[hamradio-commits] [liquid-dsp] 05/10: Bump soname to libliquid1d due to renamed and removed symbols

Andreas E. Bombe aeb at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jan 10 02:16:42 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

aeb pushed a commit to branch master
in repository liquid-dsp.

commit 341af265e7d3efb7e6df04e80a20f2c045c312ff
Author: Andreas Bombe <aeb at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Jan 10 02:04:32 2017 +0100

    Bump soname to libliquid1d due to renamed and removed symbols
 .gitignore                                         |    3 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |    7 +
 debian/control                                     |    4 +-
 debian/libliquid0d.symbols                         | 2082 -------------------
 .../{libliquid0d.install => libliquid1d.install}   |    0
 debian/libliquid1d.symbols                         | 2087 ++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/define-soname                       |    2 +-
 7 files changed, 2098 insertions(+), 2087 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 9b21e09..165c24a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -25,6 +25,5 @@ debian/autoreconf.after
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 3a7140d..3c704fe 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+liquid-dsp (1.3.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+  * New upstream release 1.3.0
+  * Bump soname to libliquid1d due to renamed and removed symbols
+ -- Andreas Bombe <aeb at debian.org>  Tue, 10 Jan 2017 02:51:15 +0100
 liquid-dsp (1.2.0+git20161107-1) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Initial release (Closes: #832114)
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 9776455..ff330c0 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Homepage: http://liquidsdr.org/
 Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-hamradio/liquid-dsp.git
 Vcs-Git: https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/liquid-dsp.git
-Package: libliquid0d
+Package: libliquid1d
 Section: libs
 Architecture: any
 Multi-Arch: same
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Description: signal processing library for software defined radio
 Package: libliquid-dev
 Section: libdevel
 Architecture: any
-Depends: libliquid0d (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
+Depends: libliquid1d (= ${binary:Version}), ${misc:Depends}
 Description: signal processing library for software defined radio (development files)
  liquid-dsp is a free and open-source digital signal processing (DSP)
  library designed specifically for software defined radios on embedded
diff --git a/debian/libliquid0d.symbols b/debian/libliquid0d.symbols
deleted file mode 100644
index 7459535..0000000
--- a/debian/libliquid0d.symbols
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2082 +0,0 @@
-libliquid.so.0d libliquid0d #MINVER#
- agc_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_get_bandwidth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_get_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_get_rssi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_get_signal_level at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_init at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_lock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_set_bandwidth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_set_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_set_rssi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_set_signal_level at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_crcf_unlock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_get_bandwidth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_get_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_get_rssi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_get_signal_level at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_init at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_lock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_set_bandwidth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_set_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_set_rssi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_set_signal_level at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- agc_rrrf_unlock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_demodulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_demodulate_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_modulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_modulate_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ampmodem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk128_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk128_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk128_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk128_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk128_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk128_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk16_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk16_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk16_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk16_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk16_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk16_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk256_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk256_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk256_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk256_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk256_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk256_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk32_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk32_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk32_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk32_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk32_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk32_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk4_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk4_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk4_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk4_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk4_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk4_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk64_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk64_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk64_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk64_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk64_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk64_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk8_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk8_num_levels at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk8_p at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk8_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk8_r at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- apsk8_r_slicer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramcf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- asgramf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_get_energy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_get_energy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- autocorr_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- awgn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bessel_azpkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bilinear_zpkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- blackmanharris7 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- blackmanharris at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_assemble_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_assemble_pnsequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_compute_packet_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_get_packet_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketgen_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_assemble_pnsequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_decode_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_decode_payload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute_bit at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute_byte at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute_rxheader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute_seekpn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_execute_sym at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_reconfig at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpacketsync_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_correlatex at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bpresync_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_accumulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_circshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_create_ccodes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_index at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_init at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_init_msequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsequence_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_cccf_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_cccf_create_msequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_crcf_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_crcf_create_msequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_rrrf_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_rrrf_create_msequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- bsync_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- butter_azpkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cawgn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_create_max at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_is_full at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_linearize at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_max_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_max_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_pop at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_release at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_space_available at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbuffercf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_create_max at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_is_full at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_linearize at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_max_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_max_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_pop at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_release at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_space_available at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cbufferf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_add_awgn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_add_carrier_offset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_add_multipath at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_add_resamp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_add_shadowing at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_create_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- channel_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cheby1_azpkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cheby2_azpkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- checksum_generate_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_copy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_create_basic at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_create_clone at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_crossover at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_get_num_traits at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_init at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_init_random at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_initf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_mutate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_printf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_value at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- chromosome_valuef at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- compress_cf_mulaw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- compress_mulaw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- count_bit_errors at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- count_bit_errors_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_demodulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_demodulate_coherent at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_demodulate_noncoherent at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_init_coherent at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_init_noncoherent at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskdem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_firdes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_modulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cpfskmod_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crandnf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc16_generate_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc24_generate_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc32_generate_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc8_generate_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_append_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_check_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_generate_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_scheme_str at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_sizeof_key at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- crc_validate_message at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_decode8 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_encode8 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- cvsd_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_compute_dotprods at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_estimate_offsets at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- detector_cccf_update_sumsq at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_run4 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_cccf_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_run4 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_crcf_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_run4 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- dotprod_rrrf_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellip_acdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellip_asnf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellip_azpkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellip_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellip_snf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellipdegf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ellipkf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_create_lowpass at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_get_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_get_weights at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_push_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_set_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_step_blind at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_train at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_cccf_update_sumsq at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_create_lowpass at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_get_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_get_weights at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_push_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_set_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_step_blind at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_train at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqlms_rrrf_update_sumsq at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_get_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_get_weights at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_set_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_cccf_train at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_get_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_get_weights at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_set_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- eqrls_rrrf_train at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- estimate_req_filter_As at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- estimate_req_filter_df at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- estimate_req_filter_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- estimate_req_filter_len_Herrmann at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- estimate_req_filter_len_Kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- expand_cf_mulaw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- expand_mulaw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_block_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27_poly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27p23_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27p34_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27p45_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27p56_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27p67_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv27p78_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29_poly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29p23_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29p34_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29p45_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29p56_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29p67_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv29p78_matrix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv39_poly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv615_poly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_punctured_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_punctured_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_punctured_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_conv_punctured_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_get_enc_msg_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_get_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_golay2412_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_golay2412_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_golay2412_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_golay2412_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_golay2412_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_golay2412_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming128_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming1511_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming1511_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming3126_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming3126_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming74_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming74_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming74_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming74_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming74_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming84_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming84_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming84_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming84_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_hamming84_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_pass_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_pass_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_pass_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_pass_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_pass_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep3_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep3_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep3_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep3_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep3_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep3_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep5_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep5_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep5_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep5_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep5_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rep5_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rs_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rs_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rs_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rs_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_rs_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_scheme_is_convolutional at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_scheme_is_hamming at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_scheme_is_punctured at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_scheme_is_reedsolomon at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_scheme_is_repeat at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_scheme_str at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_compute_parity at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_compute_syndrome at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded2216_estimate_ehat at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_compute_parity at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_compute_syndrome at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded3932_estimate_ehat at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_compute_parity at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_compute_syndrome at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_decode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_encode_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_secded7264_estimate_ehat at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_sumproduct at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fec_sumproduct_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fecsoft_hamming128_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fecsoft_hamming128_decode_n3 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fecsoft_hamming128_n3 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fecsoft_hamming74_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fecsoft_hamming84_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan_dft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan_mixed_radix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan_r2r_1d at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan_rader2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan_rader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_create_plan_radix2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan_dft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan_mixed_radix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan_r2r_1d at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan_rader2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan_rader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_destroy_plan_radix2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_estimate_mixed_radix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_REDFT00 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_REDFT01 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_REDFT10 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_REDFT11 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_RODFT00 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_RODFT01 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_RODFT10 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_RODFT11 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_16 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_3 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_4 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_5 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_6 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_7 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_dft_8 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_mixed_radix at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_rader2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_rader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_execute_radix2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_is_radix2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_print_plan at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_print_plan_r2r_1d at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_print_plan_recursive at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_r2r_1d_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_reverse_index at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fft_shift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_cccf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_crcf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fftfilt_rrrf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fir_group_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdecim_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_compute_error at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_compute_interp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_compute_taps at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_iext_search at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_init_grid at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_is_search_complete at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firdespm_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_genpoly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_get_coefficients at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_crcf_set_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_genpoly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_get_coefficients at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfarrow_rrrf_set_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_create_rect at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_cccf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_create_rect at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_crcf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_create_rect at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firfilt_rrrf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_c2r_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_decim_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_interp_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_r2c_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firhilbf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firinterp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_create_drnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_cccf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_create_drnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_crcf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_create_drnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfb_rrrf_set_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_execute_analyzer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_execute_synthesizer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch2_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_analyzer_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_analyzer_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_cccf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- firpfbch_crcf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flattop at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_assemble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_generate_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_generate_payload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_generate_preamble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_generate_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_generate_tail at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_getframelen at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_getprops at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_is_assembled at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_reconfigure at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_setprops at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegen_write_samples at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframegenprops_init_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_decode_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_execute_rxheader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_execute_rxpreamble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_execute_seekpn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_get_framedatastats at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_reset_framedatastats at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- flexframesync_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fpoly_bessel at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fpoly_bessel_roots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fpoly_bessel_roots_orchard at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fpoly_bessel_roots_orchard_recursion at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framedatastats_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framedatastats_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framegen64_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framegen64_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framegen64_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framegen64_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_debug_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_debug_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_execute_rxpreamble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_execute_seekpn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesync64_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesyncstats_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesyncstats_init_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- framesyncstats_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqdem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqdem_demodulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqdem_demodulate_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqdem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqdem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqdem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqmod_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqmod_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqmod_modulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqmod_modulate_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqmod_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- freqmod_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskdem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskdem_demodulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskdem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskdem_get_frequency_error at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskdem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskdem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskmod_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskmod_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskmod_modulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskmod_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- fskmod_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_create_advanced at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_crossover at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_evaluate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_evolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_getopt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_mutate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_rank at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_set_mutation_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gasearch_set_population_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_demodulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskdem_set_eq_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_assemble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_encode_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_getframelen at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_is_assembled at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_write_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_write_payload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_write_preamble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_write_samples at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframegen_write_tail at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_decode_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_execute_detectframe at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_execute_rxheader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_execute_rxpreamble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_pushpn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_syncpn at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_update_fi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskframesync_update_symsync at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskmod_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskmod_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskmod_modulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskmod_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gmskmod_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- golay2412_Gt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- golay2412_H at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- golay2412_P at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- golay2412_matrix_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- golay2412_parity_search at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_gradient at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_linesearch at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_norm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gradsearch_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gray_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- gray_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hamming128_enc_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hamming74_dec_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hamming74_enc_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hamming84_dec_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hamming84_enc_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hamming at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- hann at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- icrandnf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iir_group_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdecim_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_dzpk2sosf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_dzpk2tff at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_dzpk_lp2bp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_dzpk_lp2hp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_freqprewarp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_isstable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_pll_active_PI at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirdes_pll_active_lag at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_dc_blocker at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_differentiator at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_integrator at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_lowpass at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_pll at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_create_sos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_execute_norm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_execute_sos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_dc_blocker at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_differentiator at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_integrator at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_lowpass at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_pll at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_create_sos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_execute_norm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_execute_sos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_dc_blocker at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_differentiator at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_integrator at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_lowpass at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_pll at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_create_sos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_execute_norm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_execute_sos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfilt_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_execute_df1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_execute_df2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_cccf_set_coefficients at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_execute_df1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_execute_df2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_crcf_set_coefficients at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_execute_df1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_execute_df2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirfiltsos_rrrf_set_coefficients at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- iirinterp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_encode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_permute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_permute_mask at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_permute_mask_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_permute_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- interleaver_set_depth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- kaiser_beta_As at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- landenf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_MarcumQ1f at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_MarcumQf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_Qf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk128 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk16 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk256 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk32 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk4 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk64 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_apsk8 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_asechf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_bdotprod at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_besseli0f at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_besselif at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_besselj0f at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_besseljf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_c_leading_zeros at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_c_ones at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_c_ones_mod2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_cacosf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_cargf_approx at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_casinf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_catanf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_cexpf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_clogf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_cosf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_count_leading_zeros at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_count_ones at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_count_ones_mod2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_cplxpair at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_cplxpair_cleanup at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_csqrtf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_expf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_factor at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_factorialf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_fft_estimate_method at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_filter_autocorr at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_filter_crosscorr at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_filter_energy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_filter_isi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_arkaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_doppler at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_farcsech at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_farcsech_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_fexp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_fexp_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_fnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_fsech at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_fsech_freqresponse at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_gmskrx at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_gmsktx at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_hM3 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_prototype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rcos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rfarcsech at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rfexp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rfsech at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rkaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rkaiser_bisection at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rkaiser_internal_isi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rkaiser_quadratic at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_firdes_rrcos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_gammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_getopt_str2crc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_getopt_str2fec at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_getopt_str2firfilt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_getopt_str2mod at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_getopt_str2window at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_iirdes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_invgauss at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_is_prime at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_kbd at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_kbd_window at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lbcircshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lbshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lcircshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_levinson at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_libversion at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_libversion_number at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lnbesselif at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lngammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lnlowergammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lnuppergammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_logf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lowergammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lpc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_lshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_modem_is_apsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_modem_is_ask at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_modem_is_dpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_modem_is_psk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_modem_is_qam at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_modpow at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_msb_index at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_multimodal at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_nchoosek at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_nextpow2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_pack_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_pack_bytes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_pack_soft_bits at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_primitive_root at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_primitive_root_prime at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_print_bitstring at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_print_crc_schemes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_print_fec_schemes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_print_modulation_schemes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_print_windows at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_rbcircshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_rbshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_rcircshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_rcostaper_windowf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_repack_bytes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_reverse_byte at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_reverse_byte_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_reverse_uint16 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_reverse_uint24 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_reverse_uint32 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_rosenbrock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_rshift at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_sincosf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_sinf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_spiral at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_sumsqcf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_sumsqf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_tanf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_totient at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_unique_factor at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_unpack_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_unpack_bytes at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_unpack_soft_bits at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_unwrap_phase2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_unwrap_phase at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_uppergammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_abs at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_addscalar at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_carg at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_cexpj at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_mulscalar at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_norm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorcf_normalize at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_abs at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_addscalar at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_carg at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_cexpj at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_mulscalar at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_norm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_vectorf_normalize at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_version at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- liquid_window_str at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_aug at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_cgsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_chol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_det2x2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_det at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_div at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_gjelim at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_hermitian_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_inv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_linsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_mul_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_mul_transpose at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_ones at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_pdiv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_pivot at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_pmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_proj at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_sub at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_swaprows at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_trans at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_transpose_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrix_zeros at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_aug at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_cgsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_chol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_det2x2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_det at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_div at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_gjelim at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_hermitian_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_inv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_linsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_mul_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_mul_transpose at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_ones at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_pdiv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_pivot at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_pmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_proj at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_sub at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_swaprows at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_trans at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_transpose_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixc_zeros at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_aug at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_cgsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_chol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_det2x2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_det at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_div at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_gjelim at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_hermitian_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_inv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_linsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_mul_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_mul_transpose at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_ones at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_pdiv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_pivot at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_pmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_proj at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_sub at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_swaprows at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_trans at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_transpose_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixcf_zeros at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_add at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_aug at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_cgsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_chol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_det2x2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_det at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_div at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_gjelim at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_hermitian_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_inv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_linsolve at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_mul_hermitian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_mul_transpose at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_ones at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_pdiv at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_pivot at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_pmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_proj at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_sub at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_swaprows at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_trans at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_transpose_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- matrixf_zeros at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb128opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb16opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb256opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb32opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb64opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_V29 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_balance_iq at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_init at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_init_file at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_scale at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_sqam128 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_sqam32 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_arb_vt64 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_V29 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_apsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb128opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb16opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb256opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb32opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb64opt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb64vt at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arb at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_arbitrary at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_ask at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_bpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_dpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_ook at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_psk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_qam at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_qpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_sqam128 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_create_sqam32 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodsoft_gentab at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_apsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_arb at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_ask at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_bpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_dpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_linear_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_linear_array_ref at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_ook at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_psk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_qam at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_qpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_soft_arb at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_soft_bpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_soft_qpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_soft_table at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_sqam128 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_demodulate_sqam32 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_gen_rand_sym at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_get_bps at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_get_demodulator_evm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_get_demodulator_phase_error at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_get_demodulator_sample at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_get_scheme at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_init at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_init_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_apsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_arb at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_ask at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_bpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_dpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_map at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_ook at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_psk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_qam at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_qpsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_sqam128 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_modulate_sqam32 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- modulation_types at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_advance at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_create_genpoly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_generate_symbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_get_length at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_get_state at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msequence_set_state at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_add_modem at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_add_noise at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_add_source at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_add_tone at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_get_source at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_remove at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_set_frequency at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_set_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msourcecf_write_samples at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp2_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- msresamp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_adjust_frequency at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_adjust_phase at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_cexpf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_compute_sincos_nco at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_compute_sincos_vco at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_constrain_frequency at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_constrain_phase at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_cos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_get_frequency at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_get_phase at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_mix_block_down at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_mix_block_up at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_mix_down at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_mix_up at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_pll_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_pll_set_bandwidth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_pll_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_set_frequency at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_set_phase at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_sin at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_sincos at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- nco_crcf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_assemble at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_encode_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_getframelen at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_getprops at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_is_assembled at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_modulate_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_reconfigure at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_setprops at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_write_S0a at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_write_S0b at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_write_S1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_write_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_write_payload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegen_writesymbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframegenprops_init_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_decode_header at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_get_cfo at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_get_rssi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_internal_callback at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_rxheader at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmflexframesync_rxpayload at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframe_init_S0 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframe_init_S1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframe_init_default_sctype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframe_print_sctype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframe_validate_sctype at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_gensymbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_write_S0a at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_write_S0b at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_write_S1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_writesymbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframegen_writetail at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_S0_metrics at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_estimate_eqgain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_estimate_eqgain_poly at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_estimate_gain_S0 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_estimate_gain_S1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_execute_S0a at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_execute_S0b at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_execute_S1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_execute_rxsymbols at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_execute_seekplcp at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_get_cfo at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_get_rssi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- ofdmframesync_rxsymbol at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- optim_sort at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- optim_threshold_switch at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_compute_dec_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_compute_enc_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_get_crc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_get_dec_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_get_fec0 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_get_fec1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_realloc_buffers at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- packetizer_set_scheme at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_expandbinomial at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_expandroots2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_expandroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_findroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_fit at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_fit_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_interp_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_val at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- poly_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_expandbinomial at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_expandroots2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_expandroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_findroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_fit at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_fit_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_interp_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_val at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyc_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_expandbinomial at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_expandroots2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_expandroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_findroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_fit at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_fit_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_interp_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_val at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polycf_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_expandbinomial at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_expandroots2 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_expandroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_findroots at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_fit at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_fit_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_interp_lagrange at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_val at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- polyf_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_correlate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_correlatex at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- presync_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_create_gmsk at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_create_linear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_execute_align at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_execute_seek at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_buf_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_dphi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_gamma at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_seq_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_sequence at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_get_tau at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_set_range at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qdetector_cccf_set_threshold at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_compute_Hessian at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_compute_gradient at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_normalize_gradient at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_run at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qnsearch_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_configure at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_decode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_decode_bits at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_decode_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_decode_syms at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_encode at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_encode_syms at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_get_crc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_get_fec0 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_get_fec1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_get_frame_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_get_modscheme at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_get_payload_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpacketmodem_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_get_frame_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotgen_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_get_dphi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_get_frame_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_get_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_get_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qpilotsync_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_create_modem at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_create_noise at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_create_tone at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_disable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_enable at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_gen_sample at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_set_frequency at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- qsourcecf_set_gain at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantize_adc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantize_dac at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizercf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizercf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizercf_execute_adc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizercf_execute_dac at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizercf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizerf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizerf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizerf_execute_adc at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizerf_execute_dac at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- quantizerf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randexpf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randexpf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randexpf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randgammaf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randgammaf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randgammaf_delta at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randgammaf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randnakmf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randnakmf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randnakmf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randnf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randnf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randnf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randricekf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randricekf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randricekf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randweibf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randweibf_cdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- randweibf_pdf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_filter_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_cccf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_filter_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_crcf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_decim_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_filter_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_interp_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp2_rrrf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_adjust_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_set_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_cccf_update_timing_state at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_adjust_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_set_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_crcf_update_timing_state at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_adjust_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_set_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- resamp_rrrf_update_timing_state at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- rkaiser_approximate_rho at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- scramble_data at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- secded2216_P at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- secded2216_syndrome_w1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- secded3932_P at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- secded3932_syndrome_w1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- secded7264_P at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- secded7264_syndrome_w1 at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- sincf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrix_indexsearch at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_create_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_delete at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_get at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_insert at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_isset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_mulf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_print_expanded at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_reset_max_mlist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_reset_max_nlist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_set at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_vmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixb_vmulf at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_create_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_delete at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_get at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_insert at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_isset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_print_expanded at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_reset_max_mlist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_reset_max_nlist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_set at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixf_vmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_create_array at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_delete at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_eye at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_get at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_insert at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_isset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_mul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_print_expanded at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_reset_max_mlist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_reset_max_nlist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_set at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_size at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- smatrixi_vmul at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_estimate_psd at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_export_gnuplot at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_nfft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_num_samples at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_num_samples_total at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_num_transforms at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_num_transforms_total at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_psd at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_get_window_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_set_alpha at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramcf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_estimate_psd at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_export_gnuplot at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_delay at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_nfft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_num_samples at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_num_samples_total at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_num_transforms at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_num_transforms_total at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_psd at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_get_window_len at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_set_alpha at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- spgramf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- sumproduct_phi at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_create_linear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_fill_buffer at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symstreamcf_write_samples at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_advance_internal_loop at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_get_tau at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_lock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_output_debug_file at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_set_lf_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_set_output_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_crcf_unlock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_advance_internal_loop at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_get_tau at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_lock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_output_debug_file at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_set_lf_bw at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_set_output_rate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_step at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symsync_rrrf_unlock at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_adjust_phase at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_create_default at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_set_bandwidth at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- symtrack_cccf_set_modscheme at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- triangular at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_execute at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- tvmpch_cccf_reset at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- unscramble_data at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- unscramble_data_soft at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelaycf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- wdelayf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_index at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowcf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_clear at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_create at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_debug_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_destroy at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_index at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_print at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_push at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_read at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_recreate at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
- windowf_write at Base 1.2.0+git20161107
diff --git a/debian/libliquid0d.install b/debian/libliquid1d.install
similarity index 100%
rename from debian/libliquid0d.install
rename to debian/libliquid1d.install
diff --git a/debian/libliquid1d.symbols b/debian/libliquid1d.symbols
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..395b268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/libliquid1d.symbols
@@ -0,0 +1,2087 @@
+libliquid.so.1d libliquid1d #MINVER#
+ agc_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_get_bandwidth at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_get_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_get_rssi at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_get_signal_level at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_init at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_lock at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_set_bandwidth at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_set_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_set_rssi at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_set_signal_level at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_crcf_unlock at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_get_bandwidth at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_get_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_get_rssi at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_get_signal_level at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_init at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_lock at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_set_bandwidth at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_set_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_set_rssi at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_set_signal_level at Base 1.3.0
+ agc_rrrf_unlock at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_demodulate at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_demodulate_block at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_modulate at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_modulate_block at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ampmodem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk128_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk128_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk128_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk128_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk128_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk128_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk16_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk16_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk16_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk16_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk16_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk16_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk256_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk256_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk256_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk256_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk256_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk256_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk32_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk32_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk32_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk32_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk32_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk32_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk4_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk4_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk4_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk4_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk4_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk4_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk64_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk64_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk64_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk64_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk64_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk64_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk8_map at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk8_num_levels at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk8_p at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk8_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk8_r at Base 1.3.0
+ apsk8_r_slicer at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramcf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ asgramf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_get_energy at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_get_energy at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ autocorr_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ awgn at Base 1.3.0
+ bessel_azpkf at Base 1.3.0
+ bilinear_zpkf at Base 1.3.0
+ blackmanharris7 at Base 1.3.0
+ blackmanharris at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_assemble_header at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_assemble_pnsequence at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_compute_packet_len at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_get_packet_len at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_print at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketgen_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_assemble_pnsequence at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_decode_header at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_decode_payload at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute_bit at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute_byte at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute_rxheader at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute_seekpn at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_execute_sym at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_print at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_reconfig at Base 1.3.0
+ bpacketsync_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_correlatex at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ bpresync_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_accumulate at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_add at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_circshift at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_create_ccodes at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_index at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_init at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_init_msequence at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_print at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_push at Base 1.3.0
+ bsequence_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_cccf_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_cccf_create_msequence at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_crcf_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_crcf_create_msequence at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_rrrf_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_rrrf_create_msequence at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ bsync_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ butter_azpkf at Base 1.3.0
+ cawgn at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_create_max at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_is_full at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_linearize at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_max_read at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_max_size at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_pop at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_read at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_release at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_size at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_space_available at Base 1.3.0
+ cbuffercf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_create_max at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_is_full at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_linearize at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_max_read at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_max_size at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_pop at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_read at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_release at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_size at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_space_available at Base 1.3.0
+ cbufferf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_add_awgn at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_add_carrier_offset at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_add_multipath at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_add_shadowing at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ channel_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cheby1_azpkf at Base 1.3.0
+ cheby2_azpkf at Base 1.3.0
+ checksum_generate_key at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_copy at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_create at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_create_basic at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_create_clone at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_crossover at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_get_num_traits at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_init at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_init_random at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_initf at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_mutate at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_print at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_printf at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_value at Base 1.3.0
+ chromosome_valuef at Base 1.3.0
+ compress_cf_mulaw at Base 1.3.0
+ compress_mulaw at Base 1.3.0
+ count_bit_errors at Base 1.3.0
+ count_bit_errors_array at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_demodulate at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_demodulate_coherent at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_demodulate_noncoherent at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_init_coherent at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_init_noncoherent at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskdem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_create at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_firdes at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_modulate at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_print at Base 1.3.0
+ cpfskmod_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ crandnf at Base 1.3.0
+ crc16_generate_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc24_generate_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc32_generate_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc8_generate_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_append_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_check_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_generate_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_scheme_str at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_sizeof_key at Base 1.3.0
+ crc_validate_message at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_create at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_decode8 at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_encode8 at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ cvsd_print at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_compute_dotprods at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_estimate_offsets at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ detector_cccf_update_sumsq at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_run4 at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_cccf_run at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_run4 at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_crcf_run at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_run4 at Base 1.3.0
+ dotprod_rrrf_run at Base 1.3.0
+ ellip_acdf at Base 1.3.0
+ ellip_asnf at Base 1.3.0
+ ellip_azpkf at Base 1.3.0
+ ellip_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ ellip_snf at Base 1.3.0
+ ellipdegf at Base 1.3.0
+ ellipkf at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_create_lowpass at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_get_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_get_weights at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_push_block at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_set_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_step_blind at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_train at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_cccf_update_sumsq at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_create_lowpass at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_get_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_get_weights at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_push_block at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_set_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_step_blind at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_train at Base 1.3.0
+ eqlms_rrrf_update_sumsq at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_get_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_get_weights at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_set_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_cccf_train at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_get_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_get_weights at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_set_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ eqrls_rrrf_train at Base 1.3.0
+ estimate_req_filter_As at Base 1.3.0
+ estimate_req_filter_df at Base 1.3.0
+ estimate_req_filter_len at Base 1.3.0
+ estimate_req_filter_len_Herrmann at Base 1.3.0
+ estimate_req_filter_len_Kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ expand_cf_mulaw at Base 1.3.0
+ expand_mulaw at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_block_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27_poly at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27p23_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27p34_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27p45_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27p56_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27p67_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv27p78_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29_poly at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29p23_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29p34_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29p45_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29p56_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29p67_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv29p78_matrix at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv39_poly at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv615_poly at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_punctured_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_punctured_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_punctured_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_conv_punctured_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_get_enc_msg_length at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_get_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_golay2412_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_golay2412_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_golay2412_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_golay2412_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_golay2412_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_golay2412_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming128_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming1511_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming1511_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming3126_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming3126_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming74_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming74_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming74_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming74_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming74_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming84_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming84_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming84_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming84_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_hamming84_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_pass_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_pass_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_pass_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_pass_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_pass_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep3_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep3_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep3_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep3_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep3_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep3_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep5_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep5_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep5_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep5_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep5_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rep5_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rs_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rs_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rs_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rs_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_rs_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_scheme_is_convolutional at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_scheme_is_hamming at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_scheme_is_punctured at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_scheme_is_reedsolomon at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_scheme_is_repeat at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_scheme_str at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_compute_parity at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_compute_syndrome at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded2216_estimate_ehat at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_compute_parity at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_compute_syndrome at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded3932_estimate_ehat at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_compute_parity at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_compute_syndrome at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_decode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_encode_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_secded7264_estimate_ehat at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_sumproduct at Base 1.3.0
+ fec_sumproduct_step at Base 1.3.0
+ fecsoft_hamming128_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fecsoft_hamming128_decode_n3 at Base 1.3.0
+ fecsoft_hamming128_n3 at Base 1.3.0
+ fecsoft_hamming74_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fecsoft_hamming84_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan_dft at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan_mixed_radix at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan_r2r_1d at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan_rader2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan_rader at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_create_plan_radix2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan_dft at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan_mixed_radix at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan_r2r_1d at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan_rader2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan_rader at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_destroy_plan_radix2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_estimate_mixed_radix at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_REDFT00 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_REDFT01 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_REDFT10 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_REDFT11 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_RODFT00 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_RODFT01 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_RODFT10 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_RODFT11 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_16 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_3 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_4 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_5 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_6 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_7 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_dft_8 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_mixed_radix at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_rader2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_rader at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_execute_radix2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_is_radix2 at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_print_plan at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_print_plan_r2r_1d at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_print_plan_recursive at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_r2r_1d_run at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_reverse_index at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_run at Base 1.3.0
+ fft_shift at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_cccf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_crcf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ fftfilt_rrrf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ fir_group_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firdecim_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_compute_error at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_compute_interp at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_compute_taps at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_iext_search at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_init_grid at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_is_search_complete at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firdespm_run at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_genpoly at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_get_coefficients at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_crcf_set_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_genpoly at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_get_coefficients at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firfarrow_rrrf_set_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_create_rect at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_cccf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_create_rect at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_crcf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_create_rect at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firfilt_rrrf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_c2r_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_decim_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_interp_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_r2c_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firhilbf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firinterp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_create_drnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_cccf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_create_drnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_crcf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_create_drnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfb_rrrf_set_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_execute_analyzer at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_execute_synthesizer at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch2_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_analyzer_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_analyzer_run at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_cccf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_push at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_analyzer_run at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ firpfbch_crcf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ flattop at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_assemble at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_create at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_generate_header at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_generate_payload at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_generate_preamble at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_generate_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_generate_tail at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_getframelen at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_getprops at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_is_assembled at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_print at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_reconfigure at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_setprops at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegen_write_samples at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframegenprops_init_default at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_create at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_decode_header at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_execute_rxheader at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_execute_rxpreamble at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_execute_seekpn at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_get_framedatastats at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_print at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_reset_framedatastats at Base 1.3.0
+ flexframesync_step at Base 1.3.0
+ fpoly_bessel at Base 1.3.0
+ fpoly_bessel_roots at Base 1.3.0
+ fpoly_bessel_roots_orchard at Base 1.3.0
+ fpoly_bessel_roots_orchard_recursion at Base 1.3.0
+ framedatastats_print at Base 1.3.0
+ framedatastats_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ framegen64_create at Base 1.3.0
+ framegen64_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ framegen64_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ framegen64_print at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_create at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_debug_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_debug_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_execute_rxpreamble at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_execute_seekpn at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_print at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ framesync64_step at Base 1.3.0
+ framesyncstats_default at Base 1.3.0
+ framesyncstats_init_default at Base 1.3.0
+ framesyncstats_print at Base 1.3.0
+ freqdem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ freqdem_demodulate at Base 1.3.0
+ freqdem_demodulate_block at Base 1.3.0
+ freqdem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ freqdem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ freqdem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ freqmod_create at Base 1.3.0
+ freqmod_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ freqmod_modulate at Base 1.3.0
+ freqmod_modulate_block at Base 1.3.0
+ freqmod_print at Base 1.3.0
+ freqmod_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ fskdem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fskdem_demodulate at Base 1.3.0
+ fskdem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fskdem_get_frequency_error at Base 1.3.0
+ fskdem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fskdem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ fskmod_create at Base 1.3.0
+ fskmod_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ fskmod_modulate at Base 1.3.0
+ fskmod_print at Base 1.3.0
+ fskmod_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_create at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_create_advanced at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_crossover at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_evaluate at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_evolve at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_getopt at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_mutate at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_rank at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_run at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_set_mutation_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ gasearch_set_population_size at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_demodulate at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskdem_set_eq_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_assemble at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_create at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_encode_header at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_getframelen at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_is_assembled at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_write_header at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_write_payload at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_write_preamble at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_write_samples at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframegen_write_tail at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_create at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_decode_header at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_execute_detectframe at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_execute_rxheader at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_execute_rxpayload at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_execute_rxpreamble at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_pushpn at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_syncpn at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_update_fi at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskframesync_update_symsync at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskmod_create at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskmod_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskmod_modulate at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskmod_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gmskmod_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ golay2412_Gt at Base 1.3.0
+ golay2412_H at Base 1.3.0
+ golay2412_P at Base 1.3.0
+ golay2412_matrix_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ golay2412_parity_search at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_create at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_gradient at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_linesearch at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_norm at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_print at Base 1.3.0
+ gradsearch_step at Base 1.3.0
+ gray_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ gray_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ hamming128_enc_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ hamming74_dec_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ hamming74_enc_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ hamming84_dec_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ hamming84_enc_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ hamming at Base 1.3.0
+ hann at Base 1.3.0
+ icrandnf at Base 1.3.0
+ iir_group_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdecim_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_dzpk2sosf at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_dzpk2tff at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_dzpk_lp2bp at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_dzpk_lp2hp at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_freqprewarp at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_isstable at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_pll_active_PI at Base 1.3.0
+ iirdes_pll_active_lag at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_dc_blocker at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_differentiator at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_integrator at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_lowpass at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_pll at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_create_sos at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_execute_norm at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_execute_sos at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_dc_blocker at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_differentiator at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_integrator at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_lowpass at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_pll at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_create_sos at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_execute_norm at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_execute_sos at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_dc_blocker at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_differentiator at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_integrator at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_lowpass at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_pll at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_create_sos at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_execute_norm at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_execute_sos at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfilt_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_execute_df1 at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_execute_df2 at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_cccf_set_coefficients at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_execute_df1 at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_execute_df2 at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_crcf_set_coefficients at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_execute_df1 at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_execute_df2 at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirfiltsos_rrrf_set_coefficients at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_create_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_groupdelay at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ iirinterp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_create at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_encode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_permute at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_permute_mask at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_permute_mask_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_permute_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_print at Base 1.3.0
+ interleaver_set_depth at Base 1.3.0
+ kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ kaiser_beta_As at Base 1.3.0
+ landenf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_MarcumQ1f at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_MarcumQf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_Qf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk128 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk16 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk256 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk32 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk4 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk64 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_apsk8 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_asechf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_bdotprod at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_besseli0f at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_besselif at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_besselj0f at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_besseljf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_c_leading_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_c_ones at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_c_ones_mod2 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_cacosf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_cargf_approx at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_casinf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_catanf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_cexpf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_clogf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_cosf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_count_leading_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_count_ones at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_count_ones_mod2 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_cplxpair at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_cplxpair_cleanup at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_csqrtf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_expf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_factor at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_factorialf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_fft_estimate_method at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_filter_autocorr at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_filter_crosscorr at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_filter_energy at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_filter_isi at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_arkaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_doppler at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_farcsech at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_farcsech_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_fexp at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_fexp_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_fnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_fsech at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_fsech_freqresponse at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_gmskrx at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_gmsktx at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_hM3 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_prototype at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rcos at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rfarcsech at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rfexp at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rfsech at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rkaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rkaiser_bisection at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rkaiser_internal_isi at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rkaiser_quadratic at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_firdes_rrcos at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_gammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_getopt_str2crc at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_getopt_str2fec at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_getopt_str2firfilt at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_getopt_str2mod at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_getopt_str2window at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_iirdes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_invgauss at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_is_prime at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_kbd at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_kbd_window at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lbcircshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lbshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lcircshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_levinson at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_libversion at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_libversion_number at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lnbesselif at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lngammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lnlowergammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lnuppergammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_logf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lowergammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lpc at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_lshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_modem_is_apsk at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_modem_is_ask at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_modem_is_dpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_modem_is_psk at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_modem_is_qam at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_modpow at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_msb_index at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_multimodal at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_nchoosek at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_nextpow2 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_pack_array at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_pack_bytes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_pack_soft_bits at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_primitive_root at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_primitive_root_prime at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_print_bitstring at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_print_crc_schemes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_print_fec_schemes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_print_modulation_schemes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_print_windows at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_rbcircshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_rbshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_rcircshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_rcostaper_windowf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_repack_bytes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_reverse_byte at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_reverse_byte_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_reverse_uint16 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_reverse_uint24 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_reverse_uint32 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_rosenbrock at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_rshift at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_sincosf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_sinf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_spiral at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_sumsqcf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_sumsqf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_tanf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_totient at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_unique_factor at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_unpack_array at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_unpack_bytes at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_unpack_soft_bits at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_unwrap_phase2 at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_unwrap_phase at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_uppergammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_abs at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_add at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_addscalar at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_carg at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_cexpj at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_mulscalar at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_norm at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorcf_normalize at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_abs at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_add at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_addscalar at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_carg at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_cexpj at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_mulscalar at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_norm at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_vectorf_normalize at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_version at Base 1.3.0
+ liquid_window_str at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_add at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_aug at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_cgsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_chol at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_det2x2 at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_det at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_div at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_gjelim at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_hermitian_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_inv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_linsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_mul_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_mul_transpose at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_ones at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_pdiv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_pivot at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_pmul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_print at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_proj at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_sub at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_swaprows at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_trans at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_transpose_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrix_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_add at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_aug at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_cgsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_chol at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_det2x2 at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_det at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_div at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_gjelim at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_hermitian_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_inv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_linsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_mul_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_mul_transpose at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_ones at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_pdiv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_pivot at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_pmul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_print at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_proj at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_sub at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_swaprows at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_trans at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_transpose_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixc_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_add at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_aug at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_cgsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_chol at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_det2x2 at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_det at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_div at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_gjelim at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_hermitian_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_inv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_linsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_mul_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_mul_transpose at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_ones at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_pdiv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_pivot at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_pmul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_proj at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_sub at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_swaprows at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_trans at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_transpose_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixcf_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_add at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_aug at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_cgsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_chol at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_det2x2 at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_det at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_div at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_gjelim at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_hermitian_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_inv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_linsolve at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_ludecomp_crout at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_ludecomp_doolittle at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_mul_hermitian at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_mul_transpose at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_ones at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_pdiv at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_pivot at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_pmul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_proj at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_qrdecomp_gramschmidt at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_sub at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_swaprows at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_trans at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_transpose_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ matrixf_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb128opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb16opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb256opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb32opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb64opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_V29 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_balance_iq at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_init at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_init_file at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_scale at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_sqam128 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_sqam32 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_arb_vt64 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_V29 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_apsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb128opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb16opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb256opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb32opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb64opt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb64vt at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arb at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_arbitrary at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_ask at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_bpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_dpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_ook at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_psk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_qam at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_qpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_sqam128 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_create_sqam32 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodsoft_gentab at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_apsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_arb at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_ask at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_bpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_dpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_linear_array at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_linear_array_ref at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_ook at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_psk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_qam at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_qpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_soft_arb at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_soft_bpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_soft_qpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_soft_table at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_sqam128 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_demodulate_sqam32 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_gen_rand_sym at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_get_bps at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_get_demodulator_evm at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_get_demodulator_phase_error at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_get_demodulator_sample at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_get_scheme at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_init at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_init_map at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_apsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_arb at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_ask at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_bpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_dpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_map at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_ook at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_psk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_qam at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_qpsk at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_sqam128 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_modulate_sqam32 at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ modem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ modulation_types at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_advance at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_create_genpoly at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_default at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_generate_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_get_length at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_get_state at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msequence_set_state at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_add_modem at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_add_noise at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_add_source at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_add_tone at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_get_source at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_remove at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_set_frequency at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_set_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ msourcecf_write_samples at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp2_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ msresamp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_adjust_frequency at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_adjust_phase at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_cexpf at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_compute_sincos_nco at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_compute_sincos_vco at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_constrain_frequency at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_constrain_phase at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_cos at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_get_frequency at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_get_phase at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_mix_block_down at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_mix_block_up at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_mix_down at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_mix_up at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_pll_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_pll_set_bandwidth at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_pll_step at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_set_frequency at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_set_phase at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_sin at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_sincos at Base 1.3.0
+ nco_crcf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_assemble at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_create at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_encode_header at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_S0a at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_S0b at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_S1 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_header at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_payload at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_symbol at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_tail at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_gen_zeros at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_getframelen at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_getprops at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_is_assembled at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_modulate_header at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_reconfigure at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_setprops at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegen_write at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframegenprops_init_default at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_create at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_decode_header at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_get_cfo at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_get_rssi at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_internal_callback at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_rxheader at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmflexframesync_rxpayload at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframe_init_S0 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframe_init_S1 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframe_init_default_sctype at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframe_init_sctype_range at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframe_print_sctype at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframe_validate_sctype at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_create at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_gensymbol at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_write_S0a at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_write_S0b at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_write_S1 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_writesymbol at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframegen_writetail at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_S0_metrics at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_create at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_debug_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_debug_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_estimate_eqgain at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_estimate_eqgain_poly at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_estimate_gain_S0 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_estimate_gain_S1 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_execute_S0a at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_execute_S0b at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_execute_S1 at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_execute_rxsymbols at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_execute_seekplcp at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_get_cfo at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_get_rssi at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_print at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ ofdmframesync_rxsymbol at Base 1.3.0
+ optim_sort at Base 1.3.0
+ optim_threshold_switch at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_compute_dec_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_compute_enc_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_create at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_get_crc at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_get_dec_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_get_enc_msg_len at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_get_fec0 at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_get_fec1 at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_print at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_realloc_buffers at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ packetizer_set_scheme at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_expandbinomial at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_expandroots2 at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_expandroots at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_findroots at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_fit at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_fit_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_interp_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_val at Base 1.3.0
+ poly_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_expandbinomial at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_expandroots2 at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_expandroots at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_findroots at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_fit at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_fit_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_interp_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_val at Base 1.3.0
+ polyc_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_expandbinomial at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_expandroots2 at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_expandroots at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_findroots at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_fit at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_fit_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_interp_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_val at Base 1.3.0
+ polycf_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_expandbinomial at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_expandbinomial_pm at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_expandroots2 at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_expandroots at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_findroots at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_findroots_bairstow at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_findroots_bairstow_recursion at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_findroots_durandkerner at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_fit at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_fit_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_fit_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_interp_lagrange at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_val at Base 1.3.0
+ polyf_val_lagrange_barycentric at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_correlate at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_correlatex at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ presync_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_create_gmsk at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_create_linear at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_execute_align at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_execute_seek at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_buf_len at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_dphi at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_gamma at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_seq_len at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_sequence at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_get_tau at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_set_range at Base 1.3.0
+ qdetector_cccf_set_threshold at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_compute_Hessian at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_compute_gradient at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_create at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_normalize_gradient at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_print at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_run at Base 1.3.0
+ qnsearch_step at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_configure at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_create at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_decode at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_decode_bits at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_decode_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_decode_syms at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_encode at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_encode_syms at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_get_crc at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_get_fec0 at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_get_fec1 at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_get_frame_len at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_get_modscheme at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_get_payload_len at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_print at Base 1.3.0
+ qpacketmodem_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_create at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_get_frame_len at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_print at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotgen_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_create at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_get_dphi at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_get_frame_len at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_get_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_get_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_print at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ qpilotsync_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_create_modem at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_create_noise at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_create_tone at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_disable at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_enable at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_gen_sample at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_set_frequency at Base 1.3.0
+ qsourcecf_set_gain at Base 1.3.0
+ quantize_adc at Base 1.3.0
+ quantize_dac at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizercf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizercf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizercf_execute_adc at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizercf_execute_dac at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizercf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizerf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizerf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizerf_execute_adc at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizerf_execute_dac at Base 1.3.0
+ quantizerf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ randexpf at Base 1.3.0
+ randexpf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randexpf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randf at Base 1.3.0
+ randf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randgammaf at Base 1.3.0
+ randgammaf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randgammaf_delta at Base 1.3.0
+ randgammaf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randnakmf at Base 1.3.0
+ randnakmf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randnakmf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randnf at Base 1.3.0
+ randnf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randnf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randricekf at Base 1.3.0
+ randricekf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randricekf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randweibf at Base 1.3.0
+ randweibf_cdf at Base 1.3.0
+ randweibf_pdf at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_filter_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_cccf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_filter_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_crcf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_analyzer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_decim_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_filter_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_interp_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp2_rrrf_synthesizer_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_adjust_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_set_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_cccf_update_timing_state at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_adjust_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_set_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_crcf_update_timing_state at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_adjust_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_set_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ resamp_rrrf_update_timing_state at Base 1.3.0
+ rkaiser_approximate_rho at Base 1.3.0
+ scramble_data at Base 1.3.0
+ secded2216_P at Base 1.3.0
+ secded2216_syndrome_w1 at Base 1.3.0
+ secded3932_P at Base 1.3.0
+ secded3932_syndrome_w1 at Base 1.3.0
+ secded7264_P at Base 1.3.0
+ secded7264_syndrome_w1 at Base 1.3.0
+ sincf at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrix_indexsearch at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_clear at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_create at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_create_array at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_delete at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_get at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_insert at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_isset at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_mulf at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_print at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_print_expanded at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_reset_max_mlist at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_reset_max_nlist at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_set at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_size at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_vmul at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixb_vmulf at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_clear at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_create_array at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_delete at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_get at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_insert at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_isset at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_print_expanded at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_reset_max_mlist at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_reset_max_nlist at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_set at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_size at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixf_vmul at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_clear at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_create at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_create_array at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_delete at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_eye at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_get at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_insert at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_isset at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_mul at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_print at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_print_expanded at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_reset_max_mlist at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_reset_max_nlist at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_set at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_size at Base 1.3.0
+ smatrixi_vmul at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_estimate_psd at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_export_gnuplot at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_nfft at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_num_samples at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_num_samples_total at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_num_transforms at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_num_transforms_total at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_psd at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_get_window_len at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_set_alpha at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramcf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_estimate_psd at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_export_gnuplot at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_delay at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_nfft at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_num_samples at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_num_samples_total at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_num_transforms at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_num_transforms_total at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_psd at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_get_window_len at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_set_alpha at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ spgramf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ sumproduct_phi at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_create_linear at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_fill_buffer at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ symstreamcf_write_samples at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_advance_internal_loop at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_get_tau at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_lock at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_output_debug_file at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_set_lf_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_set_output_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_crcf_unlock at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_advance_internal_loop at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_create_kaiser at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_create_rnyquist at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_get_tau at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_lock at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_output_debug_file at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_set_lf_bw at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_set_output_rate at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_step at Base 1.3.0
+ symsync_rrrf_unlock at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_adjust_phase at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_create_default at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_set_bandwidth at Base 1.3.0
+ symtrack_cccf_set_modscheme at Base 1.3.0
+ triangular at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_execute at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_execute_block at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ tvmpch_cccf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ unscramble_data at Base 1.3.0
+ unscramble_data_soft at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_read at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelaycf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_read at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ wdelayf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_index at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_read at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ windowcf_write at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_create at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_debug_print at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_destroy at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_index at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_print at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_push at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_read at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_recreate at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_reset at Base 1.3.0
+ windowf_write at Base 1.3.0
diff --git a/debian/patches/define-soname b/debian/patches/define-soname
index d67fdf1..0332e97 100644
--- a/debian/patches/define-soname
+++ b/debian/patches/define-soname
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ This patch header follows DEP-3: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/
 -    SH_LIB=libliquid.so
-+    SH_LIB=libliquid.so.0d
++    SH_LIB=libliquid.so.1d

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-hamradio/liquid-dsp.git

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