[hamradio-commits] [gnss-sdr] 77/236: reverting wrong commit
Carles Fernandez
carles_fernandez-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 26 16:02:35 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
carles_fernandez-guest pushed a commit to branch next
in repository gnss-sdr.
commit 1e9a9d1a55256b122ffcfdd93f349bb089be33a4
Author: Carles Fernandez <carles.fernandez at gmail.com>
Date: Wed Mar 9 15:56:07 2016 +0100
reverting wrong commit
conf/gnss-sdr_Hybrid_nsr.conf | 19 +-
src/algorithms/channel/adapters/channel.cc | 4 +
.../volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic.h | 5 +-
...volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn.h | 7 +-
.../gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc.cc | 74 ++++-
.../gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.cc | 341 ++++++++++++++-------
.../gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.h | 16 +
src/core/receiver/gnss_flowgraph.cc | 12 +-
src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h | 1 +
src/core/system_parameters/gnss_synchro.h | 2 +
10 files changed, 333 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
diff --git a/conf/gnss-sdr_Hybrid_nsr.conf b/conf/gnss-sdr_Hybrid_nsr.conf
index f58d543..1609800 100644
--- a/conf/gnss-sdr_Hybrid_nsr.conf
+++ b/conf/gnss-sdr_Hybrid_nsr.conf
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ ControlThread.wait_for_flowgraph=false
;#filename: path to file with the captured GNSS signal samples to be processed
;#item_type: Type and resolution for each of the signal samples. Use only gr_complex in this version.
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ Resampler.implementation=Pass_Through
;#count: Number of available GPS satellite channels.
;#count: Number of available Galileo satellite channels.
;#in_acquisition: Number of channels simultaneously acquiring for the whole receiver
@@ -193,14 +193,15 @@ Acquisition_1C.if=0
;#implementation: Acquisition algorithm selection for this channel: [GPS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition] or [Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition]
;#threshold: Acquisition threshold
;#pfa: Acquisition false alarm probability. This option overrides the threshold option. Only use with implementations: [GPS_L1_CA_PCPS_Acquisition] or [Galileo_E1_PCPS_Ambiguous_Acquisition]
;#doppler_max: Maximum expected Doppler shift [Hz]
;#doppler_max: Doppler step in the grid search [Hz]
;######### GALILEO ACQUISITION CONFIG ############
@@ -229,7 +230,7 @@ Acquisition_1B.doppler_step=125
;######### TRACKING GPS CONFIG ############
;#implementation: Selected tracking algorithm: [GPS_L1_CA_DLL_PLL_Tracking] or [GPS_L1_CA_DLL_FLL_PLL_Tracking] or [GPS_L1_CA_TCP_CONNECTOR_Tracking] or [Galileo_E1_DLL_PLL_VEML_Tracking]
;#item_type: Type and resolution for each of the signal samples. Use only [gr_complex] in this version.
@@ -237,19 +238,19 @@ Tracking_1C.item_type=gr_complex
;#dump: Enable or disable the Tracking internal binary data file logging [true] or [false]
;#dump_filename: Log path and filename. Notice that the tracking channel will add "x.dat" where x is the channel number.
;#pll_bw_hz: PLL loop filter bandwidth [Hz]
;#dll_bw_hz: DLL loop filter bandwidth [Hz]
;#fll_bw_hz: FLL loop filter bandwidth [Hz]
;#order: PLL/DLL loop filter order [2] or [3]
diff --git a/src/algorithms/channel/adapters/channel.cc b/src/algorithms/channel/adapters/channel.cc
index 6269bc8..30d8515 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/channel/adapters/channel.cc
+++ b/src/algorithms/channel/adapters/channel.cc
@@ -125,6 +125,10 @@ void Channel::connect(gr::top_block_sptr top_block)
DLOG(INFO) << "pass_through_ -> tracking";
top_block->connect(trk_->get_right_block(), 0, nav_->get_left_block(), 0);
DLOG(INFO) << "tracking -> telemetry_decoder";
+ top_block->msg_connect(nav_->get_left_block(),pmt::mp("preamble_index"),trk_->get_right_block(),pmt::mp("preamble_index"));
+ DLOG(INFO) << "MSG FEEDBACK CHANNEL telemetry_decoder -> tracking";
connected_ = true;
diff --git a/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic.h b/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic.h
index 0858335..6496b84 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic.h
+++ b/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic.h
@@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic_a_sse3(lv_16sc_t* out
for(unsigned int number = 0; number < sse_iters; number++)
a = _mm_set_ps((float)(lv_cimag(_in[1])), (float)(lv_creal(_in[1])), (float)(lv_cimag(_in[0])), (float)(lv_creal(_in[0]))); // //load (2 byte imag, 2 byte real) x 2 into 128 bits reg
- __builtin_prefetch(_in + 8);
//complex 32fc multiplication b=a*two_phase_acc_reg
yl = _mm_moveldup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yl with cr,cr,dr,dr
yh = _mm_movehdup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yh with ci,ci,di,di
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic_a_sse3(lv_16sc_t* out
_out += 4;
- _mm_store_ps((float*)two_phase_acc, two_phase_acc_reg);
+ _mm_storeu_ps((float*)two_phase_acc, two_phase_acc_reg);
(*phase) = two_phase_acc[0];
for (unsigned int i = sse_iters * 4; i < num_points; ++i)
@@ -200,7 +199,6 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic_u_sse3(lv_16sc_t* out
for(unsigned int number = 0; number < sse_iters; number++)
a = _mm_set_ps((float)(lv_cimag(_in[1])), (float)(lv_creal(_in[1])), (float)(lv_cimag(_in[0])), (float)(lv_creal(_in[0]))); // //load (2 byte imag, 2 byte real) x 2 into 128 bits reg
- __builtin_prefetch(_in + 8);
//complex 32fc multiplication b=a*two_phase_acc_reg
yl = _mm_moveldup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yl with cr,cr,dr,dr
yh = _mm_movehdup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yh with ci,ci,di,di
@@ -221,6 +219,7 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_s32fc_x2_rotator_16ic_u_sse3(lv_16sc_t* out
//next two samples
_in += 2;
a = _mm_set_ps((float)(lv_cimag(_in[1])), (float)(lv_creal(_in[1])), (float)(lv_cimag(_in[0])), (float)(lv_creal(_in[0]))); // //load (2 byte imag, 2 byte real) x 2 into 128 bits reg
+ __builtin_prefetch(_in + 8);
//complex 32fc multiplication b=a*two_phase_acc_reg
yl = _mm_moveldup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yl with cr,cr,dr,dr
yh = _mm_movehdup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yh with ci,ci,di,di
diff --git a/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn.h b/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn.h
index 1578796..9e0218e 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn.h
+++ b/src/algorithms/libs/volk_gnsssdr_module/volk_gnsssdr/kernels/volk_gnsssdr/volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn.h
@@ -140,7 +140,6 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn_a_sse3(lv_16sc_
// Phase rotation on operand in_common starts here:
//printf("generic phase %i: %f,%f\n", n*4,lv_creal(*phase),lv_cimag(*phase));
pa = _mm_set_ps((float)(lv_cimag(_in_common[1])), (float)(lv_creal(_in_common[1])), (float)(lv_cimag(_in_common[0])), (float)(lv_creal(_in_common[0]))); // //load (2 byte imag, 2 byte real) x 2 into 128 bits reg
- __builtin_prefetch(_in_common + 8);
//complex 32fc multiplication b=a*two_phase_acc_reg
yl = _mm_moveldup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yl with cr,cr,dr,dr
yh = _mm_movehdup_ps(two_phase_acc_reg); // Load yh with ci,ci,di,di
@@ -304,6 +303,7 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn_u_sse3(lv_16sc_
for(unsigned int number = 0; number < sse_iters; number++)
// Phase rotation on operand in_common starts here:
pa = _mm_set_ps((float)(lv_cimag(_in_common[1])), (float)(lv_creal(_in_common[1])), (float)(lv_cimag(_in_common[0])), (float)(lv_creal(_in_common[0]))); // //load (2 byte imag, 2 byte real) x 2 into 128 bits reg
__builtin_prefetch(_in_common + 8);
//complex 32fc multiplication b=a*two_phase_acc_reg
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn_u_sse3(lv_16sc_
a = _mm_or_si128(realcacc[n_vec], imagcacc[n_vec]);
- _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)dotProductVector, a); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
+ _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i*)dotProductVector, a); // Store the results back into the dot product vector
dotProduct = lv_cmake(0,0);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
@@ -390,9 +390,10 @@ static inline void volk_gnsssdr_16ic_x2_rotator_dot_prod_16ic_xn_u_sse3(lv_16sc_
- _mm_store_ps((float*)two_phase_acc, two_phase_acc_reg);
+ _mm_storeu_ps((float*)two_phase_acc, two_phase_acc_reg);
(*phase) = two_phase_acc[0];
for(unsigned int n = sse_iters * 4; n < num_points; n++)
tmp16 = in_common[n];
diff --git a/src/algorithms/telemetry_decoder/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc.cc b/src/algorithms/telemetry_decoder/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc.cc
index 5e4a6d5..e99b489 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/telemetry_decoder/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc.cc
+++ b/src/algorithms/telemetry_decoder/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc.cc
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "control_message_factory.h"
#include "gnss_synchro.h"
@@ -78,6 +79,9 @@ gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc(
gr::block("gps_navigation_cc", gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)),
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)))
+ // create asynchronous message ports
+ this->message_port_register_out(pmt::mp("preamble_index"));
// initialize internal vars
d_queue = queue;
d_dump = dump;
@@ -178,6 +182,8 @@ int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_i
const Gnss_Synchro **in = (const Gnss_Synchro **) &input_items[0]; //Get the input samples pointer
// TODO Optimize me!
+ if (in[0][d_samples_per_bit*8 - 1].symbol_integration_enabled==false)
+ {
//******* preamble correlation ********
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples_per_bit*8; i++)
@@ -190,20 +196,37 @@ int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_i
corr_value += d_preambles_symbols[i];
+ }else{
+ //******* preamble correlation ********
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < d_samples_per_bit*8; i++)
+ {
+ if (in[0][i].Flag_valid_symbol_output==true)
+ {
+ if (in[0][i].Prompt_I < 0) // symbols clipping
+ {
+ corr_value -= d_preambles_symbols[i]*d_samples_per_bit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ corr_value += d_preambles_symbols[i]*d_samples_per_bit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
d_flag_preamble = false;
//******* frame sync ******************
- if (abs(corr_value) >= 160)
+ if (abs(corr_value) == 160)
//TODO: Rewrite with state machine
if (d_stat == 0)
d_preamble_index = d_sample_counter;//record the preamble sample stamp
- LOG(INFO) << "Preamble detection for SAT " << this->d_satellite;
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Preamble detection for SAT " << this->d_satellite;
d_symbol_accumulator = 0; //sync the symbol to bits integrator
d_symbol_accumulator_counter = 0;
- d_frame_bit_index = 8;
+ d_frame_bit_index = 7;
d_stat = 1; // enter into frame pre-detection status
else if (d_stat == 1) //check 6 seconds of preamble separation
@@ -215,20 +238,24 @@ int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_i
d_flag_preamble = true;
d_preamble_index = d_sample_counter; //record the preamble sample stamp (t_P)
d_preamble_time_seconds = in[0][0].Tracking_timestamp_secs;// - d_preamble_duration_seconds; //record the PRN start sample index associated to the preamble
+ d_frame_bit_index = 7;
if (!d_flag_frame_sync)
+ //send asynchronous message to tracking to inform of frame sync and extend correlation time
+ pmt::pmt_t value = pmt::from_long(d_preamble_index-1);
+ this->message_port_pub(pmt::mp("preamble_index"),value);
d_flag_frame_sync = true;
if (corr_value < 0)
flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked = true; //PLL is locked to opposite phase!
- LOG(INFO) << " PLL in opposite phase for Sat "<< this->d_satellite.get_PRN();
+ DLOG(INFO) << " PLL in opposite phase for Sat "<< this->d_satellite.get_PRN();
flag_PLL_180_deg_phase_locked = false;
- LOG(INFO) << " Frame sync SAT " << this->d_satellite << " with preamble start at " << d_preamble_time_seconds << " [s]";
+ DLOG(INFO) << " Frame sync SAT " << this->d_satellite << " with preamble start at " << d_preamble_time_seconds << " [s]";
@@ -240,7 +267,7 @@ int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_i
preamble_diff = d_sample_counter - d_preamble_index;
if (preamble_diff > 6001)
- LOG(INFO) << "Lost of frame sync SAT " << this->d_satellite << " preamble_diff= " << preamble_diff;
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Lost of frame sync SAT " << this->d_satellite << " preamble_diff= " << preamble_diff;
d_stat = 0; //lost of frame sync
d_flag_frame_sync = false;
flag_TOW_set = false;
@@ -249,16 +276,29 @@ int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_i
//******* SYMBOL TO BIT *******
- d_symbol_accumulator += in[0][d_samples_per_bit*8 - 1].Prompt_I; // accumulate the input value in d_symbol_accumulator
- d_symbol_accumulator_counter++;
- if (d_symbol_accumulator_counter == 20)
+ if (in[0][d_samples_per_bit*8 - 1].Flag_valid_symbol_output==true)
+ {
+ if (in[0][d_samples_per_bit*8 - 1].symbol_integration_enabled==true)
+ {
+ // extended correlation to bit period is enabled in tracking!
+ // 1 symbol = 1 bit
+ d_symbol_accumulator = in[0][d_samples_per_bit*8 - 1].Prompt_I; // accumulate the input value in d_symbol_accumulator
+ d_symbol_accumulator_counter=20;
+ }else{
+ // 20 symbols = 1 bit: do symbols integration in telemetry decoder
+ d_symbol_accumulator += in[0][d_samples_per_bit*8 - 1].Prompt_I; // accumulate the input value in d_symbol_accumulator
+ d_symbol_accumulator_counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (d_symbol_accumulator_counter == 20 )
- if (d_symbol_accumulator > 0)
- { //symbol to bit
- d_GPS_frame_4bytes += 1; //insert the telemetry bit in LSB
- }
- d_symbol_accumulator = 0;
- d_symbol_accumulator_counter = 0;
+ if (d_symbol_accumulator > 0)
+ { //symbol to bit
+ d_GPS_frame_4bytes += 1; //insert the telemetry bit in LSB
+ }
+ d_symbol_accumulator = 0;
+ d_symbol_accumulator_counter = 0;
//******* bits to words ******
if (d_frame_bit_index == 30)
@@ -302,6 +342,8 @@ int gps_l1_ca_telemetry_decoder_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vector_i
d_GPS_frame_4bytes <<= 1; //shift 1 bit left the telemetry word
// output the frame
consume_each(1); //one by one
diff --git a/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.cc b/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.cc
index ecc4e89..b730451 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.cc
+++ b/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.cc
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
+#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
#include <volk/volk.h>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "gps_sdr_signal_processing.h"
@@ -82,6 +84,17 @@ void gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::forecast (int noutput_items,
+void gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::msg_handler_preamble_index(pmt::pmt_t msg)
+ //pmt::print(msg);
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Extended correlation for Tracking CH " << d_channel << ": Satellite " << Gnss_Satellite(systemName[sys], d_acquisition_gnss_synchro->PRN)<< std::endl;
+ if (d_enable_20ms_integration==false) //avoid re-setting preamble indicator
+ {
+ d_preamble_index=pmt::to_long(msg);
+ d_enable_20ms_integration=true;
+ d_preamble_synchronized=false;
+ }
@@ -97,6 +110,13 @@ gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc(
gr::block("gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc", gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex)),
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(Gnss_Synchro)))
+ // create asynchronous message ports
+ this->message_port_register_in(pmt::mp("preamble_index"));
+ this->set_msg_handler(pmt::mp("preamble_index"),
+ boost::bind(&gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::msg_handler_preamble_index, this, _1));
// initialize internal vars
d_queue = queue;
d_dump = dump;
@@ -107,8 +127,10 @@ gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc(
d_correlation_length_samples = static_cast<int>(d_vector_length);
// Initialize tracking ==========================================
- d_code_loop_filter.set_DLL_BW(dll_bw_hz);
- d_carrier_loop_filter.set_params(10.0, pll_bw_hz,2);
+ d_pll_bw_hz=pll_bw_hz;
+ d_dll_bw_hz=dll_bw_hz;
+ d_code_loop_filter.set_DLL_BW(d_dll_bw_hz);
+ d_carrier_loop_filter.set_params(10.0, d_pll_bw_hz,2);
//--- DLL variables --------------------------------------------------------
d_early_late_spc_chips = early_late_space_chips; // Define early-late offset (in chips)
@@ -141,7 +163,9 @@ gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc(
d_rem_carrier_phase_rad = 0.0;
// sample synchronization
- d_sample_counter = 0;
+ d_sample_counter = 0; //(from trk to tlm)
+ // symbol synchronization (from tlm to trk)
+ d_symbol_counter =0;
//d_sample_counter_seconds = 0;
d_acq_sample_stamp = 0;
@@ -175,6 +199,8 @@ gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc(
d_rem_code_phase_chips = 0.0;
d_code_phase_step_chips = 0.0;
d_carrier_phase_step_rad = 0.0;
+ d_enable_20ms_integration=false;
+ d_preamble_synchronized=false;
//set_min_output_buffer((long int)300);
@@ -258,7 +284,8 @@ void gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::start_tracking()
// enable tracking
d_pull_in = true;
d_enable_tracking = true;
+ d_enable_20ms_integration=false;
+ d_preamble_synchronized=false;
LOG(INFO) << "PULL-IN Doppler [Hz]=" << d_carrier_doppler_hz
<< " Code Phase correction [samples]=" << delay_correction_samples
<< " PULL-IN Code Phase [samples]=" << d_acq_code_phase_samples;
@@ -315,6 +342,7 @@ int gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vec
current_synchro_data = *d_acquisition_gnss_synchro;
*out[0] = current_synchro_data;
consume_each(samples_offset); //shift input to perform alignment with local replica
+ d_symbol_counter++;
return 1;
@@ -326,115 +354,203 @@ int gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vec
multicorrelator_cpu.Carrier_wipeoff_multicorrelator_resampler(d_rem_carrier_phase_rad, d_carrier_phase_step_rad, d_rem_code_phase_chips, d_code_phase_step_chips, d_correlation_length_samples);
- CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S = static_cast<double>(d_correlation_length_samples) / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
- // ################## PLL ##########################################################
- // Update PLL discriminator [rads/Ti -> Secs/Ti]
- carr_phase_error_secs_Ti = pll_cloop_two_quadrant_atan(d_correlator_outs[1]) / GPS_TWO_PI; //prompt output
- // Carrier discriminator filter
- // NOTICE: The carrier loop filter includes the Carrier Doppler accumulator, as described in Kaplan
- //d_carrier_doppler_hz = d_acq_carrier_doppler_hz + carr_phase_error_filt_secs_ti/INTEGRATION_TIME;
- // Input [s/Ti] -> output [Hz]
- d_carrier_doppler_hz = d_carrier_loop_filter.get_carrier_error(0.0, carr_phase_error_secs_Ti, CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S);
- // PLL to DLL assistance [Secs/Ti]
- d_pll_to_dll_assist_secs_Ti = (d_carrier_doppler_hz * CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S) / GPS_L1_FREQ_HZ;
- // code Doppler frequency update
- d_code_freq_chips = GPS_L1_CA_CODE_RATE_HZ + ((d_carrier_doppler_hz * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_RATE_HZ) / GPS_L1_FREQ_HZ);
- // ################## DLL ##########################################################
- // DLL discriminator
- code_error_chips_Ti = dll_nc_e_minus_l_normalized(d_correlator_outs[0], d_correlator_outs[2]); //[chips/Ti] //early and late
- // Code discriminator filter
- code_error_filt_chips = d_code_loop_filter.get_code_nco(code_error_chips_Ti); //input [chips/Ti] -> output [chips/second]
- code_error_filt_secs_Ti = code_error_filt_chips*CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S/d_code_freq_chips; // [s/Ti]
- // DLL code error estimation [s/Ti]
- // TODO: PLL carrier aid to DLL is disabled. Re-enable it and measure performance
- dll_code_error_secs_Ti = - code_error_filt_secs_Ti + d_pll_to_dll_assist_secs_Ti;
- // ################## CARRIER AND CODE NCO BUFFER ALIGNEMENT #######################
- // keep alignment parameters for the next input buffer
- double T_chip_seconds;
- double T_prn_seconds;
- double T_prn_samples;
- double K_blk_samples;
- // Compute the next buffer length based in the new period of the PRN sequence and the code phase error estimation
- T_chip_seconds = 1 / d_code_freq_chips;
- T_prn_seconds = T_chip_seconds * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS;
- T_prn_samples = T_prn_seconds * static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
- K_blk_samples = T_prn_samples + d_rem_code_phase_samples - dll_code_error_secs_Ti * static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
- d_correlation_length_samples = round(K_blk_samples); //round to a discrete samples
- old_d_rem_code_phase_samples=d_rem_code_phase_samples;
- d_rem_code_phase_samples = K_blk_samples - static_cast<double>(d_correlation_length_samples); //rounding error < 1 sample
- CORRECTED_INTEGRATION_TIME_S=(static_cast<double>(d_correlation_length_samples)/static_cast<double>(d_fs_in));
- //remnant carrier phase [rad]
- d_rem_carrier_phase_rad = fmod(d_rem_carrier_phase_rad + GPS_TWO_PI * d_carrier_doppler_hz * CORRECTED_INTEGRATION_TIME_S, GPS_TWO_PI);
- //carrier phase accumulator prior to update the PLL estimators (accumulated carrier in this loop depends on the old estimations!)
- d_acc_carrier_phase_cycles -= d_carrier_doppler_hz * CORRECTED_INTEGRATION_TIME_S;
- //################### PLL COMMANDS #################################################
- //carrier phase step (NCO phase increment per sample) [rads/sample]
- d_carrier_phase_step_rad = GPS_TWO_PI * d_carrier_doppler_hz / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
- //################### DLL COMMANDS #################################################
- //code phase step (Code resampler phase increment per sample) [chips/sample]
- d_code_phase_step_chips = d_code_freq_chips / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
- //remnant code phase [chips]
- d_rem_code_phase_chips = d_rem_code_phase_samples * (d_code_freq_chips / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in));
- // ####### CN0 ESTIMATION AND LOCK DETECTORS #######################################
- if (d_cn0_estimation_counter < CN0_ESTIMATION_SAMPLES)
- {
- // fill buffer with prompt correlator output values
- d_Prompt_buffer[d_cn0_estimation_counter] = d_correlator_outs[1]; //prompt
- d_cn0_estimation_counter++;
- }
- else
- {
- d_cn0_estimation_counter = 0;
- // Code lock indicator
- d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz = cn0_svn_estimator(d_Prompt_buffer, CN0_ESTIMATION_SAMPLES, d_fs_in, GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS);
- // Carrier lock indicator
- d_carrier_lock_test = carrier_lock_detector(d_Prompt_buffer, CN0_ESTIMATION_SAMPLES);
- // Loss of lock detection
- if (d_carrier_lock_test < d_carrier_lock_threshold or d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz < MINIMUM_VALID_CN0)
- {
- d_carrier_lock_fail_counter++;
- }
- else
- {
- if (d_carrier_lock_fail_counter > 0) d_carrier_lock_fail_counter--;
- }
- if (d_carrier_lock_fail_counter > MAXIMUM_LOCK_FAIL_COUNTER)
- {
- std::cout << "Loss of lock in channel " << d_channel << "!" << std::endl;
- LOG(INFO) << "Loss of lock in channel " << d_channel << "!";
- std::unique_ptr<ControlMessageFactory> cmf(new ControlMessageFactory());
- if (d_queue != gr::msg_queue::sptr())
- {
- d_queue->handle(cmf->GetQueueMessage(d_channel, 2));
- }
- d_carrier_lock_fail_counter = 0;
- d_enable_tracking = false; // TODO: check if disabling tracking is consistent with the channel state machine
- }
- }
+ // ####### 20ms coherent intergration extension (experimental)
+ // keep the last 40 symbols (2 bits to detect transitions)
+ d_E_history.push_back(d_correlator_outs[0]); // save early output
+ d_P_history.push_back(d_correlator_outs[1]); // save prompt output
+ d_L_history.push_back(d_correlator_outs[2]); // save late output
- // ########### Output the tracking data to navigation and PVT ##########
- current_synchro_data.Prompt_I = static_cast<double>((d_correlator_outs[1]).real());
- current_synchro_data.Prompt_Q = static_cast<double>((d_correlator_outs[1]).imag());
- // Tracking_timestamp_secs is aligned with the CURRENT PRN start sample (Hybridization OK!)
- current_synchro_data.Tracking_timestamp_secs = (static_cast<double>(d_sample_counter) + old_d_rem_code_phase_samples) / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
- // This tracking block aligns the Tracking_timestamp_secs with the start sample of the PRN, thus, Code_phase_secs=0
- current_synchro_data.Code_phase_secs = 0;
- current_synchro_data.Carrier_phase_rads = GPS_TWO_PI * d_acc_carrier_phase_cycles;
- current_synchro_data.Carrier_Doppler_hz = d_carrier_doppler_hz;
- current_synchro_data.CN0_dB_hz = d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz;
- current_synchro_data.Flag_valid_pseudorange = false;
- *out[0] = current_synchro_data;
+ if (d_P_history.size()>GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_SYMBOLS_PER_BIT)
+ {
+ d_E_history.pop_front();
+ d_P_history.pop_front();
+ d_L_history.pop_front();
+ }
+ bool enable_dll_pll;
+ if (d_enable_20ms_integration==true)
+ {
+ long int symbol_diff=d_symbol_counter-d_preamble_index;
+ if (symbol_diff % GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_SYMBOLS_PER_BIT == 0)
+ {
+ // compute coherent integration and enable tracking loop
+ // perform coherent integration using correlator output history
+ //gr_complex d_correlator_outs_2[3];
+ //std::cout<<"##### RESET COHERENT INTEGRATION ####"<<std::endl;
+ d_correlator_outs[0]=gr_complex(0.0,0.0);
+ d_correlator_outs[1]=gr_complex(0.0,0.0);
+ d_correlator_outs[2]=gr_complex(0.0,0.0);
+ for (int n=0;n<GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_SYMBOLS_PER_BIT;n++)
+ {
+ d_correlator_outs[0]+=d_E_history.at(n);
+ d_correlator_outs[1]+=d_P_history.at(n);
+ d_correlator_outs[2]+=d_L_history.at(n);
+ }
+ if (d_preamble_synchronized==false)
+ {
+ d_preamble_synchronized=true;
+ }
+ current_synchro_data.symbol_integration_enabled=true;
+ d_code_loop_filter.set_DLL_BW(d_dll_bw_hz);
+ d_carrier_loop_filter.set_params(10.0, d_pll_bw_hz/5,2);
+ enable_dll_pll=true;
+ }else{
+ current_synchro_data.symbol_integration_enabled=false;
+ if(d_preamble_synchronized==true)
+ {
+ // continue extended coherent correlation
+ d_correlation_length_samples=d_correlation_length_samples-d_rem_code_phase_integer_samples;
+ d_rem_code_phase_integer_samples=0;
+ d_rem_carrier_phase_rad = fmod(d_rem_carrier_phase_rad + d_carrier_phase_step_rad * d_correlation_length_samples, GPS_TWO_PI);
+ d_rem_code_phase_chips = fmod(d_rem_code_phase_chips + d_code_phase_step_chips*d_correlation_length_samples,GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS);
+ // disable tracking loop and inform telemetry decoder
+ enable_dll_pll=false;
+ }else{
+ // perform basic (1ms) correlation
+ CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S = static_cast<double>(d_correlation_length_samples) / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ enable_dll_pll=true;
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ current_synchro_data.symbol_integration_enabled=false;
+ CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S = static_cast<double>(d_correlation_length_samples) / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ enable_dll_pll=true;
+ }
+ // ###### end 20ms correlation extension
+ if (enable_dll_pll==true)
+ {
+ // ################## PLL ##########################################################
+ // Update PLL discriminator [rads/Ti -> Secs/Ti]
+ carr_phase_error_secs_Ti = pll_cloop_two_quadrant_atan(d_correlator_outs[1]) / GPS_TWO_PI; //prompt output
+ // Carrier discriminator filter
+ // NOTICE: The carrier loop filter includes the Carrier Doppler accumulator, as described in Kaplan
+ //d_carrier_doppler_hz = d_acq_carrier_doppler_hz + carr_phase_error_filt_secs_ti/INTEGRATION_TIME;
+ // Input [s/Ti] -> output [Hz]
+ d_carrier_doppler_hz = d_carrier_loop_filter.get_carrier_error(0.0, carr_phase_error_secs_Ti, CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S);
+ // PLL to DLL assistance [Secs/Ti]
+ d_pll_to_dll_assist_secs_Ti = (d_carrier_doppler_hz * CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S) / GPS_L1_FREQ_HZ;
+ // code Doppler frequency update
+ d_code_freq_chips = GPS_L1_CA_CODE_RATE_HZ + ((d_carrier_doppler_hz * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_RATE_HZ) / GPS_L1_FREQ_HZ);
+ // ################## DLL ##########################################################
+ // DLL discriminator
+ code_error_chips_Ti = dll_nc_e_minus_l_normalized(d_correlator_outs[0], d_correlator_outs[2]); //[chips/Ti] //early and late
+ // Code discriminator filter
+ code_error_filt_chips = d_code_loop_filter.get_code_nco(code_error_chips_Ti); //input [chips/Ti] -> output [chips/second]
+ code_error_filt_secs_Ti = code_error_filt_chips*CURRENT_INTEGRATION_TIME_S/d_code_freq_chips; // [s/Ti]
+ // DLL code error estimation [s/Ti]
+ dll_code_error_secs_Ti = - code_error_filt_secs_Ti + d_pll_to_dll_assist_secs_Ti;
+ // ################## CARRIER AND CODE NCO BUFFER ALIGNEMENT #######################
+ // keep alignment parameters for the next input buffer
+ double T_chip_seconds;
+ double T_prn_seconds;
+ double T_prn_samples;
+ double K_prn_samples;
+ // Compute the next buffer length based in the new period of the PRN sequence and the code phase error estimation
+ T_chip_seconds = 1 / d_code_freq_chips;
+ T_prn_seconds = T_chip_seconds * GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS;
+ T_prn_samples = T_prn_seconds * static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ K_prn_samples = round(T_prn_samples);
+ double K_T_prn_error_samples=K_prn_samples-T_prn_samples;
+ old_d_rem_code_phase_samples=d_rem_code_phase_samples;
+ d_rem_code_phase_samples= d_rem_code_phase_samples - K_T_prn_error_samples -dll_code_error_secs_Ti * static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ d_rem_code_phase_integer_samples=round(d_rem_code_phase_samples);
+ d_correlation_length_samples = K_prn_samples + d_rem_code_phase_integer_samples; //round to a discrete samples
+ d_rem_code_phase_samples=d_rem_code_phase_samples-d_rem_code_phase_integer_samples;
+ CORRECTED_INTEGRATION_TIME_S=(static_cast<double>(d_correlation_length_samples)/static_cast<double>(d_fs_in));
+ //remnant carrier phase [rad]
+ d_rem_carrier_phase_rad = fmod(d_rem_carrier_phase_rad + GPS_TWO_PI * d_carrier_doppler_hz * CORRECTED_INTEGRATION_TIME_S, GPS_TWO_PI);
+ //carrier phase accumulator prior to update the PLL estimators (accumulated carrier in this loop depends on the old estimations!)
+ d_acc_carrier_phase_cycles -= d_carrier_doppler_hz * CORRECTED_INTEGRATION_TIME_S;
+ //################### PLL COMMANDS #################################################
+ //carrier phase step (NCO phase increment per sample) [rads/sample]
+ d_carrier_phase_step_rad = GPS_TWO_PI * d_carrier_doppler_hz / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ //################### DLL COMMANDS #################################################
+ //code phase step (Code resampler phase increment per sample) [chips/sample]
+ d_code_phase_step_chips = d_code_freq_chips / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ //remnant code phase [chips]
+ d_rem_code_phase_chips = d_rem_code_phase_samples * (d_code_freq_chips / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in));
+ // ####### CN0 ESTIMATION AND LOCK DETECTORS #######################################
+ if (d_cn0_estimation_counter < CN0_ESTIMATION_SAMPLES)
+ {
+ // fill buffer with prompt correlator output values
+ d_Prompt_buffer[d_cn0_estimation_counter] = d_correlator_outs[1]; //prompt
+ d_cn0_estimation_counter++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d_cn0_estimation_counter = 0;
+ // Code lock indicator
+ d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz = cn0_svn_estimator(d_Prompt_buffer, CN0_ESTIMATION_SAMPLES, d_fs_in, GPS_L1_CA_CODE_LENGTH_CHIPS);
+ // Carrier lock indicator
+ d_carrier_lock_test = carrier_lock_detector(d_Prompt_buffer, CN0_ESTIMATION_SAMPLES);
+ // Loss of lock detection
+ if (d_carrier_lock_test < d_carrier_lock_threshold or d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz < MINIMUM_VALID_CN0)
+ {
+ d_carrier_lock_fail_counter++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (d_carrier_lock_fail_counter > 0) d_carrier_lock_fail_counter--;
+ }
+ if (d_carrier_lock_fail_counter > MAXIMUM_LOCK_FAIL_COUNTER)
+ {
+ std::cout << "Loss of lock in channel " << d_channel << "!" << std::endl;
+ LOG(INFO) << "Loss of lock in channel " << d_channel << "!";
+ std::unique_ptr<ControlMessageFactory> cmf(new ControlMessageFactory());
+ if (d_queue != gr::msg_queue::sptr())
+ {
+ d_queue->handle(cmf->GetQueueMessage(d_channel, 2));
+ }
+ d_carrier_lock_fail_counter = 0;
+ d_enable_tracking = false; // TODO: check if disabling tracking is consistent with the channel state machine
+ }
+ }
+ // ########### Output the tracking data to navigation and PVT ##########
+ current_synchro_data.Prompt_I = static_cast<double>((d_correlator_outs[1]).real());
+ current_synchro_data.Prompt_Q = static_cast<double>((d_correlator_outs[1]).imag());
+ // Tracking_timestamp_secs is aligned with the CURRENT PRN start sample (Hybridization OK!)
+ current_synchro_data.Tracking_timestamp_secs = (static_cast<double>(d_sample_counter) + old_d_rem_code_phase_samples) / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ // This tracking block aligns the Tracking_timestamp_secs with the start sample of the PRN, thus, Code_phase_secs=0
+ current_synchro_data.Code_phase_secs = 0;
+ current_synchro_data.Carrier_phase_rads = GPS_TWO_PI * d_acc_carrier_phase_cycles;
+ current_synchro_data.Carrier_Doppler_hz = d_carrier_doppler_hz;
+ current_synchro_data.CN0_dB_hz = d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz;
+ current_synchro_data.Flag_valid_pseudorange = false;
+ current_synchro_data.Flag_valid_symbol_output = true;
+ *out[0] = current_synchro_data;
+ }else{
+ //todo: fill synchronization data to produce output while coherent integration is running
+ current_synchro_data.Flag_valid_symbol_output = false;
+ current_synchro_data.Prompt_I = static_cast<double>((d_correlator_outs[1]).real());
+ current_synchro_data.Prompt_Q = static_cast<double>((d_correlator_outs[1]).imag());
+ // Tracking_timestamp_secs is aligned with the CURRENT PRN start sample (Hybridization OK!)
+ current_synchro_data.Tracking_timestamp_secs = (static_cast<double>(d_sample_counter) + d_rem_code_phase_samples) / static_cast<double>(d_fs_in);
+ // This tracking block aligns the Tracking_timestamp_secs with the start sample of the PRN, thus, Code_phase_secs=0
+ current_synchro_data.Code_phase_secs = 0;
+ current_synchro_data.Carrier_phase_rads = GPS_TWO_PI * d_acc_carrier_phase_cycles; // todo: project the acc carrier phase
+ current_synchro_data.Carrier_Doppler_hz = d_carrier_doppler_hz;// todo: project the carrier doppler
+ current_synchro_data.CN0_dB_hz = d_CN0_SNV_dB_Hz;
+ current_synchro_data.Flag_valid_pseudorange = false;
+ *out[0] = current_synchro_data;
+ }
// ########## DEBUG OUTPUT
@@ -553,6 +669,7 @@ int gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc::general_work (int noutput_items, gr_vec
LOG(WARNING) << "noutput_items = 0";
+ d_symbol_counter++;
return 1; //output tracking result ALWAYS even in the case of d_enable_tracking==false
diff --git a/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.h b/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.h
index 6a212bd..3d4cf32 100644
--- a/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.h
+++ b/src/algorithms/tracking/gnuradio_blocks/gps_l1_ca_dll_pll_c_aid_tracking_cc.h
@@ -39,9 +39,11 @@
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
+#include <deque>
#include <string>
#include <gnuradio/block.h>
#include <gnuradio/msg_queue.h>
+#include <pmt/pmt.h>
#include "concurrent_queue.h"
#include "gnss_synchro.h"
#include "tracking_2nd_DLL_filter.h"
@@ -130,6 +132,7 @@ private:
double d_rem_code_phase_samples;
double d_rem_code_phase_chips;
double d_rem_carrier_phase_rad;
+ int d_rem_code_phase_integer_samples;
// PLL and DLL filter library
Tracking_2nd_DLL_filter d_code_loop_filter;
@@ -140,6 +143,8 @@ private:
double d_acq_carrier_doppler_hz;
// tracking vars
+ float d_dll_bw_hz;
+ float d_pll_bw_hz;
double d_code_freq_chips;
double d_code_phase_step_chips;
double d_carrier_doppler_hz;
@@ -148,6 +153,17 @@ private:
double d_code_phase_samples;
double d_pll_to_dll_assist_secs_Ti;
+ // symbol history to detect bit transition
+ std::deque<gr_complex> d_E_history;
+ std::deque<gr_complex> d_P_history;
+ std::deque<gr_complex> d_L_history;
+ long int d_preamble_index;
+ long int d_symbol_counter;
+ bool d_enable_20ms_integration;
+ bool d_preamble_synchronized;
+ int d_correlation_symbol_counter;
+ void msg_handler_preamble_index(pmt::pmt_t msg);
//Integration period in samples
int d_correlation_length_samples;
diff --git a/src/core/receiver/gnss_flowgraph.cc b/src/core/receiver/gnss_flowgraph.cc
index f15398f..5989b34 100644
--- a/src/core/receiver/gnss_flowgraph.cc
+++ b/src/core/receiver/gnss_flowgraph.cc
@@ -390,12 +390,12 @@ void GNSSFlowgraph::wait()
void GNSSFlowgraph::apply_action(unsigned int who, unsigned int what)
- DLOG(INFO) << "received " << what << " from " << who;
+ DLOG(INFO) << "received " << what << " from " << who;
switch (what)
case 0:
- LOG(INFO) << "Channel " << who << " ACQ FAILED satellite " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_satellite() << ", Signal " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_signal_str();
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Channel " << who << " ACQ FAILED satellite " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_satellite() << ", Signal " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_signal_str();
//TODO: Optimize the channel and signal matching!
@@ -403,9 +403,11 @@ void GNSSFlowgraph::apply_action(unsigned int who, unsigned int what)
+ std::cout << "loop"<<std::endl;
//todo: This is a provisional bug fix to avoid random channel state machine deadlock caused by an incorrect sequence of events
// Correct sequence: start_acquisition() is triggered after the negative acquisition driven by the process_channel_messages() thread inside channel class
// Incorrect sequence: due to thread concurrency, some times start_acquisition is triggered BEFORE the last negative_acquisition notification, thus producing a deadlock
@@ -417,7 +419,7 @@ void GNSSFlowgraph::apply_action(unsigned int who, unsigned int what)
// TODO: Tracking messages
case 1:
- LOG(INFO) << "Channel " << who << " ACQ SUCCESS satellite " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_satellite();
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Channel " << who << " ACQ SUCCESS satellite " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_satellite();
channels_state_[who] = 2;
if (!available_GNSS_signals_.empty() && acq_channels_count_ < max_acq_channels_)
@@ -445,7 +447,7 @@ void GNSSFlowgraph::apply_action(unsigned int who, unsigned int what)
case 2:
- LOG(INFO) << "Channel " << who << " TRK FAILED satellite " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_satellite();
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Channel " << who << " TRK FAILED satellite " << channels_.at(who)->get_signal().get_satellite();
if (acq_channels_count_ < max_acq_channels_)
channels_state_[who] = 1;
@@ -468,7 +470,7 @@ void GNSSFlowgraph::apply_action(unsigned int who, unsigned int what)
- DLOG(INFO) << "Number of available signals: " << available_GNSS_signals_.size();
+ DLOG(INFO) << "Number of available signals: " << available_GNSS_signals_.size();
diff --git a/src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h b/src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h
index 2c9e041..bbe96db 100644
--- a/src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h
+++ b/src/core/system_parameters/GPS_L1_CA.h
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ const int GPS_L1_CA_HISTORY_DEEP = 100;
#define GPS_PREAMBLE {1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1}
const int GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_RATE_BITS_SECOND = 50; //!< NAV message bit rate [bits/s]
const int GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_RATE_SYMBOLS_SECOND = GPS_CA_TELEMETRY_RATE_BITS_SECOND*20; //!< NAV message bit rate [symbols/s]
const int GPS_WORD_LENGTH = 4; //!< CRC + GPS WORD (-2 -1 0 ... 29) Bits = 4 bytes
const int GPS_SUBFRAME_LENGTH = 40; //!< GPS_WORD_LENGTH x 10 = 40 bytes
diff --git a/src/core/system_parameters/gnss_synchro.h b/src/core/system_parameters/gnss_synchro.h
index 27c1d6b..d70c21b 100644
--- a/src/core/system_parameters/gnss_synchro.h
+++ b/src/core/system_parameters/gnss_synchro.h
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ public:
double Code_phase_secs; //!< Set by Tracking processing block
double Tracking_timestamp_secs; //!< Set by Tracking processing block
bool Flag_valid_tracking;
+ bool Flag_valid_symbol_output;
+ bool symbol_integration_enabled; //!< Set by Tracking processing block
//Telemetry Decoder
double Prn_timestamp_ms; //!< Set by Telemetry Decoder processing block
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