
+    ac_prog=`($CC -print-prog-name=ld) 2>&5`
+    case "$ac_prog" in
+    # Accept absolute paths.
+    [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*)
+      re_direlt='/[^/][^/]*/\.\./'
+      # Canonicalize the path of ld
+      ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed 's%\\\\%/%g'`
+      while echo $ac_prog | grep "$re_direlt" > /dev/null 2>&1; do
+	ac_prog=`echo $ac_prog| sed "s%$re_direlt%/%"`
+      done
+      test -z "$LD" && LD="$ac_prog"
+      ;;
+    "")
+      # If it fails, then pretend we are not using GCC.
+      ac_prog=ld
+      ;;
+    *)
+      # If it is relative, then search for the first ld in PATH.
+      with_gnu_ld=unknown
+      ;;
+    esac
+  elif test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+    echo $ac_n "checking for GNU ld... $ac_c" 1>&6
+    echo "$progname:1015: checking for GNU ld" >&5
+  else
+    echo $ac_n "checking for non-GNU ld""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+    echo "$progname:1018: checking for non-GNU ld" >&5
+  fi
+  if test -z "$LD"; then
+    IFS="${IFS= 	}"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}"
+    for ac_dir in $PATH; do
+      test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
+      if test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog" || test -f "$ac_dir/$ac_prog$ac_exeext"; then
+	LD="$ac_dir/$ac_prog"
+	# Check to see if the program is GNU ld.  I'd rather use --version,
+	# but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v.
+	# Break only if it was the GNU/non-GNU ld that we prefer.
+	if "$LD" -v 2>&1 < /dev/null | egrep '(GNU|with BFD)' > /dev/null; then
+	  test "$with_gnu_ld" != no && break
+	else
+	  test "$with_gnu_ld" != yes && break
+	fi
+      fi
+    done
+    IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
+  fi
+  if test -n "$LD"; then
+    echo "$ac_t$LD" 1>&6
+  else
+    echo "$ac_t"no 1>&6
+  fi
+  if test -z "$LD"; then
+    echo "$progname: error: no acceptable ld found in \$PATH" 1>&2
+    exit 1
+  fi
+# Check to see if it really is or is not GNU ld.
+echo $ac_n "checking if the linker ($LD) is GNU ld... $ac_c" 1>&6
+# I'd rather use --version here, but apparently some GNU ld's only accept -v.
+if $LD -v 2>&1 </dev/null | egrep '(GNU|with BFD)' 1>&5; then
+  with_gnu_ld=yes
+  with_gnu_ld=no
+echo "$ac_t$with_gnu_ld" 1>&6
+# See if the linker supports building shared libraries.
+echo $ac_n "checking whether the linker ($LD) supports shared libraries... $ac_c" 1>&6
+# when you set need_version to no, make sure it does not cause -set_version
+# flags to be left without arguments
+export_symbols_cmds='$NM $libobjs $convenience | $global_symbol_pipe | sed '\''s/.* //'\'' | sort | uniq > $export_symbols'
+# include_expsyms should be a list of space-separated symbols to be *always*
+# included in the symbol list
+# exclude_expsyms can be an egrep regular expression of symbols to exclude
+# it will be wrapped by ` (' and `)$', so one must not match beginning or
+# end of line.  Example: `a|bc|.*d.*' will exclude the symbols `a' and `bc',
+# as well as any symbol that contains `d'.
+# Although _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ is a valid symbol C name, most a.out
+# platforms (ab)use it in PIC code, but their linkers get confused if
+# the symbol is explicitly referenced.  Since portable code cannot
+# rely on this symbol name, it's probably fine to never include it in
+# preloaded symbol tables.
+case "$host_os" in
+cygwin* | mingw*)
+  # FIXME: the MSVC++ port hasn't been tested in a loooong time
+  # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using
+  # Microsoft Visual C++.
+  if test "$with_gcc" != yes; then
+    with_gnu_ld=no
+  fi
+  ;;
+if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+  # If archive_cmds runs LD, not CC, wlarc should be empty
+  wlarc='${wl}'
+  # See if GNU ld supports shared libraries.
+  case "$host_os" in
+  aix3* | aix4*)
+    # On AIX, the GNU linker is very broken
+    ld_shlibs=no
+    cat <<EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: the GNU linker, at least up to release 2.9.1, is reported
+*** to be unable to reliably create shared libraries on AIX.
+*** Therefore, libtool is disabling shared libraries support.  If you
+*** really care for shared libraries, you may want to modify your PATH
+*** so that a non-GNU linker is found, and then restart.
+    ;;
+  amigaos*)
+    archive_cmds='$rm $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define NAME $libname" > $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define VERSION $major" >> $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define REVISION $revision" >> $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$AR cru $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes
+    # Samuel A. Falvo II <kc5tja at dolphin.openprojects.net> reports
+    # that the semantics of dynamic libraries on AmigaOS, at least up
+    # to version 4, is to share data among multiple programs linked
+    # with the same dynamic library.  Since this doesn't match the
+    # behavior of shared libraries on other platforms, we can use
+    # them.
+    ld_shlibs=no
+    ;;
+  beos*)
+    if $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+      allow_undefined_flag=unsupported
+      # Joseph Beckenbach <jrb3 at best.com> says some releases of gcc
+      # support --undefined.  This deserves some investigation.  FIXME
+      archive_cmds='$CC -nostart $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+    else
+      ld_shlibs=no
+    fi
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw*)
+    # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is
+    # no search path for DLLs.
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    allow_undefined_flag=unsupported
+    always_export_symbols=yes
+    # Extract the symbol export list from an `--export-all' def file,
+    # then regenerate the def file from the symbol export list, so that
+    # the compiled dll only exports the symbol export list.
+    export_symbols_cmds='test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c || sed -e "/^# \/\* ltdll\.c starts here \*\//,/^# \/\* ltdll.c ends here \*\// { s/^# //; p; }" -e d < $0 > $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c~
+      test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext || (cd $objdir && $CC -c $soname-ltdll.c)~
+      $DLLTOOL --export-all --exclude-symbols DllMain at 12,_cygwin_dll_entry at 12,_cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry at 12 --output-def $objdir/$soname-def  $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $convenience~
+      sed -e "1,/EXPORTS/d" -e "s/ @ [0-9]* ; *//" < $objdir/$soname-def > $export_symbols'
+    archive_expsym_cmds='echo EXPORTS > $objdir/$soname-def~
+      _lt_hint=1;
+      for symbol in `cat $export_symbols`; do
+	echo "	\$symbol @ \$_lt_hint ; " >> $objdir/$soname-def;
+	_lt_hint=`expr 1 + \$_lt_hint`;
+      done~
+      test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c || sed -e "/^# \/\* ltdll\.c starts here \*\//,/^# \/\* ltdll.c ends here \*\// { s/^# //; p; }" -e d < $0 > $objdir/$soname-ltdll.c~
+      test -f $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext || (cd $objdir && $CC -c $soname-ltdll.c)~
+      $CC -Wl,--base-file,$objdir/$soname-base -Wl,--dll -nostartfiles -Wl,-e,__cygwin_dll_entry at 12 -o $lib $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~
+      $DLLTOOL --as=$AS --dllname $soname --exclude-symbols DllMain at 12,_cygwin_dll_entry at 12,_cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry at 12 --def $objdir/$soname-def --base-file $objdir/$soname-base --output-exp $objdir/$soname-exp~
+      $CC -Wl,--base-file,$objdir/$soname-base $objdir/$soname-exp -Wl,--dll -nostartfiles -Wl,-e,__cygwin_dll_entry at 12 -o $lib $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~
+      $DLLTOOL --as=$AS --dllname $soname --exclude-symbols DllMain at 12,_cygwin_dll_entry at 12,_cygwin_noncygwin_dll_entry at 12 --def $objdir/$soname-def --base-file $objdir/$soname-base --output-exp $objdir/$soname-exp~
+      $CC $objdir/$soname-exp -Wl,--dll -nostartfiles -Wl,-e,__cygwin_dll_entry at 12 -o $lib $objdir/$soname-ltdll.$objext $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+      old_archive_from_new_cmds='$DLLTOOL --as=$AS --dllname $soname --def $objdir/$soname-def --output-lib $objdir/$libname.a' 
+    ;;
+  netbsd*)
+    if $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+      archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+      archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+    else
+      archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -o $lib'
+      # can we support soname and/or expsyms with a.out? -oliva
+    fi
+    ;;
+  solaris*)
+    if $LD -v 2>&1 | egrep 'BFD 2\.8' > /dev/null; then
+      ld_shlibs=no
+      cat <<EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: The releases 2.8.* of the GNU linker cannot reliably
+*** create shared libraries on Solaris systems.  Therefore, libtool
+*** is disabling shared libraries support.  We urge you to upgrade GNU
+*** binutils to release 2.9.1 or newer.  Another option is to modify
+*** your PATH or compiler configuration so that the native linker is
+*** used, and then restart.
+    elif $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+      archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+      archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+    else
+      ld_shlibs=no
+    fi
+    ;;      
+  sunos4*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -assert pure-text -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    wlarc=
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  *)
+    if $LD --help 2>&1 | egrep ': supported targets:.* elf' > /dev/null; then
+      archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname -o $lib'
+      archive_expsym_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname $wl$soname ${wl}-retain-symbols-file $wl$export_symbols -o $lib'
+    else
+      ld_shlibs=no
+    fi
+    ;;
+  esac
+  if test "$ld_shlibs" = yes; then
+    runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}--rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+    export_dynamic_flag_spec='${wl}--export-dynamic'
+    case $host_os in
+    cygwin* | mingw*)
+      # dlltool doesn't understand --whole-archive et. al.
+      whole_archive_flag_spec=
+      ;;
+    *)
+      whole_archive_flag_spec="$wlarc"'--whole-archive$convenience '"$wlarc"'--no-whole-archive'
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  # PORTME fill in a description of your system's linker (not GNU ld)
+  case "$host_os" in
+  aix3*)
+    allow_undefined_flag=unsupported
+    always_export_symbols=yes
+    archive_expsym_cmds='$LD -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -bE:$export_symbols -T512 -H512 -bM:SRE~$AR cru $lib $objdir/$soname'
+    # Note: this linker hardcodes the directories in LIBPATH if there
+    # are no directories specified by -L.
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes
+    if test "$with_gcc" = yes && test -z "$link_static_flag"; then
+      # Neither direct hardcoding nor static linking is supported with a
+      # broken collect2.
+      hardcode_direct=unsupported
+    fi
+    ;;
+  aix4*)
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-b ${wl}nolibpath ${wl}-b ${wl}libpath:$libdir:/usr/lib:/lib'
+    hardcode_libdir_separator=':'
+    if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+      collect2name=`${CC} -print-prog-name=collect2`
+      if test -f "$collect2name" && \
+	 strings "$collect2name" | grep resolve_lib_name >/dev/null
+      then
+	# We have reworked collect2
+	hardcode_direct=yes
+      else
+	# We have old collect2
+	hardcode_direct=unsupported
+	# It fails to find uninstalled libraries when the uninstalled
+	# path is not listed in the libpath.  Setting hardcode_minus_L
+	# to unsupported forces relinking
+	hardcode_minus_L=yes
+	hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+	hardcode_libdir_separator=
+      fi
+      shared_flag='-shared'
+    else
+      shared_flag='${wl}-bM:SRE'
+      hardcode_direct=yes
+    fi
+    allow_undefined_flag=' ${wl}-berok'
+    archive_cmds="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-bexpall ${wl}-bnoentry${allow_undefined_flag}'
+    archive_expsym_cmds="\$CC $shared_flag"' -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-bE:$export_symbols ${wl}-bnoentry${allow_undefined_flag}'
+    case "$host_os" in aix4.[01]|aix4.[01].*)
+      # According to Greg Wooledge, -bexpall is only supported from AIX 4.2 on
+      always_export_symbols=yes ;;
+    esac
+   ;;
+  amigaos*)
+    archive_cmds='$rm $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define NAME $libname" > $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define LIBRARY_ID 1" >> $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define VERSION $major" >> $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$echo "#define REVISION $revision" >> $objdir/a2ixlibrary.data~$AR cru $lib $libobjs~$RANLIB $lib~(cd $objdir && a2ixlibrary -32)'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes
+    # see comment about different semantics on the GNU ld section
+    ld_shlibs=no
+    ;;
+  cygwin* | mingw*)
+    # When not using gcc, we currently assume that we are using
+    # Microsoft Visual C++.
+    # hardcode_libdir_flag_spec is actually meaningless, as there is
+    # no search path for DLLs.
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec=' '
+    allow_undefined_flag=unsupported
+    # Tell ltmain to make .lib files, not .a files.
+    libext=lib
+    # FIXME: Setting linknames here is a bad hack.
+    archive_cmds='$CC -o $lib $libobjs $linkopts `echo "$deplibs" | sed -e '\''s/ -lc$//'\''` -link -dll~linknames='
+    # The linker will automatically build a .lib file if we build a DLL.
+    old_archive_from_new_cmds='true'
+    # FIXME: Should let the user specify the lib program.
+    old_archive_cmds='lib /OUT:$oldlib$oldobjs'
+    fix_srcfile_path='`cygpath -w $srcfile`'
+    ;;
+  freebsd1*)
+    ld_shlibs=no
+    ;;
+  # FreeBSD 2.2.[012] allows us to include c++rt0.o to get C++ constructor
+  # support.  Future versions do this automatically, but an explicit c++rt0.o
+  # does not break anything, and helps significantly (at the cost of a little
+  # extra space).
+  freebsd2.2*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts /usr/lib/c++rt0.o'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  # Unfortunately, older versions of FreeBSD 2 do not have this feature.
+  freebsd2*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  # FreeBSD 3 and greater uses gcc -shared to do shared libraries.
+  freebsd*)
+    archive_cmds='$CC -shared -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+    case "$host_os" in
+    hpux9*) archive_cmds='$rm $objdir/$soname~$LD -b +b $install_libdir -o $objdir/$soname $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~test $objdir/$soname = $lib || mv $objdir/$soname $lib' ;;
+    *) archive_cmds='$LD -b +h $soname +b $install_libdir -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts' ;;
+    esac
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}+b ${wl}$libdir'
+    hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes # Not in the search PATH, but as the default
+			 # location of the library.
+    export_dynamic_flag_spec='${wl}-E'
+    ;;
+  irix5* | irix6*)
+    if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+      archive_cmds='$CC -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib'
+    else
+      archive_cmds='$LD -shared $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib'
+    fi
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+    hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+    ;;
+  netbsd*)
+    if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then
+      archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'  # a.out
+    else
+      archive_cmds='$LD -shared -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'      # ELF
+    fi
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-R$libdir'
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  openbsd*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -Bshareable -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  os2*)
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes
+    allow_undefined_flag=unsupported
+    archive_cmds='$echo "LIBRARY $libname INITINSTANCE" > $objdir/$libname.def~$echo "DESCRIPTION \"$libname\"" >> $objdir/$libname.def~$echo DATA >> $objdir/$libname.def~$echo " SINGLE NONSHARED" >> $objdir/$libname.def~$echo EXPORTS >> $objdir/$libname.def~emxexp $libobjs >> $objdir/$libname.def~$CC -Zdll -Zcrtdll -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts $objdir/$libname.def'
+    old_archive_from_new_cmds='emximp -o $objdir/$libname.a $objdir/$libname.def'
+    ;;
+  osf3* | osf4*)
+    if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+      allow_undefined_flag=' ${wl}-expect_unresolved ${wl}\*'
+      archive_cmds='$CC -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts ${wl}-soname ${wl}$soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo ${wl}-set_version ${wl}$verstring` ${wl}-update_registry ${wl}${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib'
+    else
+      allow_undefined_flag=' -expect_unresolved \*'
+      archive_cmds='$LD -shared${allow_undefined_flag} $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts -soname $soname `test -n "$verstring" && echo -set_version $verstring` -update_registry ${objdir}/so_locations -o $lib'
+    fi
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='${wl}-rpath ${wl}$libdir'
+    hardcode_libdir_separator=:
+    ;;
+  sco3.2v5*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH
+    hardcode_runpath_var=yes
+    ;;
+  solaris*)
+    no_undefined_flag=' -z text'
+    # $CC -shared without GNU ld will not create a library from C++
+    # object files and a static libstdc++, better avoid it by now
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    archive_expsym_cmds='$echo "{ global:" > $lib.exp~cat $export_symbols | sed -e "s/\(.*\)/\1;/" >> $lib.exp~$echo "local: *; };" >> $lib.exp~
+		$LD -G${allow_undefined_flag} -M $lib.exp -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts~$rm $lib.exp'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-R$libdir'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    case "$host_os" in
+    solaris2.[0-5] | solaris2.[0-5].*) ;;
+    *) # Supported since Solaris 2.6 (maybe 2.5.1?)
+      whole_archive_flag_spec='-z allextract$convenience -z defaultextract' ;;
+    esac
+    ;;
+  sunos4*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -assert pure-text -Bstatic -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    hardcode_direct=yes
+    hardcode_minus_L=yes
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  sysv4)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    runpath_var='LD_RUN_PATH'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    hardcode_direct=no #Motorola manual says yes, but my tests say they lie 
+    ;;  
+  sysv4.3*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    export_dynamic_flag_spec='-Bexport'
+    ;;
+  uts4*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  dgux*)
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib $libobjs $deplibs $linkopts'
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec='-L$libdir'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    ;;
+  sysv4*MP*)
+    if test -d /usr/nec ;then
+    # archive_cmds='$LD -G -z text -h $soname -o $lib$libobjs$deplibs'
+    archive_cmds='$LD -G -h $soname -o $lib$libobjs$deplibs'
+    hardcode_shlibpath_var=no
+    runpath_var=LD_RUN_PATH
+    hardcode_runpath_var=yes
+    ld_shlibs=yes
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    ld_shlibs=no
+    ;;
+  esac
+echo "$ac_t$ld_shlibs" 1>&6
+test "$ld_shlibs" = no && can_build_shared=no
+if test -z "$NM"; then
+  echo $ac_n "checking for BSD-compatible nm... $ac_c" 1>&6
+  case "$NM" in
+  [\\/]* | [A-Za-z]:[\\/]*) ;; # Let the user override the test with a path.
+  *)
+    IFS="${IFS= 	}"; ac_save_ifs="$IFS"; IFS="${IFS}${PATH_SEPARATOR}"
+    for ac_dir in $PATH /usr/ucb /usr/ccs/bin /bin; do
+      test -z "$ac_dir" && ac_dir=.
+      if test -f $ac_dir/nm || test -f $ac_dir/nm$ac_exeext; then
+	# Check to see if the nm accepts a BSD-compat flag.
+	# Adding the `sed 1q' prevents false positives on HP-UX, which says:
+	#   nm: unknown option "B" ignored
+	if ($ac_dir/nm -B /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'; exit 0) | egrep /dev/null >/dev/null; then
+	  NM="$ac_dir/nm -B"
+	  break
+	elif ($ac_dir/nm -p /dev/null 2>&1 | sed '1q'; exit 0) | egrep /dev/null >/dev/null; then
+	  NM="$ac_dir/nm -p"
+	  break
+	else
+	  NM=${NM="$ac_dir/nm"} # keep the first match, but
+	  continue # so that we can try to find one that supports BSD flags
+	fi
+      fi
+    done
+    IFS="$ac_save_ifs"
+    test -z "$NM" && NM=nm
+    ;;
+  esac
+  echo "$ac_t$NM" 1>&6
+# Check for command to grab the raw symbol name followed by C symbol from nm.
+echo $ac_n "checking command to parse $NM output... $ac_c" 1>&6
+# These are sane defaults that work on at least a few old systems.
+# [They come from Ultrix.  What could be older than Ultrix?!! ;)]
+# Character class describing NM global symbol codes.
+# Regexp to match symbols that can be accessed directly from C.
+# Transform the above into a raw symbol and a C symbol.
+symxfrm='\1 \2\3 \3'
+# Transform an extracted symbol line into a proper C declaration
+global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^. .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'"
+# Define system-specific variables.
+case "$host_os" in
+  symcode='[BCDT]'
+  ;;
+cygwin* | mingw*)
+  symcode='[ABCDGISTW]'
+  ;;
+hpux*) # Its linker distinguishes data from code symbols
+  global_symbol_to_cdecl="sed -n -e 's/^T .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1();/p' -e 's/^. .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'"
+  ;;
+  symcode='[BCDEGRST]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[BDT]'
+  ;;
+  symcode='[DFNSTU]'
+  ;;
+# If we're using GNU nm, then use its standard symbol codes.
+if $NM -V 2>&1 | egrep '(GNU|with BFD)' > /dev/null; then
+  symcode='[ABCDGISTW]'
+# Try without a prefix undercore, then with it.
+for ac_symprfx in "" "_"; do
+  # Write the raw and C identifiers.
+  global_symbol_pipe="sed -n -e 's/^.*[ 	]\($symcode\)[ 	][ 	]*\($ac_symprfx\)$sympat$/$symxfrm/p'"
+  # Check to see that the pipe works correctly.
+  pipe_works=no
+  $rm conftest*
+  cat > conftest.c <<EOF
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+char nm_test_var;
+void nm_test_func(){}
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+  echo "$progname:1592: checking if global_symbol_pipe works" >&5
+  if { (eval echo $progname:1593: \"$ac_compile\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_compile) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest.$objext; then
+    # Now try to grab the symbols.
+    nlist=conftest.nm
+    if { echo "$progname:1596: eval \"$NM conftest.$objext | $global_symbol_pipe > $nlist\"" >&5; eval "$NM conftest.$objext | $global_symbol_pipe > $nlist 2>&5"; } && test -s "$nlist"; then
+      # Try sorting and uniquifying the output.
+      if sort "$nlist" | uniq > "$nlist"T; then
+	mv -f "$nlist"T "$nlist"
+      else
+	rm -f "$nlist"T
+      fi
+      # Make sure that we snagged all the symbols we need.
+      if egrep ' nm_test_var$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then
+	if egrep ' nm_test_func$' "$nlist" >/dev/null; then
+	  cat <<EOF > conftest.c
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+	  # Now generate the symbol file.
+	  eval "$global_symbol_to_cdecl"' < "$nlist" >> conftest.c'
+	  cat <<EOF >> conftest.c
+#if defined (__STDC__) && __STDC__
+# define lt_ptr_t void *
+# define lt_ptr_t char *
+# define const
+/* The mapping between symbol names and symbols. */
+const struct {
+  const char *name;
+  lt_ptr_t address;
+lt_preloaded_symbols[] =
+	  sed 's/^. \(.*\) \(.*\)$/  {"\2", (lt_ptr_t) \&\2},/' < "$nlist" >> conftest.c
+	  cat <<\EOF >> conftest.c
+  {0, (lt_ptr_t) 0}
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+	  # Now try linking the two files.
+	  mv conftest.$objext conftstm.$objext
+	  save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+	  save_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS"
+	  LIBS="conftstm.$objext"
+	  CFLAGS="$CFLAGS$no_builtin_flag"
+	  if { (eval echo $progname:1648: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest; then
+	    pipe_works=yes
+	  else
+	    echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+	    cat conftest.c >&5
+	  fi
+	  LIBS="$save_LIBS"
+	else
+	  echo "cannot find nm_test_func in $nlist" >&5
+	fi
+      else
+	echo "cannot find nm_test_var in $nlist" >&5
+      fi
+    else
+      echo "cannot run $global_symbol_pipe" >&5
+    fi
+  else
+    echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+    cat conftest.c >&5
+  fi
+  $rm conftest* conftst*
+  # Do not use the global_symbol_pipe unless it works.
+  if test "$pipe_works" = yes; then
+    break
+  else
+    global_symbol_pipe=
+  fi
+if test "$pipe_works" = yes; then
+  echo "${ac_t}ok" 1>&6
+  echo "${ac_t}failed" 1>&6
+if test -z "$global_symbol_pipe"; then
+  global_symbol_to_cdecl=
+# Check hardcoding attributes.
+echo $ac_n "checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... $ac_c" 1>&6
+if test -n "$hardcode_libdir_flag_spec" || \
+   test -n "$runpath_var"; then
+  # We can hardcode non-existant directories.
+  if test "$hardcode_direct" != no &&
+     # If the only mechanism to avoid hardcoding is shlibpath_var, we
+     # have to relink, otherwise we might link with an installed library
+     # when we should be linking with a yet-to-be-installed one
+     ## test "$hardcode_shlibpath_var" != no &&
+     test "$hardcode_minus_L" != no; then
+    # Linking always hardcodes the temporary library directory.
+    hardcode_action=relink
+  else
+    # We can link without hardcoding, and we can hardcode nonexisting dirs.
+    hardcode_action=immediate
+  fi
+  # We cannot hardcode anything, or else we can only hardcode existing
+  # directories.
+  hardcode_action=unsupported
+echo "$ac_t$hardcode_action" 1>&6
+reload_cmds='$LD$reload_flag -o $output$reload_objs'
+echo $ac_n "checking for $LD option to reload object files... $ac_c" 1>&6
+# PORTME Some linkers may need a different reload flag.
+echo "$ac_t$reload_flag" 1>&6
+test -n "$reload_flag" && reload_flag=" $reload_flag"
+# PORTME Fill in your ld.so characteristics
+dynamic_linker="$host_os ld.so"
+sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib"
+sys_lib_search_path_spec="/lib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
+# Need to set the preceding variable on all platforms that support
+# interlibrary dependencies.
+# 'none' -- dependencies not supported.
+# `unknown' -- same as none, but documents that we really don't know.
+# 'pass_all' -- all dependencies passed with no checks.
+# 'test_compile' -- check by making test program.
+# 'file_magic [regex]' -- check by looking for files in library path
+# which responds to the $file_magic_cmd with a given egrep regex.
+# If you have `file' or equivalent on your system and you're not sure
+# whether `pass_all' will *always* work, you probably want this one.
+echo $ac_n "checking dynamic linker characteristics... $ac_c" 1>&6
+case "$host_os" in
+  version_type=linux
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix $libname.a'
+  shlibpath_var=LIBPATH
+  # AIX has no versioning support, so we append a major version to the name.
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux
+  # AIX has no versioning support, so currently we can not hardcode correct
+  # soname into executable. Probably we can add versioning support to
+  # collect2, so additional links can be useful in future.
+  # We preserve .a as extension for shared libraries though AIX4.2
+  # and later linker supports .so
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.a'
+  shlibpath_var=LIBPATH
+  deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  ;;
+  library_names_spec='$libname.ixlibrary $libname.a'
+  # Create ${libname}_ixlibrary.a entries in /sys/libs.
+  finish_eval='for lib in `ls $libdir/*.ixlibrary 2>/dev/null`; do libname=`$echo "X$lib" | $Xsed -e '\''s%^.*/\([^/]*\)\.ixlibrary$%\1%'\''`; test $rm /sys/libs/${libname}_ixlibrary.a; $show "(cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a)"; (cd /sys/libs && $LN_S $lib ${libname}_ixlibrary.a) || exit 1; done'
+  ;;
+  library_names_spec='${libname}.so'
+  dynamic_linker="$host_os ld.so"
+  shlibpath_var=LIBRARY_PATH
+  deplibs_check_method=pass_all
+  lt_cv_dlopen="load_add_on"
+  lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+  lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux
+  library_names_spec='${libname}.so$major ${libname}.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}.so'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (shared object|dynamic lib)'
+  file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  file_magic_test_file=/shlib/libc.so
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/X11/lib /usr/contrib/lib /lib /usr/local/lib"
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/shlib /usr/lib /usr/local/lib"
+  # the default ld.so.conf also contains /usr/contrib/lib and
+  # /usr/X11R6/lib (/usr/X11 is a link to /usr/X11R6), but let us allow
+  # libtool to hard-code these into programs
+  ;;
+cygwin* | mingw*)
+  version_type=windows
+  need_version=no
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  if test "$with_gcc" = yes; then
+    library_names_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | sed -e 's/[.]/-/g'`${versuffix}.dll $libname.a'
+  else
+    library_names_spec='${libname}`echo ${release} | sed -e 's/[.]/-/g'`${versuffix}.dll $libname.lib'
+  fi
+  dynamic_linker='Win32 ld.exe'
+  deplibs_check_method='file_magic file format pei*-i386(.*architecture: i386)?'
+  file_magic_cmd='${OBJDUMP} -f'
+  # FIXME: first we should search . and the directory the executable is in
+  shlibpath_var=PATH
+  lt_cv_dlopen="LoadLibrary"
+  lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+  ;;
+  dynamic_linker=no
+  ;;
+  objformat=`test -x /usr/bin/objformat && /usr/bin/objformat || echo aout`
+  version_type=freebsd-$objformat
+  case "$version_type" in
+    freebsd-elf*)
+      deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [LM]SB shared object'
+      file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+      file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/libc.so*`
+      library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so $libname.so'
+      need_version=no
+      need_lib_prefix=no
+      ;;
+    freebsd-*)
+      deplibs_check_method=unknown
+      library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix $libname.so$versuffix'
+      need_version=yes
+      ;;
+  esac
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" OBJFORMAT="'"$objformat"'" ldconfig -m $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  case "$host_os" in
+  freebsd2* | freebsd3.[01]*)
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+    ;;
+  *) # from 3.2 on
+    shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+    ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so${major} ${libname}.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+hpux9* | hpux10* | hpux11*)
+  # Give a soname corresponding to the major version so that dld.sl refuses to
+  # link against other versions.
+  dynamic_linker="$host_os dld.sl"
+  version_type=sunos
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  shlibpath_var=SHLIB_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no # +s is required to enable SHLIB_PATH
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.sl$versuffix ${libname}${release}.sl$major $libname.sl'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.sl$major'
+  # HP-UX runs *really* slowly unless shared libraries are mode 555.
+  postinstall_cmds='chmod 555 $lib'
+  ;;
+irix5* | irix6*)
+  version_type=irix
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so.$major'
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so.$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so.$major ${libname}${release}.so $libname.so'
+  case "$host_os" in
+  irix5*)
+    libsuff= shlibsuff=
+    # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case
+    deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF 32-bit MSB dynamic lib MIPS - version 1"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    case "$LD" in # libtool.m4 will add one of these switches to LD
+    *-32|*"-32 ") libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=32-bit;;
+    *-n32|*"-n32 ") libsuff=32 shlibsuff=N32 libmagic=N32;;
+    *-64|*"-64 ") libsuff=64 shlibsuff=64 libmagic=64-bit;;
+    *) libsuff= shlibsuff= libmagic=never-match;;
+    esac
+    # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case
+    deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF ${libmagic} MSB mips-[1234] dynamic lib MIPS - version 1"
+    ;;
+  esac
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY${shlibsuff}_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff} /usr/local/lib${libsuff}"
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="/usr/lib${libsuff} /lib${libsuff}"
+  file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  file_magic_test_file=`echo /lib${libsuff}/libc.so*`
+  deplibs_check_method='pass_all'
+  ;;
+# No shared lib support for Linux oldld, aout, or coff.
+linux-gnuoldld* | linux-gnuaout* | linux-gnucoff*)
+  dynamic_linker=no
+  ;;
+# This must be Linux ELF.
+  version_type=linux
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+  deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [LM]SB (shared object|dynamic lib )'
+  file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  file_magic_test_file=`echo /lib/libc.so* /lib/libc-*.so`
+  if test -f /lib/ld.so.1; then
+    dynamic_linker='GNU ld.so'
+  else
+    # Only the GNU ld.so supports shared libraries on MkLinux.
+    case "$host_cpu" in
+    powerpc*) dynamic_linker=no ;;
+    *) dynamic_linker='Linux ld.so' ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  ;;
+  version_type=sunos
+  if echo __ELF__ | $CC -E - | grep __ELF__ >/dev/null; then
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}.so$versuffix'
+    finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir'
+    dynamic_linker='NetBSD (a.out) ld.so'
+  else
+    library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major ${libname}${release}.so ${libname}.so'
+    soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+    dynamic_linker='NetBSD ld.elf_so'
+  fi
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  version_type=sunos
+  if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+    need_lib_prefix=no
+    need_version=no
+  fi
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}.so$versuffix'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -m $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  libname_spec='$name'
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  library_names_spec='$libname.dll $libname.a'
+  dynamic_linker='OS/2 ld.exe'
+  shlibpath_var=LIBPATH
+  ;;
+osf3* | osf4*)
+  version_type=osf
+  need_version=no
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so'
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so $libname.so'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  # this will be overridden with pass_all, but let us keep it just in case
+  deplibs_check_method='file_magic COFF format alpha shared library'
+  file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  file_magic_test_file=/shlib/libc.so
+  deplibs_check_method='pass_all'
+  sys_lib_search_path_spec="/usr/shlib /usr/ccs/lib /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc /usr/lib /usr/local/lib /var/shlib"
+  sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec="$sys_lib_search_path_spec"
+  ;;
+  version_type=osf
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.so'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  # ldd complains unless libraries are executable
+  postinstall_cmds='chmod +x $lib'
+  deplibs_check_method="file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]-bit [LM]SB dynamic lib"
+  file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+  file_magic_test_file=/lib/libc.so
+  ;;
+  version_type=sunos
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}.so$versuffix'
+  finish_cmds='PATH="\$PATH:/usr/etc" ldconfig $libdir'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  shlibpath_overrides_runpath=yes
+  if test "$with_gnu_ld" = yes; then
+    need_lib_prefix=no
+  fi
+  need_version=yes
+  ;;
+sysv4 | sysv4.2uw2* | sysv4.3* | sysv5*)
+  version_type=linux
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  case "$host_vendor" in
+    ncr)
+      deplibs_check_method='pass_all'
+      ;;
+    motorola)
+      need_lib_prefix=no
+      need_version=no
+      shlibpath_overrides_runpath=no
+      sys_lib_search_path_spec='/lib /usr/lib /usr/ccs/lib'
+      deplibs_check_method='file_magic ELF [0-9][0-9]*-bit [ML]SB (shared object|dynamic lib) M[0-9][0-9]* Version [0-9]'
+      file_magic_cmd=/usr/bin/file
+      file_magic_test_file=`echo /usr/lib/libc.so*`
+      ;;
+  esac
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  version_type=linux
+  need_lib_prefix=no
+  need_version=no
+  library_names_spec='${libname}${release}.so$versuffix ${libname}${release}.so$major $libname.so'
+  soname_spec='${libname}${release}.so$major'
+  shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  ;;
+  if test -d /usr/nec ;then
+    version_type=linux
+    library_names_spec='$libname.so.$versuffix $libname.so.$major $libname.so'
+    soname_spec='$libname.so.$major'
+    shlibpath_var=LD_LIBRARY_PATH
+  fi
+  ;;
+  dynamic_linker=no
+  ;;
+echo "$ac_t$dynamic_linker" 1>&6
+test "$dynamic_linker" = no && can_build_shared=no
+# Report the final consequences.
+echo "checking if libtool supports shared libraries... $can_build_shared" 1>&6
+# Only try to build win32 dlls if AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL was used in
+# configure.in, otherwise build static only libraries.
+case "$host_os" in
+cygwin* | mingw* | os2*)
+  if test x$can_build_shared = xyes; then
+    test x$enable_win32_dll = xno && can_build_shared=no
+    echo "checking if package supports dlls... $can_build_shared" 1>&6
+  fi
+if test -n "$file_magic_test_file" && test -n "$file_magic_cmd"; then
+  case "$deplibs_check_method" in
+  "file_magic "*)
+    file_magic_regex="`expr \"$deplibs_check_method\" : \"file_magic \(.*\)\"`"
+    if eval $file_magic_cmd \$file_magic_test_file 2> /dev/null |
+       egrep "$file_magic_regex" > /dev/null; then
+      :
+    else
+      cat <<EOF 1>&2
+*** Warning: the command libtool uses to detect shared libraries,
+*** $file_magic_cmd, produces output that libtool cannot recognize.
+*** The result is that libtool may fail to recognize shared libraries
+*** as such.  This will affect the creation of libtool libraries that
+*** depend on shared libraries, but programs linked with such libtool
+*** libraries will work regardless of this problem.  Nevertheless, you
+*** may want to report the problem to your system manager and/or to
+*** bug-libtool at gnu.org
+    fi ;;
+  esac
+echo $ac_n "checking whether to build shared libraries... $ac_c" 1>&6
+test "$can_build_shared" = "no" && enable_shared=no
+# On AIX, shared libraries and static libraries use the same namespace, and
+# are all built from PIC.
+case "$host_os" in
+  test "$enable_shared" = yes && enable_static=no
+  if test -n "$RANLIB"; then
+    archive_cmds="$archive_cmds~\$RANLIB \$lib"
+    postinstall_cmds='$RANLIB $lib'
+  fi
+  ;;
+  test "$enable_shared" = yes && enable_static=no
+  ;;
+echo "$ac_t$enable_shared" 1>&6
+# Make sure either enable_shared or enable_static is yes.
+test "$enable_shared" = yes || enable_static=yes
+echo "checking whether to build static libraries... $enable_static" 1>&6
+if test "$hardcode_action" = relink; then
+  # Fast installation is not supported
+  enable_fast_install=no
+elif test "$shlibpath_overrides_runpath" = yes ||
+     test "$enable_shared" = no; then
+  # Fast installation is not necessary
+  enable_fast_install=needless
+echo $ac_n "checking for objdir... $ac_c" 1>&6
+rm -f .libs 2>/dev/null
+mkdir .libs 2>/dev/null
+if test -d .libs; then
+  objdir=.libs
+  # MS-DOS does not allow filenames that begin with a dot.
+  objdir=_libs
+rmdir .libs 2>/dev/null
+echo "$ac_t$objdir" 1>&6
+if test "x$enable_dlopen" != xyes; then
+  enable_dlopen=unknown
+  enable_dlopen_self=unknown
+  enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'lt_cv_dlopen'+set}'`\" != set"; then
+  lt_cv_dlopen=no lt_cv_dlopen_libs=
+echo $ac_n "checking for dlopen in -ldl""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2170: checking for dlopen in -ldl" >&5
+ac_lib_var=`echo dl'_'dlopen | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+LIBS="-ldl  $LIBS"
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+#line 2178 "ltconfig"
+/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+    builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
+char dlopen();
+int main() {
+; return 0; }
+if { (eval echo $progname:2188: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
+rm -f conftest*
+if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
+  echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+  lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldl"
+  echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+echo $ac_n "checking for dlopen""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2207: checking for dlopen" >&5
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_dlopen'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+#line 2212 "ltconfig"
+/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+    which can conflict with char dlopen(); below.  */
+#include <assert.h>
+/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+    builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
+char dlopen();
+int main() {
+/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
+    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
+    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
+#if defined (__stub_dlopen) || defined (__stub___dlopen)
+choke me
+; return 0; }
+if { (eval echo $progname:2234: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_func_dlopen=yes"
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_func_dlopen=no"
+rm -f conftest*
+if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'dlopen`\" = yes"; then
+  echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+  lt_cv_dlopen="dlopen"
+  echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+echo $ac_n "checking for dld_link in -ldld""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2251: checking for dld_link in -ldld" >&5
+ac_lib_var=`echo dld'_'dld_link | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+LIBS="-ldld  $LIBS"
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+#line 2259 "ltconfig"
+/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+    builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
+char dld_link();
+int main() {
+; return 0; }
+if { (eval echo $progname:2269: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
+rm -f conftest*
+if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
+  echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+  lt_cv_dlopen="dld_link" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldld"
+  echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+echo $ac_n "checking for shl_load""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2288: checking for shl_load" >&5
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_func_shl_load'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+#line 2293 "ltconfig"
+/* System header to define __stub macros and hopefully few prototypes,
+    which can conflict with char shl_load(); below.  */
+#include <assert.h>
+/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+    builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
+char shl_load();
+int main() {
+/* The GNU C library defines this for functions which it implements
+    to always fail with ENOSYS.  Some functions are actually named
+    something starting with __ and the normal name is an alias.  */
+#if defined (__stub_shl_load) || defined (__stub___shl_load)
+choke me
+; return 0; }
+if { (eval echo $progname:2315: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_func_shl_load=yes"
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_func_shl_load=no"
+rm -f conftest*
+if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_func_'shl_load`\" = yes"; then
+  echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+  lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load"
+  echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+echo $ac_n "checking for shl_load in -ldld""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2333: checking for shl_load in -ldld" >&5
+ac_lib_var=`echo dld'_'shl_load | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  ac_save_LIBS="$LIBS"
+LIBS="-ldld  $LIBS"
+cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+#line 2341 "ltconfig"
+#include "confdefs.h"
+/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
+/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
+    builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
+char shl_load();
+int main() {
+; return 0; }
+if { (eval echo $progname:2352: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest${ac_exeext}; then
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=yes"
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_lib_$ac_lib_var=no"
+rm -f conftest*
+if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_lib_'$ac_lib_var`\" = yes"; then
+  echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+  lt_cv_dlopen="shl_load" lt_cv_dlopen_libs="-ldld"
+  echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+  if test "x$lt_cv_dlopen" != xno; then
+    enable_dlopen=yes
+  fi
+  case "$lt_cv_dlopen" in
+  dlopen)
+for ac_hdr in dlfcn.h; do
+ac_safe=`echo "$ac_hdr" | sed 'y%./+-%__p_%'`
+echo $ac_n "checking for $ac_hdr""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2395: checking for $ac_hdr" >&5
+if eval "test \"`echo '$''{'ac_cv_header_$ac_safe'+set}'`\" = set"; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  cat > conftest.$ac_ext <<EOF
+#line 2400 "ltconfig"
+#include <$ac_hdr>
+int fnord = 0;
+ac_try="$ac_compile conftest.$ac_ext >/dev/null 2>conftest.out"
+{ (eval echo $progname:2405: \"$ac_try\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_try) 2>&5; }
+ac_err=`grep -v '^ *+' conftest.out | grep -v "^conftest.${ac_ext}\$"`
+if test -z "$ac_err"; then
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=yes"
+  echo "$ac_err" >&5
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -rf conftest*
+  eval "ac_cv_header_$ac_safe=no"
+rm -f conftest*
+if eval "test \"`echo '$ac_cv_header_'$ac_safe`\" = yes"; then
+  echo "$ac_t""yes" 1>&6
+  echo "$ac_t""no" 1>&6
+    if test "x$ac_cv_header_dlfcn_h" = xyes; then
+    fi
+    eval LDFLAGS=\"\$LDFLAGS $export_dynamic_flag_spec\"
+    LIBS="$lt_cv_dlopen_libs $LIBS"
+  echo $ac_n "checking whether a program can dlopen itself""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2433: checking whether a program can dlopen itself" >&5
+if test "${lt_cv_dlopen_self+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+    lt_cv_dlopen_self=cross
+  else
+    cat > conftest.c <<EOF
+#line 2441 "ltconfig"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+# ifdef DL_GLOBAL
+# else
+#  define LTDL_GLOBAL	0
+# endif
+/* We may have to define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we
+   find out it does not work in some platform. */
+# ifdef RTLD_LAZY
+# else
+#  ifdef DL_LAZY
+#  else
+#   ifdef RTLD_NOW
+#   else
+#    ifdef DL_NOW
+#     define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW	DL_NOW
+#    else
+#     define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW	0
+#    endif
+#   endif
+#  endif
+# endif
+fnord() { int i=42;}
+main() { void *self, *ptr1, *ptr2; self=dlopen(0,LTDL_GLOBAL|LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW);
+    if(self) { ptr1=dlsym(self,"fnord"); ptr2=dlsym(self,"_fnord");
+	       if(ptr1 || ptr2) { dlclose(self); exit(0); } } exit(1); } 
+if { (eval echo $progname:2487: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+  lt_cv_dlopen_self=yes
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -fr conftest*
+  lt_cv_dlopen_self=no
+rm -fr conftest*
+echo "$ac_t""$lt_cv_dlopen_self" 1>&6
+  if test "$lt_cv_dlopen_self" = yes; then
+    LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $link_static_flag"
+  echo $ac_n "checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself""... $ac_c" 1>&6
+echo "$progname:2506: checking whether a statically linked program can dlopen itself" >&5
+if test "${lt_cv_dlopen_self_static+set}" = set; then
+  echo $ac_n "(cached) $ac_c" 1>&6
+  if test "$cross_compiling" = yes; then
+    lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=cross
+  else
+    cat > conftest.c <<EOF
+#line 2514 "ltconfig"
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+# ifdef DL_GLOBAL
+# else
+#  define LTDL_GLOBAL	0
+# endif
+/* We may have to define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW in the command line if we
+   find out it does not work in some platform. */
+# ifdef RTLD_LAZY
+# else
+#  ifdef DL_LAZY
+#  else
+#   ifdef RTLD_NOW
+#   else
+#    ifdef DL_NOW
+#     define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW	DL_NOW
+#    else
+#     define LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW	0
+#    endif
+#   endif
+#  endif
+# endif
+fnord() { int i=42;}
+main() { void *self, *ptr1, *ptr2; self=dlopen(0,LTDL_GLOBAL|LTDL_LAZY_OR_NOW);
+    if(self) { ptr1=dlsym(self,"fnord"); ptr2=dlsym(self,"_fnord");
+    if(ptr1 || ptr2) { dlclose(self); exit(0); } } exit(1); } 
+if { (eval echo $progname:2560: \"$ac_link\") 1>&5; (eval $ac_link) 2>&5; } && test -s conftest && (./conftest; exit) 2>/dev/null
+  lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=yes
+  echo "$progname: failed program was:" >&5
+  cat conftest.$ac_ext >&5
+  rm -fr conftest*
+  lt_cv_dlopen_self_static=no
+rm -fr conftest*
+echo "$ac_t""$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static" 1>&6
+    ;;
+  esac
+  case "$lt_cv_dlopen_self" in
+  yes|no) enable_dlopen_self=$lt_cv_dlopen_self ;;
+  *) enable_dlopen_self=unknown ;;
+  esac
+  case "$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static" in
+  yes|no) enable_dlopen_self_static=$lt_cv_dlopen_self_static ;;
+  *) enable_dlopen_self_static=unknown ;;
+  esac
+# Copy echo and quote the copy, instead of the original, because it is
+# used later.
+if test "X$ltecho" = "X$CONFIG_SHELL $0 --fallback-echo"; then
+   ltecho="$CONFIG_SHELL \$0 --fallback-echo"
+# Only quote variables if we're using ltmain.sh.
+case "$ltmain" in
+  # Now quote all the things that may contain metacharacters.
+  for var in ltecho old_CC old_CFLAGS old_CPPFLAGS \
+    old_LD old_LDFLAGS old_LIBS \
+    old_NM old_RANLIB old_LN_S old_DLLTOOL old_OBJDUMP old_AS \
+    reload_flag reload_cmds wl \
+    pic_flag link_static_flag no_builtin_flag export_dynamic_flag_spec \
+    thread_safe_flag_spec whole_archive_flag_spec libname_spec \
+    library_names_spec soname_spec \
+    RANLIB old_archive_cmds old_archive_from_new_cmds old_postinstall_cmds \
+    old_postuninstall_cmds archive_cmds archive_expsym_cmds postinstall_cmds postuninstall_cmds \
+    file_magic_cmd export_symbols_cmds deplibs_check_method allow_undefined_flag no_undefined_flag \
+    finish_cmds finish_eval global_symbol_pipe global_symbol_to_cdecl \
+    hardcode_libdir_flag_spec hardcode_libdir_separator  \
+    sys_lib_search_path_spec sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec \
+    compiler_c_o compiler_o_lo need_locks exclude_expsyms include_expsyms; do
+    case "$var" in
+    reload_cmds | old_archive_cmds | old_archive_from_new_cmds | \
+    old_postinstall_cmds | old_postuninstall_cmds | \
+    export_symbols_cmds | archive_cmds | archive_expsym_cmds | \
+    postinstall_cmds | postuninstall_cmds | \
+    finish_cmds | sys_lib_search_path_spec | sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec)
+      # Double-quote double-evaled strings.
+      eval "$var=\\\"\`\$echo \"X\$$var\" | \$Xsed -e \"\$double_quote_subst\" -e \"\$sed_quote_subst\" -e \"\$delay_variable_subst\"\`\\\""
+      ;;
+    *)
+      eval "$var=\\\"\`\$echo \"X\$$var\" | \$Xsed -e \"\$sed_quote_subst\"\`\\\""
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  case "$ltecho" in
+  *'\$0 --fallback-echo"')
+    ltecho=`$echo "X$ltecho" | $Xsed -e 's/\\\\\\\$0 --fallback-echo"$/$0 --fallback-echo"/'`
+    ;;
+  esac
+  trap "$rm \"$ofile\"; exit 1" 1 2 15
+  echo "creating $ofile"
+  $rm "$ofile"
+  cat <<EOF > "$ofile"
+#! $SHELL
+# `$echo "$ofile" | sed 's%^.*/%%'` - Provide generalized library-building support services.
+# Generated automatically by $PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP)
+# NOTE: Changes made to this file will be lost: look at ltconfig or ltmain.sh.
+# Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Gordon Matzigkeit <gord at gnu.ai.mit.edu>, 1996
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# As a special exception to the GNU General Public License, if you
+# distribute this file as part of a program that contains a
+# configuration script generated by Autoconf, you may include it under
+# the same distribution terms that you use for the rest of that program.
+# Sed that helps us avoid accidentally triggering echo(1) options like -n.
+Xsed="sed -e s/^X//"
+# The HP-UX ksh and POSIX shell print the target directory to stdout
+# if CDPATH is set.
+if test "\${CDPATH+set}" = set; then CDPATH=; export CDPATH; fi
+  cfgfile="$ofile"
+  ;;
+  # Double-quote the variables that need it (for aesthetics).
+  for var in old_CC old_CFLAGS old_CPPFLAGS \
+    old_LD old_LDFLAGS old_LIBS \
+    old_NM old_RANLIB old_LN_S old_DLLTOOL old_OBJDUMP old_AS; do
+    eval "$var=\\\"\$var\\\""
+  done
+  # Just create a config file.
+  cfgfile="$ofile.cfg"
+  trap "$rm \"$cfgfile\"; exit 1" 1 2 15
+  echo "creating $cfgfile"
+  $rm "$cfgfile"
+  cat <<EOF > "$cfgfile"
+# `$echo "$cfgfile" | sed 's%^.*/%%'` - Libtool configuration file.
+# Generated automatically by $PROGRAM (GNU $PACKAGE $VERSION$TIMESTAMP)
+  ;;
+cat <<EOF >> "$cfgfile"
+# Libtool was configured as follows, on host `(hostname || uname -n) 2>/dev/null | sed 1q`:
+# LD=$old_LD LDFLAGS=$old_LDFLAGS LIBS=$old_LIBS \\
+# NM=$old_NM RANLIB=$old_RANLIB LN_S=$old_LN_S \\
+#   $0$ltconfig_args
+# Compiler and other test output produced by $progname, useful for
+# debugging $progname, is in ./config.log if it exists.
+# The version of $progname that generated this script.
+# Shell to use when invoking shell scripts.
+# Whether or not to build shared libraries.
+# Whether or not to build static libraries.
+# Whether or not to optimize for fast installation.
+# The host system.
+# An echo program that does not interpret backslashes.
+# The archiver.
+# The default C compiler.
+# The linker used to build libraries.
+# Whether we need hard or soft links.
+# A BSD-compatible nm program.
+# Used on cygwin: DLL creation program.
+# Used on cygwin: object dumper.
+# Used on cygwin: assembler.
+# The name of the directory that contains temporary libtool files.
+# How to create reloadable object files.
+# How to pass a linker flag through the compiler.
+# Object file suffix (normally "o").
+# Old archive suffix (normally "a").
+# Executable file suffix (normally "").
+# Additional compiler flags for building library objects.
+# Does compiler simultaneously support -c and -o options?
+# Can we write directly to a .lo ?
+# Must we lock files when doing compilation ?
+# Do we need the lib prefix for modules?
+# Do we need a version for libraries?
+# Whether dlopen is supported.
+# Whether dlopen of programs is supported.
+# Whether dlopen of statically linked programs is supported.
+# Compiler flag to prevent dynamic linking.
+# Compiler flag to turn off builtin functions.
+# Compiler flag to allow reflexive dlopens.
+# Compiler flag to generate shared objects directly from archives.
+# Compiler flag to generate thread-safe objects.
+# Library versioning type.
+# Format of library name prefix.
+# List of archive names.  First name is the real one, the rest are links.
+# The last name is the one that the linker finds with -lNAME.
+# The coded name of the library, if different from the real name.
+# Commands used to build and install an old-style archive.
+# Create an old-style archive from a shared archive.
+# Commands used to build and install a shared archive.
+# Method to check whether dependent libraries are shared objects.
+# Command to use when deplibs_check_method == file_magic.
+# Flag that allows shared libraries with undefined symbols to be built.
+# Flag that forces no undefined symbols.
+# Commands used to finish a libtool library installation in a directory.
+# Same as above, but a single script fragment to be evaled but not shown.
+# Take the output of nm and produce a listing of raw symbols and C names.
+# Transform the output of nm in a proper C declaration
+# This is the shared library runtime path variable.
+# This is the shared library path variable.
+# Is shlibpath searched before the hard-coded library search path?
+# How to hardcode a shared library path into an executable.
+# Flag to hardcode \$libdir into a binary during linking.
+# This must work even if \$libdir does not exist.
+# Whether we need a single -rpath flag with a separated argument.
+# Set to yes if using DIR/libNAME.so during linking hardcodes DIR into the
+# resulting binary.
+# Set to yes if using the -LDIR flag during linking hardcodes DIR into the
+# resulting binary.
+# Set to yes if using SHLIBPATH_VAR=DIR during linking hardcodes DIR into
+# the resulting binary.
+# Compile-time system search path for libraries
+# Run-time system search path for libraries
+# Fix the shell variable \$srcfile for the compiler.
+# Set to yes if exported symbols are required.
+# The commands to list exported symbols.
+# Symbols that should not be listed in the preloaded symbols.
+# Symbols that must always be exported.
+case "$ltmain" in
+  echo '### END LIBTOOL CONFIG' >> "$ofile"
+  echo >> "$ofile"
+  case "$host_os" in
+  aix3*)
+    cat <<\EOF >> "$ofile"
+# AIX sometimes has problems with the GCC collect2 program.  For some
+# reason, if we set the COLLECT_NAMES environment variable, the problems
+# vanish in a puff of smoke.
+if test "${COLLECT_NAMES+set}" != set; then
+    ;;
+  esac
+  # Append the ltmain.sh script.
+  sed '$q' "$ltmain" >> "$ofile" || (rm -f "$ofile"; exit 1)
+  chmod +x "$ofile"
+  ;;
+  # Compile the libtool program.
+  echo "FIXME: would compile $ltmain"
+  ;;
+test -n "$cache_file" || exit 0
+trap '' 1 2 15
+cat > confcache <<\EOF
+# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
+# tests run on this system so they can be shared between configure
+# scripts and configure runs.  It is not useful on other systems.
+# If it contains results you don't want to keep, you may remove or edit it.
+# By default, configure uses ./config.cache as the cache file,
+# creating it if it does not exist already.  You can give configure
+# the --cache-file=FILE option to use a different cache file; that is
+# what configure does when it calls configure scripts in
+# subdirectories, so they share the cache.
+# Giving --cache-file=/dev/null disables caching, for debugging configure.
+# config.status only pays attention to the cache file if you give it the
+# --recheck option to rerun configure.
+# The following way of writing the cache mishandles newlines in values,
+# but we know of no workaround that is simple, portable, and efficient.
+# So, don't put newlines in cache variables' values.
+# Ultrix sh set writes to stderr and can't be redirected directly,
+# and sets the high bit in the cache file unless we assign to the vars.
+(set) 2>&1 |
+  case `(ac_space=' '; set | grep ac_space) 2>&1` in
+  *ac_space=\ *)
+    # `set' does not quote correctly, so add quotes (double-quote substitution
+    # turns \\\\ into \\, and sed turns \\ into \).
+    sed -n \
+      -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g" \
+      -e "s/^\\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\\)=\\(.*\\)/\\1=\${\\1='\\2'}/p"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    # `set' quotes correctly as required by POSIX, so do not add quotes.
+    sed -n -e 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*_cv_[a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)/\1=${\1=\2}/p'
+    ;;
+  esac >> confcache
+if cmp -s $cache_file confcache; then
+  :
+  if test -w $cache_file; then
+    echo "updating cache $cache_file"
+    cat confcache > $cache_file
+  else
+    echo "not updating unwritable cache $cache_file"
+  fi
+rm -f confcache
+exit 0
+# Local Variables:
+# mode:shell-script
+# sh-indentation:2
+# End:
diff --git a/netax25/CVS/Entries b/netax25/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..755e09d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+/ax25.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 23:03:32 2009/-ko/
+/ax25io.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009/-ko/
+/axconfig.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009/-ko/
+/axlib.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009/-ko/
+/daemon.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:50 2009/-ko/
+/mheard.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:51 2009/-ko/
+/nrconfig.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:51 2009/-ko/
+/procutils.h/1.2/Thu Nov 26 17:37:41 2009/-ko/
+/rsconfig.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:51 2009/-ko/
+/ttyutils.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 22:53:51 2009/-ko/
diff --git a/netax25/CVS/Repository b/netax25/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca6baea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/netax25/CVS/Root b/netax25/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2593976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:cvs at cvs.linux-ax25.org:/home/ax25-cvs
diff --git a/netax25/ax25.h b/netax25/ax25.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1b6abb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/ax25.h
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1997, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
+   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307 USA.  */
+#ifndef _NETAX25_AX25_H
+#define _NETAX25_AX25_H	1
+#include <features.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+/* Setsockoptions(2) level.  Thanks to BSD these must match IPPROTO_xxx.  */
+#define SOL_AX25	257
+/* AX.25 flags: */
+#define AX25_WINDOW	1
+#define AX25_T1		2
+#define AX25_T2		5
+#define AX25_T3		4
+#define AX25_N2		3
+#define AX25_BACKOFF	6
+#define AX25_EXTSEQ	7
+#define AX25_PIDINCL	8
+#define AX25_IDLE	9
+#define	AX25_PACLEN	10
+#define AX25_IPMAXQUEUE 11
+#define AX25_IAMDIGI	12
+#define AX25_KILL	99
+/* AX.25 socket ioctls: */
+/* unknown: */
+#define AX25_NOUID_DEFAULT	0
+#define AX25_NOUID_BLOCK	1
+#define AX25_SET_RT_IPMODE	2
+/* Digipeating flags: */
+#define AX25_DIGI_INBAND	0x01	/* Allow digipeating within port */
+#define AX25_DIGI_XBAND		0x02	/* Allow digipeating across ports */
+/* Maximim number of digipeaters: */
+#define AX25_MAX_DIGIS 8
+typedef struct
+  {
+    char ax25_call[7];		/* 6 call + SSID (shifted ascii) */
+  }
+struct sockaddr_ax25
+  {
+    sa_family_t sax25_family;
+    ax25_address sax25_call;
+    int sax25_ndigis;
+  };
+ * The sockaddr struct with the digipeater adresses:
+ */
+struct full_sockaddr_ax25
+  {
+    struct sockaddr_ax25 fsa_ax25;
+    ax25_address fsa_digipeater[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
+  };
+#define sax25_uid	sax25_ndigis
+struct ax25_routes_struct
+  {
+    ax25_address port_addr;
+    ax25_address dest_addr;
+    unsigned char digi_count;
+    ax25_address digi_addr[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
+  };
+/* The AX.25 ioctl structure: */
+struct ax25_ctl_struct
+  {
+    ax25_address port_addr;
+    ax25_address source_addr;
+    ax25_address dest_addr;
+    unsigned int cmd;
+    unsigned long arg;
+    unsigned char digi_count;
+    ax25_address digi_addr[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
+  };
+struct ax25_info_struct
+  {
+    unsigned int  n2, n2count;
+    unsigned int t1, t1timer;
+    unsigned int t2, t2timer;
+    unsigned int t3, t3timer;
+    unsigned int idle, idletimer;
+    unsigned int state;
+    unsigned int rcv_q, snd_q;
+  };
+struct ax25_fwd_struct
+  {
+    ax25_address port_from;
+    ax25_address port_to;
+  };
+/* AX.25 route structure: */
+struct ax25_route_opt_struct
+  {
+    ax25_address port_addr;
+    ax25_address dest_addr;
+    int cmd;
+    int arg;
+  };
+/* AX.25 BPQ stuff: */
+struct ax25_bpqaddr_struct
+  {
+    char dev[16];
+    ax25_address addr;
+  };
+/* Definitions for the AX.25 `values' fields: */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_IPDEFMODE	0	/* 'D'=DG 'V'=VC */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_AXDEFMODE	1	/* 8=Normal 128=Extended Seq Nos */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_NETROM	2	/* Allow NET/ROM  - 0=No 1=Yes */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_TEXT	3	/* Allow PID=Text - 0=No 1=Yes */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_BACKOFF	4	/* 'E'=Exponential 'L'=Linear */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_CONMODE	5	/* Allow connected modes - 0=No 1=Yes */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_WINDOW	6	/* Default window size for standard AX.25 */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_EWINDOW	7	/* Default window size for extended AX.25 */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_T1		8	/* Default T1 timeout value */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_T2		9	/* Default T2 timeout value */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_T3		10	/* Default T3 timeout value */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_N2		11	/* Default N2 value */
+#define	AX25_VALUES_DIGI	12	/* Digipeat mode */
+#define AX25_VALUES_IDLE	13	/* mode vc idle timer */
+#define AX25_VALUES_PACLEN	14	/* AX.25 MTU */
+#define AX25_VALUES_IPMAXQUEUE  15	/* Maximum number of buffers enqueued */
+#define	AX25_MAX_VALUES		20
+struct ax25_parms_struct
+  {
+    ax25_address port_addr;
+    unsigned short values[AX25_MAX_VALUES];
+  };
+#endif /* netax25/ax25.h */
diff --git a/netax25/ax25io.h b/netax25/ax25io.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b699bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/ax25io.h
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+/* AX25IO - Library for io manuipulation for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Tomi Manninen
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+#ifndef _AX25IO_H
+#define _AX25IO_H
+#define AXBUFLEN	4096
+typedef struct ax25io_s {
+	int ifd;		/* stdin socket index			*/
+	int ofd;		/* stdout socket index			*/
+	char eol[4];		/* end-of-line sequence                 */
+	int eolmode;		/* end-of-line translation on/off       */
+	int telnetmode;		/* telnet option negotiation on/off     */
+	int tn_echo;		/* will/wont echo                       */
+	int tn_linemode;	/* will/wont linemode                   */
+	int size;		/* size of the packet in input buffer   */
+	int paclen;		/* paclen                               */
+	unsigned char ibuf[AXBUFLEN];	/* input buffer			*/
+	unsigned char obuf[AXBUFLEN];	/* output buffer		*/
+	unsigned char gbuf[AXBUFLEN];	/* getline buffer		*/
+	int gbuf_usage;		/* getline buffer usage			*/
+	int iptr;		/* input pointer                        */
+	int optr;		/* output pointer                       */
+	void *zptr;		/* pointer to the compression struct	*/
+        struct ax25io_s *next;	/* linked list pointer			*/
+} ax25io;
+#define EOLMODE_TEXT	0
+#define EOLMODE_GW	2
+#define AX25_EOL	"\r"
+#define NETROM_EOL	AX25_EOL
+#define	ROSE_EOL	AX25_EOL
+#define INET_EOL	"\r\n"
+#define UNSPEC_EOL	"\n"
+#define INTERNAL_EOL	021271
+#define ZERR_STREAM_END		1024
+#define ZERR_STREAM_ERROR	1025
+#define ZERR_DATA_ERROR		1026
+#define ZERR_MEM_ERROR		1027
+#define ZERR_BUF_ERROR		1028
+#define ZERR_UNKNOWN		1029
+extern ax25io *axio_init(int, int, int, char *);
+extern void axio_end(ax25io *);
+extern void axio_end_all(void);
+extern int axio_compr(ax25io *, int);
+extern int axio_paclen(ax25io *, int);
+extern int axio_eolmode(ax25io *, int);
+extern int axio_cmpeol(ax25io *, ax25io *);
+extern int axio_tnmode(ax25io *, int);
+extern int axio_flush(ax25io *);
+extern int axio_getc(ax25io *);
+extern int axio_putc(int, ax25io *);
+extern char *axio_getline(ax25io *);
+extern int axio_gets(char *, int, ax25io *);
+extern int axio_puts(const char *, ax25io *);
+extern int axio_printf(ax25io *, const char *, ...);
+extern int axio_tn_do_linemode(ax25io *);
+extern int axio_tn_will_echo(ax25io *);
+extern int axio_tn_wont_echo(ax25io *);
+#endif		/* _AX25IO_H */
diff --git a/netax25/axconfig.h b/netax25/axconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..116f985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/axconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * This file contains the definitions of the entry points into the AX.25
+ * configuration functions.
+ */
+#ifndef	_AXCONFIG_H
+#define	_AXCONFIG_H
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * This function must be called before using any of the other functions in
+ * this part of the library. It returns the number of active ports, or 0
+ * on failure.
+ */
+extern int ax25_config_load_ports(void);
+ * This function allows the enumeration of all the active configured ports.
+ * Passing NULL as the argument returns the first port name in the list,
+ * subsequent calls to this function should be made with the last port name
+ * returned. A NULL return indicates either an error, or the end of the list.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_config_get_next(char *);
+ * This function maps the device name onto the port name (as used in the axports
+ * file. On error a NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_config_get_name(char *);
+ * This function maps the port name onto the callsign of the port. On error a
+ * NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_config_get_addr(char *);
+ * This function maps the port name onto the device name of the port. On error a
+ * NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_config_get_dev(char *);
+ * This function maps the callsign onto the port name. The callsign should be
+ * in shifted format as per get{peer,sock}name(2). A null_ax25_address will
+ * return a "*" meaning all ports. On error NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_config_get_port(ax25_address *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the default window size. On
+ * error 0 is returned.
+ */
+extern int ax25_config_get_window(char *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the maximum packet length.
+ * On error a 0 is returned.
+ */
+extern int ax25_config_get_paclen(char *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the baud rate. On error a
+ * 0 is returned.
+ */
+extern int ax25_config_get_baud(char *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the description of the port.
+ * On error a NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_config_get_desc(char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/netax25/axlib.h b/netax25/axlib.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1164059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/axlib.h
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Callsign conversion functions, converts callsigns into network bit
+ * shifted format and vica versa.
+ */
+#ifndef _AXLIB_H
+#define	_AXLIB_H
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>
+#include <netrose/rose.h>
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Libax25 version.
+ */
+extern char libax25_version[];
+ * The special "null" address, used as the default callsign in routing and
+ * in other places.
+ */
+extern ax25_address null_ax25_address;
+ * This function converts an ASCII representation of a callsign into network
+ * format. It returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise.
+ */
+extern int ax25_aton_entry(const char *, char *);
+ * This converts a string with optional digipeaters into a structure understood
+ * by the kernel code.
+ *
+ * The string should be in the format:
+ *
+ * callsign [[V | VIA] callsign ...]
+ *
+ * On error a -1 is returned, otherwise the length of the structure is returned.
+ */
+extern int ax25_aton(const char *, struct full_sockaddr_ax25 *);
+ * Similar to convert_call above except the callsign(s) are not held in a
+ * string but in a NULL terminated array of pointers to the strings.
+ * On error a -1 is returned, otherwise the length of the structure is returned.
+ */
+extern int ax25_aton_arglist(const char ** , struct full_sockaddr_ax25 *);
+ * This function converts an ASCII representation of a Rose address into
+ * network format. It returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise. The address must be
+ * ten numbers long.
+ */
+extern int rose_aton(const char *, char *);
+ * This function returns the textual representation of a callsign in
+ * network format. The data returned is in a statically allocated area, and
+ * subsequent calls will destroy previous callsigns returned.
+ */
+extern char *ax25_ntoa(const ax25_address *);
+ * This function returns the textual representation of a Rose address in
+ * network format. The data returned is in a statically allocated area, and
+ * subsequent calls will destroy previous callsigns returned.
+ */
+extern char *rose_ntoa(const rose_address *);
+ * Compares two AX.25 callsigns in network format. Returns a 0 if they are
+ * identical, 1 if they differ, or 2 if only the SSIDs differ.
+ */
+extern int ax25_cmp(const ax25_address *, const ax25_address *);
+ * Compares two Rose addresses in network format. Returns a 0 if they are
+ * identical, 1 if they differ.
+ */
+extern int rose_cmp(const rose_address *, const rose_address *);
+ * Validates an AX.25 callsign, returns TRUE if it is valid, or FALSE if it
+ * is not. The callsign should be AX.25 shifted format.
+ */
+extern int ax25_validate(const char *);
+ * Converts the giver string to upper case. It returns a pointer to the
+ * original string.
+ */
+extern char *strupr(char *);
+ * Converts the giver string to lower case. It returns a pointer to the
+ * original string.
+ */
+extern char *strlwr(char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/netax25/daemon.h b/netax25/daemon.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd9c220
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/daemon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Function to convert a running process into a "proper" daemon.
+ */
+#ifndef _DAEMON_H
+#define	_DAEMON_H
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * The argument is whether to ignore the death of child processes. The function
+ * return non-zero if all was OK, else zero if there was a problem. 
+ */
+extern int daemon_start(int);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/netax25/mheard.h b/netax25/mheard.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e7875f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/mheard.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * This file documents the layout of the mheard file. Since this file is
+ * common to at least two of the AX25 utilities, it is documented here.
+ */
+#ifndef MHEARD_H
+#define	MHEARD_H
+struct mheard_struct {
+	ax25_address from_call;
+	ax25_address to_call;
+	char         portname[20];
+	unsigned int count;
+	unsigned int sframes;
+	unsigned int uframes;
+	unsigned int iframes;
+	unsigned int ndigis;
+	ax25_address digis[8];
+	time_t       first_heard;
+	time_t       last_heard;
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_UA		3
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_DM		4
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_RR		5
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_RNR		6
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_REJ		7
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_I		9
+#define	MHEARD_TYPE_UI		10
+	unsigned int type;
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_TEXT	0x0001
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_ARP		0x0002
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_IP_DG	0x0004
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_IP_VC	0x0008
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_NETROM	0x0010
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_ROSE	0x0020
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_FLEXNET	0x0040
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_TEXNET	0x0080
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_PSATPB	0x0100
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_PSATFT	0x0200
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_SEGMENT	0x4000
+#define	MHEARD_MODE_UNKNOWN	0x8000
+	unsigned int  mode;
+	char          spare[128];
diff --git a/netax25/nrconfig.h b/netax25/nrconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe7668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/nrconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * This file contains the definitions of the entry points into the NET/ROM
+ * configuration functions.
+ */
+#ifndef	_NRCONFIG_H
+#define	_NRCONFIG_H
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * This function must be called before using any of the other functions in
+ * this part of the library. It returns the number of active ports, or 0
+ * on failure.
+ */
+extern int nr_config_load_ports(void);
+ * This function allows the enumeration of all the active configured ports.
+ * Passing NULL as the argument returns the first port name in the list,
+ * subsequent calls to this function should be made with the last port name
+ * returned. A NULL return indicates either an error, or the end of the list.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_next(char *);
+ * This function maps the device name onto the port name (as used in the axports
+ * file. On error a NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_name(char *);
+ * This function maps the port name onto the callsign of the port. On error a
+ * NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_addr(char *);
+ * This function maps the port name onto the device name of the port. On error a
+ * NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_dev(char *);
+ * This function maps the callsign in AX.25 shifted format onto the port name.
+ * On error, NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_port(ax25_address *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the alias of the port. On
+ * error NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_alias(char *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the maximum packet length.
+ * On error a 0 is returned.
+ */
+extern int nr_config_get_paclen(char *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the description of the port.
+ * On error a NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *nr_config_get_desc(char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/netax25/procutils.h b/netax25/procutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b31e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/procutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Support routines to simplify the reading of the /proc/net/ax25* and
+ * /proc/net/nr* files.
+ */
+#ifndef _PROCUTILS_H
+#define	_PROCUTILS_H
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+struct proc_ax25_route {
+	char			call[10];
+	char			dev[14];
+	int			cnt;
+	long			t;
+	struct proc_ax25_route	*next;
+struct proc_ax25 {
+	unsigned long		magic;
+	char			dev[14];
+	char			src_addr[10];
+	char			dest_addr[10];
+	char			digi_addr[8][11];
+	int			ndigi;
+	unsigned char		st;
+	unsigned short		vs, vr, va;
+	unsigned long		t1timer, t1, t2timer, t2, t3timer, t3;
+	unsigned long		idletimer, idle;
+	unsigned char		n2count, n2;
+	unsigned long		rtt;
+	unsigned char		window;
+	unsigned short		paclen;
+	unsigned short		sndq, rcvq;
+	unsigned long		inode;
+	struct proc_ax25	*next;
+struct proc_nr {
+	char			user_addr[10], dest_node[10], src_node[10];
+	char			dev[14];
+	char			my_circuit[6], ur_circuit[6];
+	unsigned char		st;
+	unsigned short		vs, vr, va;
+	unsigned long		t1timer, t1, t2timer, t2, t4timer, t4;
+	unsigned long		idletimer, idle;
+	unsigned char		n2count, n2;
+	unsigned char		window;
+	unsigned short		sndq, rcvq;
+	unsigned long		inode;
+	struct proc_nr		*next;
+struct proc_nr_neigh {
+	int			addr;
+	char			call[10];
+	char			dev[14];
+	int			qual;
+	int			lock;
+	int			cnt;
+	struct proc_nr_neigh	*next;
+struct proc_nr_nodes {
+	char			call[10], alias[7];
+	unsigned char		w, n;
+	unsigned char		qual1, qual2, qual3;
+	unsigned char		obs1, obs2, obs3;
+	int			addr1, addr2, addr3;
+	struct proc_nr_nodes	*next;
+struct proc_rs {
+	char			dest_addr[11], dest_call[10];
+	char			src_addr[11], src_call[10];
+	char			dev[14];
+	unsigned short		lci;
+	unsigned int		neigh;
+	unsigned char		st;
+	unsigned short		vs, vr, va;
+	unsigned short		t, t1, t2, t3;
+	unsigned short		hb;
+	unsigned long		sndq, rcvq;
+	struct proc_rs		*next;
+struct proc_rs_route {
+	unsigned short		lci1;
+	char			address1[11], call1[10];
+	unsigned int		neigh1;
+	unsigned short		lci2;
+	char			address2[11], call2[10];
+	unsigned int		neigh2;
+	struct proc_rs_route	*next;
+struct proc_rs_neigh {
+	int			addr;
+	char			call[10];
+	char			dev[14];
+	unsigned int		count;
+	unsigned int		use;
+	char			mode[4];
+	char			restart[4];
+	unsigned short		t0, tf;
+	struct proc_rs_neigh	*next;
+struct proc_rs_nodes {
+	char			address[11];
+	unsigned char		mask;
+	unsigned char		n;
+	unsigned int		neigh1, neigh2, neigh3;
+	struct proc_rs_nodes	*next;
+extern struct proc_ax25 *read_proc_ax25(void);
+extern void free_proc_ax25(struct proc_ax25 *ap);
+extern struct proc_ax25_route *read_proc_ax25_route(void);
+extern void free_proc_ax25_route(struct proc_ax25_route *rp);
+extern struct proc_nr *read_proc_nr(void);
+extern void free_proc_nr(struct proc_nr *);
+extern struct proc_nr_neigh *read_proc_nr_neigh(void);
+extern void free_proc_nr_neigh(struct proc_nr_neigh *np);
+extern struct proc_nr_nodes *read_proc_nr_nodes(void);
+extern void free_proc_nr_nodes(struct proc_nr_nodes *np);
+extern struct proc_rs *read_proc_rs(void);
+extern void free_proc_rs(struct proc_rs *);
+extern struct proc_rs_neigh *read_proc_rs_neigh(void);
+extern void free_proc_rs_neigh(struct proc_rs_neigh *);
+extern struct proc_rs_nodes *read_proc_rs_nodes(void);
+extern void free_proc_rs_nodes(struct proc_rs_nodes *);
+extern struct proc_rs_route *read_proc_rs_routes(void);
+extern void free_proc_rs_routes(struct proc_rs_route *);
+extern char *get_call(int uid);
+extern struct proc_ax25 *find_link(const char *src, const char *dest, const char *dev);
+extern struct proc_nr_neigh *find_neigh(int addr, struct proc_nr_neigh *neigh);
+extern struct proc_nr_nodes *find_node(char *addr, struct proc_nr_nodes *nodes);
+#ifdef _cplusplus
diff --git a/netax25/rsconfig.h b/netax25/rsconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff212c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/rsconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * This file contains the definitions of the entry points into the Rose
+ * configuration functions.
+ */
+#ifndef	_RSCONFIG_H
+#define	_RSCONFIG_H
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * This function must be called before using any of the other functions in
+ * this part of the library. It returns the number of active ports, or 0
+ * on failure.
+ */
+extern int rs_config_load_ports(void);
+ * This function allows the enumeration of all the active configured ports.
+ * Passing NULL as the argument returns the first port name in the list,
+ * subsequent calls to this function should be made with the last port name
+ * returned. A NULL return indicates either an error, or the end of the list.
+ */
+extern char *rs_config_get_next(char *);
+ * This function maps the device name onto the port name (as used in the axports
+ * file. On error a NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *rs_config_get_name(char *);
+ * This function maps the port name onto the address of the port. On error a
+ * NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *rs_config_get_addr(char *);
+ * This function maps the port name onto the device name of the port. On error a
+ * NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *rs_config_get_dev(char *);
+ * This function maps the Rose address in network format onto the port name.
+ * On error, NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *rs_config_get_port(rose_address *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the maximum packet length.
+ * On error a 0 is returned.
+ */
+extern int rs_config_get_paclen(char *);
+ * This function takes the port name and returns the description of the port.
+ * On error a NULL is returned.
+ */
+extern char *rs_config_get_desc(char *);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/netax25/ttyutils.h b/netax25/ttyutils.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16996a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netax25/ttyutils.h
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+/* LIBAX25 - Library for AX.25 programs
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Jonathan Naylor, Tomi Manninen, Jean-Paul Roubelat
+ * and Alan Cox.
+ * 
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Library General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
+ * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+ * Generic serial port handling functions.
+ */
+#ifndef _TTYUTILS_H
+#define	_TTYUTILS_H
+#ifndef	TRUE
+#define	TRUE	1
+#ifndef	FALSE
+#define	FALSE	0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+ * Put a given file descriptor into raw mode, if the hwflag is set to TRUE
+ * then hardware handshaking is enabled. Returns TRUE if successful.
+ */
+extern int tty_raw(int fd, int hwflag);
+ * Set the speed of the given file descriptor. Returns TRUE is it was
+ * successful.
+ */
+extern int tty_speed(int fd, int speed);
+ * Determines whether a given tty is already open by another process. Returns
+ * TRUE if is already locked, or FALSE if it is free.
+ */
+extern int tty_is_locked(char *tty);
+ * Creates a lock file for the given tty. It writes the process ID to the
+ * file so take care if doing a fork. Returns TRUE if everything was OK.
+ */
+extern int tty_lock(char *tty);
+ * Removes the lock file for a given tty. Returns TRUE if successful.
+ */
+extern int tty_unlock(char *tty);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/netrom/CVS/Entries b/netrom/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bced0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrom/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/netrom.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 23:03:32 2009/-ko/
diff --git a/netrom/CVS/Repository b/netrom/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e03c831
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrom/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/netrom/CVS/Root b/netrom/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2593976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrom/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:cvs at cvs.linux-ax25.org:/home/ax25-cvs
diff --git a/netrom/netrom.h b/netrom/netrom.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4984772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrom/netrom.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
+   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307 USA.  */
+#define _NETROM_NETROM_H	1
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>
+/* Setsockoptions(2) level.  Thanks to BSD these must match IPPROTO_xxx.  */
+#define SOL_NETROM	259
+/* NetRom control values: */
+#define NETROM_T1	1
+#define NETROM_T2	2
+#define NETROM_N2	3
+#define NETROM_PACLEN	5
+#define	NETROM_T4	6
+#define NETROM_IDLE	7
+#define NETROM_KILL	99
+/* Type of route: */
+#define NETROM_NEIGH    0
+#define NETROM_NODE     1
+struct nr_route_struct
+  {
+    int type;
+    ax25_address callsign;
+    char device[16];
+    unsigned int quality;
+    char mnemonic[7];
+    ax25_address neighbour;
+    unsigned int obs_count;
+    unsigned int ndigis;
+    ax25_address digipeaters[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
+  };
+/* NetRom socket ioctls: */
+/* NetRom parameter structure: */
+struct nr_parms_struct
+  {
+    unsigned int quality;
+    unsigned int obs_count;
+    unsigned int ttl;
+    unsigned int timeout;
+    unsigned int ack_delay;
+    unsigned int busy_delay;
+    unsigned int tries;
+    unsigned int window;
+    unsigned int paclen;
+  };
+/* NetRom control structure: */
+struct nr_ctl_struct
+  {
+    unsigned char index;
+    unsigned char id;
+    unsigned int cmd;
+    unsigned long arg;
+  };
+#endif /* netrom/netrom.h */
diff --git a/netrose/CVS/Entries b/netrose/CVS/Entries
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353bfae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrose/CVS/Entries
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+/rose.h/1.1/Sat Jun 20 23:03:33 2009/-ko/
diff --git a/netrose/CVS/Repository b/netrose/CVS/Repository
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bf7432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrose/CVS/Repository
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/netrose/CVS/Root b/netrose/CVS/Root
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2593976
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrose/CVS/Root
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:pserver:cvs at cvs.linux-ax25.org:/home/ax25-cvs
diff --git a/netrose/rose.h b/netrose/rose.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4ba7d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netrose/rose.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+/* Definitions for Rose packet radio address family.
+   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+   The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+   The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+   Lesser General Public License for more details.
+   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+   License along with the GNU C Library; if not, write to the Free
+   Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+   02111-1307 USA.  */
+/* What follows is copied from the 2.1.93 <linux/rose.h>.  */
+#ifndef _NETROSE_ROSE_H
+#define _NETROSE_ROSE_H 1
+/* Socket level values.  */
+#define SOL_ROSE        260
+/* These are the public elements of the Linux kernel Rose
+   implementation.  For kernel AX.25 see the file ax25.h. This file
+   requires ax25.h for the definition of the ax25_address structure.  */
+#define ROSE_MTU	251
+#define ROSE_MAX_DIGIS	6
+#define	ROSE_DEFER	1
+#define	ROSE_T1		2
+#define	ROSE_T2		3
+#define	ROSE_T3		4
+#define	ROSE_IDLE	5
+#define	ROSE_QBITINCL	6
+#define	ROSE_HOLDBACK	7
+#define	ROSE_NUMBER_BUSY	0x01
+#define	ROSE_OUT_OF_ORDER	0x09
+#define	ROSE_SHIP_ABSENT	0x39
+typedef struct
+  char rose_addr[5];
+} rose_address;
+struct sockaddr_rose
+  sa_family_t srose_family;
+  rose_address srose_addr;
+  ax25_address srose_call;
+  int srose_ndigis;
+  ax25_address	srose_digi;
+struct full_sockaddr_rose
+  sa_family_t srose_family;
+  rose_address srose_addr;
+  ax25_address srose_call;
+  unsigned int srose_ndigis;
+  ax25_address srose_digis[ROSE_MAX_DIGIS];
+struct rose_route_struct
+  rose_address address;
+  unsigned short int mask;
+  ax25_address	neighbour;
+  char device[16];
+  unsigned char	ndigis;
+  ax25_address digipeaters[AX25_MAX_DIGIS];
+struct rose_cause_struct
+  unsigned char	cause;
+  unsigned char	diagnostic;
+struct rose_facilities_struct
+  rose_address source_addr,   dest_addr;
+  ax25_address source_call,   dest_call;
+  unsigned char source_ndigis, dest_ndigis;
+  ax25_address source_digis[ROSE_MAX_DIGIS];
+  ax25_address dest_digis[ROSE_MAX_DIGIS];
+  unsigned int rand;
+  rose_address fail_addr;
+  ax25_address fail_call;
+#endif	/* netrose/rose.h */
diff --git a/nrconfig.c b/nrconfig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..894ae41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nrconfig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+#define _LINUX_STRING_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_arp.h>
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>
+#include <netrose/rose.h>
+#include "pathnames.h"
+#include <netax25/axlib.h>
+#include <netax25/nrconfig.h>
+typedef struct _nrport
+	struct _nrport *Next;
+	char *Name;
+	char *Call;
+	char *Alias;
+	char *Device;
+	int  Paclen;
+	char *Description;
+} NR_Port;
+static NR_Port *nr_ports       = NULL;
+static NR_Port *nr_port_tail   = NULL;
+static int is_same_call(char *call1, char *call2)
+        if (!call1 || !call2)
+                return 0;
+        for (; *call1 && *call2; call1++, call2++) {
+                if (*call1 == '-' || *call2 == '-')
+                        break;
+                if (tolower(*call1 & 0xff) != tolower(*call2 & 0xff))
+                        return 0;
+        }
+        if (!*call1 && !*call2)
+                return 1;
+        if (!*call1 && !strcmp(call2, "-0"))
+                return 1;
+        if (!*call2 && !strcmp(call1, "-0"))
+                return 1;
+        return (!strcmp(call1, call2) ? 1 : 0);
+static NR_Port *nr_port_ptr(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_ports;
+	if (name == NULL)
+		return p;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Name != NULL && strcasecmp(name, p->Name) == 0)
+			return p;
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *nr_config_get_next(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p;
+	if (nr_ports == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	if (name == NULL)
+		return nr_ports->Name;
+	if ((p = nr_port_ptr(name)) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	p = p->Next;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Name;
+char *nr_config_get_name(char *device)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_ports;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Device != NULL && strcmp(device, p->Device) == 0)
+			return p->Name;
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *nr_config_get_addr(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Call;
+char *nr_config_get_dev(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Device;
+char *nr_config_get_port(ax25_address *callsign)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_ports;
+	ax25_address addr;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Call != NULL) {
+			ax25_aton_entry(p->Call, (char *)&addr);
+			if (ax25_cmp(callsign, &addr) == 0)
+				return p->Name;
+		}
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *nr_config_get_alias(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Alias;
+int nr_config_get_paclen(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return p->Paclen;
+char *nr_config_get_desc(char *name)
+	NR_Port *p = nr_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Description;
+static int nr_config_init_port(int fd, int lineno, char *line, const char **ifcalls, const char **ifdevs)
+	NR_Port *p;
+	char *name, *call, *alias, *paclen, *desc;
+	const char *dev = NULL;
+	int found = 0;
+	name   = strtok(line, " \t");
+	call   = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	alias  = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	paclen = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	desc   = strtok(NULL, "");
+	if (name == NULL || call == NULL || alias == NULL || paclen == NULL ||
+	    desc == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: unable to parse line %d of config file\n", lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	for (p = nr_ports; p != NULL; p = p->Next) {
+		if (p->Name != NULL && strcasecmp(name, p->Name) == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: duplicate port name %s in line %d of config file\n", name, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (p->Call != NULL && is_same_call(call, p->Call)) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: duplicate callsign %s in line %d of config file\n", call, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (p->Alias != NULL && strcasecmp(alias, p->Alias) == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: duplicate alias %s in line %d of config file\n", alias, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	if (atoi(paclen) <= 0) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: invalid packet size %s in line %d of config file\n", paclen, lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	strupr(call);
+	strupr(alias);
+	char *cp;
+	if ((cp = strstr(call, "-0")) != NULL)
+	  *cp = 0;
+	found = 0;
+	for (;ifcalls && *ifcalls; ++ifcalls, ++ifdevs) {
+	  if (strcmp(call, *ifcalls) == 0) {
+	    found = 1;
+	    dev = *ifdevs;
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	if (!found) {
+#if 0 /* None of your business to complain about some port being down... */
+		fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: port %s not active\n", name);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ((p = (NR_Port *)malloc(sizeof(NR_Port))) == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: out of memory!\n");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	p->Name        = strdup(name);
+	p->Call        = strdup(call);
+	p->Alias       = strdup(alias);
+	p->Device      = strdup(dev);
+	p->Paclen      = atoi(paclen);
+	p->Description = strdup(desc);
+	if (nr_ports == NULL)
+		nr_ports = p;
+	else
+		nr_port_tail->Next = p;
+	nr_port_tail = p;
+	p->Next = NULL;
+	return TRUE;
+int nr_config_load_ports(void)
+	FILE *fp = NULL;
+	char buffer[256], *s;
+	int fd = -1, lineno = 1, n = 0, i;
+	const char **calllist = NULL;
+	const char **devlist  = NULL;
+	const char **pp;
+	int callcount = 0;
+	struct ifreq ifr;
+	/* Reliable listing of all network ports on Linux
+	   is only available via reading  /proc/net/dev ...  */
+	if ((fd = socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: unable to open socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
+	  goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if ((fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r"))) {
+	  /* Two header lines.. */
+	  s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
+	  s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
+	  /* .. then network interface names */
+	  while (!feof(fp)) {
+	    if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
+	      break;
+	    s = strchr(buffer, ':');
+	    if (s) *s = 0;
+	    s = buffer;
+	    while (isspace(*s & 0xff)) ++s;
+	    memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
+	    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, s, IFNAMSIZ-1);        
+	    ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0;
+	    if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
+	      fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: SIOCGIFHWADDR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	      return FALSE;
+	    }
+	    if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family != ARPHRD_NETROM)
+	      continue;
+	    /* store found interface callsigns */
+	    /* ax25_ntoa() returns pointer to static buffer */
+	    s = ax25_ntoa((void*)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data);
+	    if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
+	      fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	      return FALSE;
+	    }
+	    if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP))
+	      continue;
+            if ((pp = realloc(calllist, sizeof(char *) * (callcount+2))) == 0)
+              break;
+            calllist = pp;
+            if ((pp = realloc(devlist,  sizeof(char *) * (callcount+2))) == 0)
+              break;
+            devlist  = pp;
+            if ((calllist[callcount] = strdup(s)) != NULL) {
+              if ((devlist[callcount] = strdup(ifr.ifr_name)) != NULL) {
+                ++callcount;
+                calllist[callcount] = NULL;
+                devlist [callcount] = NULL;
+              } else {
+                free((void*)calllist[callcount]);
+                calllist[callcount] = NULL;
+		devlist[callcount] = NULL;
+              }
+            }
+	  }
+	  fclose(fp);
+	  fp = NULL;
+	}
+	if ((fp = fopen(CONF_NRPORTS_FILE, "r")) == NULL) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "nrconfig: unable to open nrports file %s (%s)\n", CONF_NRPORTS_FILE, strerror(errno));
+	  goto cleanup;
+	}
+	while (fp && fgets(buffer, 255, fp)) {
+	  if ((s = strchr(buffer, '\n')))
+	    *s = '\0';
+	  if (strlen(buffer) > 0 && *buffer != '#')
+	    if (nr_config_init_port(fd, lineno, buffer, calllist, devlist))
+	      n++;
+	  lineno++;
+	}
+ cleanup:;
+	if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
+	if (fp) fclose(fp);
+	for(i = 0; calllist && calllist[i]; ++i) {
+	  free((void*)calllist[i]);
+	  if (devlist[i] != NULL)
+	    free((void*)devlist[i]);
+	}
+	if (calllist) free(calllist);
+	if (devlist) free(devlist);
+	if (nr_ports == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return n;
diff --git a/nrports b/nrports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41e8999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nrports
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/ax25/nrports
+# The format of this file is:
+# name callsign alias paclen description
+#netrom	OH2BNS-10 #LNODE	235	Switch Port
diff --git a/nrports.5 b/nrports.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3449113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nrports.5
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.TH NRPORTS 5 "2 August 1996" Linux "Linux Programmer's Manual"
+nrports \- NET/ROM port configuration file.
+.B Nrports
+is an ASCII file that contains information about each of the NET/ROM
+ports that are to be used. When dealing with an NET/ROM utility such as
+.B call,
+it takes an optional argument that is the port name. This port name is a
+reference to the line within
+.B nrports,
+which has the same name. The information on each line contains
+enough information to bind the command to a particular NET/ROM
+interface, this binding is done by matching the callsign on the line in
+.B nrports
+with the callsign of the port set by
+.B ifconfig.
+.B nrports
+file may contain comments that begin with a # in the first column, or a port
+description in the following format, each field being delimited by white space:
+name callsign alias paclen description
+The field descriptions are:
+.TP 14
+.B name
+this is the unique NET/ROM port identifier.
+.TP 14
+.B callsign
+the callsign of the NET/ROM interface to bind to.
+.TP 14
+.B alias
+this is the alias of the NET/ROM port.
+.TP 14
+.B paclen
+is the default packet size for this interface.
+.TP 14
+.B description
+a free format description of this interface, this field extends to the end
+of the line. It may contain spaces.
+.BR call (1),
+.BR netrom (4),
+.BR ifconfig (8),
+.BR nrparms (8).
diff --git a/pathnames.h b/pathnames.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8ae641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pathnames.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ * pathnames.h : Paths that are used by the library
+ */
+ * AX25_SYSCONFDIR is defined in the Makefile!!
+ */
+#define	PROC_AX25_FILE		"/proc/net/ax25"
+#define	PROC_AX25_ROUTE_FILE	"/proc/net/ax25_route"
+#define	PROC_AX25_CALLS_FILE	"/proc/net/ax25_calls"
+#define	PROC_NR_FILE		"/proc/net/nr"
+#define	PROC_NR_NEIGH_FILE	"/proc/net/nr_neigh"
+#define	PROC_NR_NODES_FILE	"/proc/net/nr_nodes"
+#define	PROC_RS_FILE		"/proc/net/rose"
+#define	PROC_RS_NEIGH_FILE	"/proc/net/rose_neigh"
+#define	PROC_RS_NODES_FILE	"/proc/net/rose_nodes"
+#define	PROC_RS_ROUTES_FILE	"/proc/net/rose_routes"
+#define	LOCK_SERIAL_DIR		"/var/lock"
diff --git a/procutils.c b/procutils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8eec81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/procutils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>		/* Needed by nrconfig.h */
+#include <netax25/nrconfig.h>
+#include <netax25/procutils.h>
+#include "pathnames.h"
+#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+static char *space    = " \t\n\r";
+ * Version of atoi() that returns zero if s == NULL.
+ */
+static int safe_atoi(const char *s)
+	return s ? atoi(s) : 0;
+ * Version of atox() that returns zero if s == NULL.
+ */
+static unsigned long safe_atox(const char *s)
+	return s ? strtoul(s, NULL, 16) : 0;
+ * Version of strncpy() that returns NULL if either src or dest is NULL
+ * and also makes sure destination string is always terminated.
+ */
+static char *safe_strncpy(char *dest, char *src, int n)
+	if (!dest || !src)
+		return NULL;
+	dest[n] = 0;
+	return strncpy(dest, src, n);
+ * Our version of strtok(). This one does not touch the original string,
+ * reports the identity of the delimitting character and does not
+ * retain any state info. 
+ */
+static char *token(char **ptr, const char *delim)
+	static char buf[256];
+	char *start;
+	int len;
+	if (!ptr || !*ptr || !delim)
+		return NULL;
+	start = *ptr + strspn(*ptr, delim);
+	len   = strcspn(start, delim);
+	*ptr  = start + len;
+	if (len == 0)
+		return NULL;
+	len = min(len, sizeof(buf) - 1);
+	memcpy(buf, start, len);
+	buf[len] = 0;
+	return buf;
+struct proc_ax25 *read_proc_ax25(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256], *cp;
+	struct proc_ax25 *p;
+	struct proc_ax25 *list = NULL;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_AX25_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) {
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_ax25))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		cp = buffer;
+		p->magic = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		safe_strncpy(p->dev,       token(&cp, space), 13);
+		safe_strncpy(p->src_addr,  token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dest_addr, token(&cp, ", \t\r\n"), 9);
+		p->ndigi = 0;
+		while (*cp == ',' && p->ndigi < 9) {
+			safe_strncpy(p->digi_addr[p->ndigi],
+				     token(&cp, ", \t\r\n"), 10);
+			p->ndigi++;
+		}
+		p->st = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->vs = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->vr = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->va = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t1timer = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t1      = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t2timer = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t2      = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t3timer = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t3      = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->idletimer = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->idle      = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->n2count = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->n2      = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->rtt    = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->window = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->paclen = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->sndq   = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->rcvq   = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->inode  = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->next = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_ax25(struct proc_ax25 *ap)
+	struct proc_ax25 *p;
+	while (ap != NULL) {
+		p = ap->next;
+		free(ap);
+		ap = p;
+	}
+struct proc_ax25_route *read_proc_ax25_route(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256], *cp;
+	struct proc_ax25_route *new, *tmp, *p;
+	struct proc_ax25_route *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_AX25_ROUTE_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) {
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_ax25_route))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		cp = buffer;
+		safe_strncpy(new->call, token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(new->dev,  token(&cp, space),   13);
+		new->cnt  = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		new->t    = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		if (list == NULL || new->t > list->t) {
+			tmp = list;
+			list = new;
+			new->next = tmp;
+		} else {
+			for (p = list; p->next != NULL; p = p->next)
+				if (new->t > p->next->t)
+					break;
+			tmp = p->next;
+			p->next = new;
+			new->next = tmp;
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_ax25_route(struct proc_ax25_route *rp)
+	struct proc_ax25_route *p;
+	while (rp != NULL) {
+		p = rp->next;
+		free(rp);
+		rp = p;
+	}
+struct proc_nr *read_proc_nr(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256], *cp;
+	struct proc_nr *p;
+	struct proc_nr *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_NR_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) {
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_nr))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		cp = buffer;
+		safe_strncpy(p->user_addr,  token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dest_node,  token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->src_node,   token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dev,        token(&cp, space), 13);
+		safe_strncpy(p->my_circuit, token(&cp, space), 5);
+		safe_strncpy(p->ur_circuit, token(&cp, space), 5);
+		p->st = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->vs = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->vr = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->va = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->t1timer   = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/"));
+		p->t1        = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/ \t\r\n"));
+		p->t2timer   = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/"));
+		p->t2        = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/ \t\r\n"));
+		p->t4timer   = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/"));
+		p->t4        = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/ \t\r\n"));
+		p->idletimer = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/"));
+		p->idle      = safe_atox(token(&cp, "/ \t\r\n"));
+		p->n2count   = safe_atoi(token(&cp, "/"));
+		p->n2        = safe_atoi(token(&cp, "/ \t\r\n"));
+		p->window = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->sndq   = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->rcvq   = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->inode  = safe_atox(token(&cp, space));
+		p->next = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_nr(struct proc_nr *np)
+	struct proc_nr *p;
+	while (np != NULL) {
+		p = np->next;
+		free(np);
+		np = p;
+	}
+struct proc_nr_neigh *read_proc_nr_neigh(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256], *cp;
+	struct proc_nr_neigh *p;
+	struct proc_nr_neigh *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_NR_NEIGH_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) {
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_nr_neigh))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		cp = buffer;
+		p->addr = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		safe_strncpy(p->call, token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dev,  token(&cp, space), 13);
+		p->qual = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->lock = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->cnt  = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		p->next = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_nr_neigh(struct proc_nr_neigh *np)
+	struct proc_nr_neigh *p;
+	while (np != NULL) {
+		p = np->next;
+		free(np);
+		np = p;
+	}
+struct proc_nr_nodes *read_proc_nr_nodes(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256], *cp;
+	struct proc_nr_nodes *new, *tmp, *p;
+	struct proc_nr_nodes *list = NULL;
+	char *name;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_NR_NODES_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) {
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_nr_nodes))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		cp = buffer;
+		safe_strncpy(new->call,  token(&cp, space), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(new->alias, token(&cp, space), 6);
+		new->w     = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		new->n     = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		new->qual1 = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		new->obs1  = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		new->addr1 = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		if (new->n > 1) {
+			new->qual2 = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+			new->obs2  = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+			new->addr2 = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		}
+		if (new->n > 2) {
+			new->qual3 = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+			new->obs3  = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+			new->addr3 = safe_atoi(token(&cp, space));
+		}
+		if (list == NULL || strcmp(new->alias, list->alias) < 0) {
+			tmp = list;
+			list = new;
+			new->next = tmp;
+		} else {
+			for (p = list; p->next != NULL; p = p->next)
+				if (strcmp(new->alias, p->next->alias) < 0)
+					break;
+			tmp = p->next;
+			p->next = new;
+			new->next = tmp;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Now load the local nodes.
+	 */
+	name = NULL;
+	while ((name = nr_config_get_next(name)) != NULL) {
+		if ((new = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_nr_nodes))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		if ((cp = nr_config_get_addr(name)) == NULL)
+			break;
+		safe_strncpy(new->call, cp, 9);
+		if ((cp = nr_config_get_alias(name)) == NULL)
+			break;
+		safe_strncpy(new->alias, cp, 6);
+		new->w = 1;             /* local node w */
+		new->qual1 = 255;       /* obviously, local node quality should be set to maximum value */
+		new->obs1 = 6;          /* persist */ 
+		/*
+		 * n == 0 indicates a local node.
+		 */
+		new->n = 0;
+		if (list == NULL || strcmp(new->alias, list->alias) < 0) {
+			tmp = list;
+			list = new;
+			new->next = tmp;
+		} else {
+			for (p = list; p->next != NULL; p = p->next)
+				if (strcmp(new->alias, p->next->alias) < 0)
+					break;
+			tmp = p->next;
+			p->next = new;
+			new->next = tmp;
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_nr_nodes(struct proc_nr_nodes *np)
+	struct proc_nr_nodes *p;
+	while (np != NULL) {
+		p = np->next;
+		free(np);
+		np = p;
+	}
+struct proc_rs *read_proc_rs(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256];
+	struct proc_rs *p;
+	struct proc_rs *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_RS_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) 
+	{
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_rs))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		safe_strncpy(p->dest_addr, strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"), 10);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dest_call, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->src_addr, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 10);
+		safe_strncpy(p->src_call, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dev,  strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 13);
+		p->lci   = safe_atox(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->neigh = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->st    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->vs    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->vr    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->va    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->t     = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->t1    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->t2    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->t3    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->hb    = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->sndq  = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->rcvq  = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->next  = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_rs(struct proc_rs *ap)
+	struct proc_rs *p;
+	while (ap != NULL) {
+		p = ap->next;
+		free(ap);
+		ap = p;
+	}
+struct proc_rs_neigh *read_proc_rs_neigh(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256];
+	struct proc_rs_neigh *p;
+	struct proc_rs_neigh *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_RS_NEIGH_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) 
+	{
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_rs_neigh))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		p->addr = safe_atoi(strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"));
+		safe_strncpy(p->call, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 9);
+		safe_strncpy(p->dev,  strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 13);
+		p->count = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->use = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		safe_strncpy(p->mode,  strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 3);
+		safe_strncpy(p->restart,  strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 3);
+		p->t0 = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->tf = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->next = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_rs_neigh(struct proc_rs_neigh *np)
+	struct proc_rs_neigh *p;
+	while (np != NULL) {
+		p = np->next;
+		free(np);
+		np = p;
+	}
+struct proc_rs_nodes *read_proc_rs_nodes(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256];
+	struct proc_rs_nodes *p;
+	struct proc_rs_nodes *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_RS_NODES_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) 
+	{
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_rs_nodes))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		safe_strncpy(p->address, strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"), 10);
+		p->mask   = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->n      = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->neigh1 = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->neigh2 = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->neigh3 = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->next = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_rs_nodes(struct proc_rs_nodes *np)
+	struct proc_rs_nodes *p;
+	while (np != NULL) {
+		p = np->next;
+		free(np);
+		np = p;
+	}
+struct proc_rs_route *read_proc_rs_routes(void)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buffer[256];
+	struct proc_rs_route *p;
+	struct proc_rs_route *list = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_RS_ROUTES_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buffer, 256, fp) != NULL) 
+	{
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if ((p = calloc(1, sizeof(struct proc_rs_route))) == NULL)
+			break;
+		p->lci1 = safe_atox(strtok(buffer, " \t\n\r"));
+		safe_strncpy(p->address1, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 10);
+		safe_strncpy(p->call1, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 9);
+		p->neigh1 = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->lci2   = safe_atox(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		safe_strncpy(p->address2, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 10);
+		safe_strncpy(p->call2, strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"), 9);
+		p->neigh2 = safe_atoi(strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r"));
+		p->next = list;
+		list = p;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return list;
+void free_proc_rs_routes(struct proc_rs_route *np)
+	struct proc_rs_route *p;
+	while (np != NULL) {
+		p = np->next;
+		free(np);
+		np = p;
+	}
+char *get_call(int uid)
+	FILE *fp;
+	char buf[256];
+	static char call[10];
+	int i = 0;
+	errno = 0;
+	if ((fp = fopen(PROC_AX25_CALLS_FILE, "r")) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	while (fgets(buf, 256, fp) != NULL) {
+		if (!i++) continue;
+		if (safe_atoi(strtok(buf, " \t\r\n")) == uid) {
+			fclose(fp);
+			safe_strncpy(call, strtok(NULL, " \t\r\n"), 9);
+			return call;
+		}
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	return NULL;
+struct proc_ax25 *find_link(const char *src, const char *dest, const char *dev)
+	static struct proc_ax25 a;
+	struct proc_ax25 *p, *list;
+	list = read_proc_ax25();
+	for (p = list; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+		if (!strcmp(src, p->src_addr) &&
+		    !strcmp(dest, p->dest_addr) &&
+		    !strcmp(dev, p->dev)) {
+			a = *p;
+			a.next = NULL;
+			free_proc_ax25(list);
+			return &a;
+		}
+	}
+	free_proc_ax25(list);
+	return NULL;
+struct proc_nr_neigh *find_neigh(int addr, struct proc_nr_neigh *neighs)
+	static struct proc_nr_neigh n;
+	struct proc_nr_neigh *p, *list;
+	list = neighs ? neighs : read_proc_nr_neigh();
+	for (p = list; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+		if (addr == p->addr) {
+			n = *p;
+			n.next = NULL;
+			p = &n;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!neighs)
+		free_proc_nr_neigh(list);
+	return p;
+struct proc_nr_nodes *find_node(char *addr, struct proc_nr_nodes *nodes)
+	static struct proc_nr_nodes n;
+	struct proc_nr_nodes *p, *list;
+	list = nodes ? nodes : read_proc_nr_nodes();
+	for (p = list; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
+		if (!strcasecmp(addr, p->call) || !strcasecmp(addr, p->alias)) {
+			n = *p;
+			n.next = NULL;
+			p = &n;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!nodes)
+		free_proc_nr_nodes(list);
+        return p;
diff --git a/rose.3 b/rose.3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d81d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rose.3
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+.TH INET 3  "2008-Feb-04" "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
+rose_aton, rose_ntoa, rose_cmp \- ROSE Address manipulation routines
+.B #include <netrose/rose.h>
+.BI "int rose_aton(const char *" cp ", char *" inp ");"
+.BI "char * rose_ntoa(rose_address *" cp ");"
+.BI "int rose_cmp(rose_address *" a1 ", rose_address *" a2 ");"
+.BR rose_aton ()
+converts the ROSE address
+.I cp
+from an ASCII representation into network format.
+.BR rose_ntoa ()
+converts the ROSE address
+.I cp
+that is network format to a string that is the ASCII representation
+of the address.
+.BR rose_cmp ()
+compares the two ROSE address
+.I a1
+.I a2
+that are in network format.
+.BR rose_ntoa ()
+.BR rose_aton ()
+functions return zero if all went OK, -1 if not.
+.BR rose_cmp ()
+returns 0 if addresses pointer by
+.I a1
+.I a2
+are identical, 1 otherwise.
+.BR ax25 "(4), " netrom "(4), " rose "(4)"
diff --git a/rsconfig.c b/rsconfig.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f65404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsconfig.c
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+#define _LINUX_STRING_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <config.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_arp.h>
+#include <netax25/ax25.h>
+#include <netax25/axlib.h>
+#include <netrose/rose.h>
+#include <netax25/rsconfig.h>
+#include "pathnames.h"
+typedef struct _rsport
+	struct _rsport *Next;
+	char *Name;
+	char *Addr;
+	char *Device;
+	char *Description;
+} RS_Port;
+static RS_Port *rs_ports       = NULL;
+static RS_Port *rs_port_tail   = NULL;
+static RS_Port *rs_port_ptr(char *name)
+	RS_Port *p = rs_ports;
+	if (name == NULL)
+		return p;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Name != NULL) {
+			if (strcasecmp(name, p->Name) == 0)
+				return p;
+		}
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *rs_config_get_next(char *name)
+	RS_Port *p;
+	if (rs_ports == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	if (name == NULL)
+		return rs_ports->Name;
+	if ((p = rs_port_ptr(name)) == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	p = p->Next;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Name;
+char *rs_config_get_name(char *device)
+	RS_Port *p = rs_ports;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Device != NULL) {
+			if (strcmp(device, p->Device) == 0)
+				return p->Name;
+		}
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *rs_config_get_addr(char *name)
+	RS_Port *p = rs_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Addr;
+char *rs_config_get_dev(char *name)
+	RS_Port *p = rs_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Device;
+char *rs_config_get_port(rose_address *address)
+	RS_Port *p = rs_ports;
+	rose_address addr;
+	while (p != NULL) {
+		if (p->Addr != NULL) {
+			rose_aton(p->Addr, addr.rose_addr);
+			if (rose_cmp(address, &addr) == 0)
+				return p->Name;
+		}
+		p = p->Next;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+char *rs_config_get_desc(char *name)
+	RS_Port *p = rs_port_ptr(name);
+	if (p == NULL)
+		return NULL;
+	return p->Description;
+int rs_config_get_paclen(char *name)
+	return 128;
+static int rs_config_init_port(int fd, int lineno, char *line, const char **ifcalls, const char **ifdevs)
+	RS_Port *p;
+	char *name, *addr, *desc;
+	const char *dev = NULL;
+	int found = 0;
+	name   = strtok(line, " \t");
+	addr   = strtok(NULL, " \t");
+	desc   = strtok(NULL, "");
+	if (name == NULL || addr == NULL || desc == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: unable to parse line %d of config file\n", lineno);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	for (p = rs_ports; p != NULL; p = p->Next) {
+		if (p->Name != NULL && strcasecmp(name, p->Name) == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: duplicate port name %s in line %d of config file\n", name, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+		if (p->Addr != NULL && strcasecmp(addr, p->Addr) == 0) {
+			fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: duplicate address %s in line %d of config file\n", addr, lineno);
+			return FALSE;
+		}
+	}
+	found = 0;
+	for (;ifcalls && *ifcalls; ++ifcalls, ++ifdevs) {
+	  if (strcmp(addr,*ifcalls) == 0) {
+	    found = 1;
+	    dev = *ifdevs;
+	    break;
+	  }
+	}
+	if (!found) {
+#if 0 /* None of your business to complain about some port being down... */
+		fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: port %s not active\n", name);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if ((p = (RS_Port *)malloc(sizeof(RS_Port))) == NULL) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: out of memory!\n");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	p->Name        = strdup(name);
+	p->Addr        = strdup(addr);
+	p->Device      = strdup(dev);
+	p->Description = strdup(desc);
+	if (rs_ports == NULL)
+		rs_ports = p;
+	else
+		rs_port_tail->Next = p;
+	rs_port_tail = p;
+	p->Next = NULL;
+	return TRUE;
+int rs_config_load_ports(void)
+	FILE *fp = NULL;
+	char buffer[256], *s;
+	int fd, lineno = 1, n = 0, i;
+	const char **calllist = NULL;
+	const char **devlist  = NULL;
+	const char **pp;
+	int callcount = 0;
+	struct ifreq ifr;
+	/* Reliable listing of all network ports on Linux
+	   is only available via reading  /proc/net/dev ...  */
+	if ((fd = socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: unable to open socket (%s)\n", strerror(errno));
+	  goto cleanup;
+	}
+	if ((fp = fopen("/proc/net/dev", "r"))) {
+	  /* Two header lines.. */
+	  s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
+	  s = fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp);
+	  /* .. then network interface names */
+	  while (!feof(fp)) {
+	    if (!fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fp))
+	      break;
+	    s = strchr(buffer, ':');
+	    if (s) *s = 0;
+	    s = buffer;
+	    while (isspace(*s & 0xff)) ++s;
+	    memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
+	    strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, s, IFNAMSIZ-1);
+	    ifr.ifr_name[IFNAMSIZ-1] = 0;
+	    if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifr) < 0) {
+	      fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: SIOCGIFHWADDR: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	      return FALSE;
+	    }
+	    if (ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_family != ARPHRD_ROSE)
+	      continue;
+	    /* store found interface callsigns */
+	    /* rose_ntoa() returns pointer to static buffer */
+	    s = rose_ntoa((void*)ifr.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data);
+	    if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) {
+	      fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: SIOCGIFFLAGS: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+	      return FALSE;
+	    }
+	    if (!(ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP))
+	      continue;
+            if ((pp = realloc(calllist, sizeof(char *) * (callcount+2))) == 0)
+              break;
+            calllist = pp;
+            if ((pp = realloc(devlist,  sizeof(char *) * (callcount+2))) == 0)
+              break;
+            devlist  = pp;
+            if ((calllist[callcount] = strdup(s)) != NULL) {
+              if ((devlist[callcount] = strdup(ifr.ifr_name)) != NULL) {
+                ++callcount;
+                calllist[callcount] = NULL;
+                devlist [callcount] = NULL;
+              } else {
+                free((void*)calllist[callcount]);
+              }
+            }
+	  }
+	  fclose(fp);
+	  fp = NULL;
+	}
+	if ((fp = fopen(CONF_RSPORTS_FILE, "r")) == NULL) {
+	  fprintf(stderr, "rsconfig: unable to open axports file %s (%s)\n", CONF_RSPORTS_FILE, strerror(errno));
+	  goto cleanup;
+	}
+	while (fp && fgets(buffer, 255, fp)) {
+	  if ((s = strchr(buffer, '\n')))
+	    *s = '\0';
+	  if (strlen(buffer) > 0 && *buffer != '#')
+	    if (rs_config_init_port(fd, lineno, buffer, calllist, devlist))
+	      n++;
+	  lineno++;
+	}
+ cleanup:;
+	if (fd >= 0) close(fd);
+	if (fp) fclose(fp);
+	for(i = 0; calllist && calllist[i]; ++i) {
+	  free((void*)calllist[i]);
+	  if (devlist[i] != NULL)
+	  	free((void*)devlist[i]);
+	}
+	if (calllist) free(calllist);
+	if (devlist) free(devlist);
+	if (rs_ports == NULL)
+		return 0;
+	return n;
diff --git a/rsports b/rsports
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c18e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsports
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# /etc/ax25/rsports
+# The format of this file is:
+# name address description
+#rose	2080192203	Rose port
diff --git a/rsports.5 b/rsports.5
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ce54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rsports.5
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+.TH RSPORTS 5 "27 August 1996" Linux "Linux Programmer's Manual"
+rsports \- Rose port configuration file.
+.B Rsports
+is an ASCII file that contains information about each of the Rose
+ports that are to be used. When dealing with a Rose utility such as
+.B call,
+it takes an optional argument that is the port name. This port name is a
+reference to the line within
+.B rsports,
+which has the same name. The information on each line contains
+enough information to bind the command to a particular Rose
+interface, this binding is done by matching the address on the line in
+.B rsports
+with the address of the port set by
+.B ifconfig
+.B rsattach.
+.B rsports
+file may contain comments that begin with a # in the first column, or a port
+description in the following format, each field being delimited by white space:
+name address description
+The field descriptions are:
+.TP 14
+.B name
+this is the unique Rose port identifier.
+.TP 14
+.B address
+the address of the Rose interface to bind to.
+.TP 14
+.B description
+a free format description of this interface, this field extends to the end
+of the line. It may contain spaces.
+.BR call (1),
+.BR rose (4),
+.BR ifconfig (8),
+.BR rsparms (8).
diff --git a/ttyutils.c b/ttyutils.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2037330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttyutils.c
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <netax25/ttyutils.h>
+#include "pathnames.h"
+static struct speed_struct {
+	int     user_speed;
+	speed_t termios_speed;
+} speed_table[] = {
+	{300,		B300},
+	{600,		B600},
+	{1200,		B1200},
+	{2400,		B2400},
+	{4800,		B4800},
+	{9600,		B9600},
+	{19200,		B19200},
+	{38400,		B38400},
+#ifdef  B57600
+	{57600,		B57600},
+#ifdef  B115200
+	{115200,	B115200},
+#ifdef  B230400
+	{230400,	B230400},
+#ifdef  B460800
+	{460800,	B460800},
+	{-1,		B0}
+int tty_raw(int fd, int hwflag)
+	struct termios term;
+	if (tcgetattr(fd, &term) == -1) {
+		perror("tty_raw: tcgetattr");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	term.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1;
+	term.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+	term.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
+	term.c_oflag = 0;
+	term.c_lflag = 0;
+#ifdef CIBAUD
+	term.c_cflag = (term.c_cflag & (CBAUD | CIBAUD)) | CREAD | CS8 | CLOCAL;
+	term.c_cflag = (term.c_cflag & CBAUD) | CREAD | CS8 | CLOCAL;
+	if (hwflag)
+		term.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
+	if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &term) == -1) {
+		perror("tty_raw: tcsetattr");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+int tty_speed(int fd, int speed)
+	struct termios term;
+	struct speed_struct *s;
+	for (s = speed_table; s->user_speed != -1; s++)
+		if (s->user_speed == speed)
+			break;
+	if (s->user_speed == -1) {
+		fprintf(stderr, "tty_speed: invalid speed %d\n", speed);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	if (tcgetattr(fd, &term) == -1) {
+		perror("tty_speed: tcgetattr");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	cfsetispeed(&term, s->termios_speed);
+	cfsetospeed(&term, s->termios_speed);
+	if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &term) == -1) {
+		perror("tty_speed: tcsetattr");
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	return TRUE;
+int tty_is_locked(char *tty)
+	char buffer[50], *s;
+	FILE *fp;
+	int pid = 0;
+	if ((s = strrchr(tty, '/')) != NULL)
+		s++;
+	else
+		s = tty;
+	sprintf(buffer, "%s/LCK..%s", LOCK_SERIAL_DIR, s);
+	if ((fp = fopen(buffer, "r")) == NULL)
+		return FALSE;
+	if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &pid) != 1) {
+		fclose(fp);
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	fclose(fp);
+	if (kill(pid, 0) == 0)
+		return TRUE;
+	return FALSE;
+int tty_lock(char *tty)
+	char buffer[50], *s;
+	FILE *fp;
+	if ((s = strrchr(tty, '/')) != NULL)
+		s++;
+	else
+		s = tty;
+	sprintf(buffer, "%s/LCK..%s", LOCK_SERIAL_DIR, s);
+	if ((fp = fopen(buffer, "w")) == NULL)
+		return FALSE;
+	fprintf(fp, "%10d\n", getpid());
+	fclose(fp);
+	return TRUE;
+int tty_unlock(char *tty)
+	char buffer[50], *s;
+	if ((s = strrchr(tty, '/')) != NULL)
+		s++;
+	else
+		s = tty;
+	sprintf(buffer, "%s/LCK..%s", LOCK_SERIAL_DIR, s);
+	return unlink(buffer) == 0;

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/libax25.git

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