[Pkg-haproxy-maintainers] /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Apollon Oikonomopoulos apoikos at gmail.com
Wed May 1 12:11:05 UTC 2013

Hi Vincent,

On 10:59 Wed 01 May     , Vincent Bernat wrote:
> I have no strong opinion, but I would suggest to remove this
> configuration file. A user could start from one of the shipped
> examples. Also, since we won't ship a configuration file by default, we
> could remove the ENABLED variable from /etc/default/haproxy and only run
> haproxy when there is a configuration file (we would still respect
> ENABLED=0, in case the user choose to keep its /etc/default on upgrade).

I was thinking about this too the other day. The problem with HAProxy in 
this case is that its configuration is always application-specific; 
there is no expectation of what HAProxy should be doing "by default". So 
I agree, perhaps there is no point in shipping a default configuration 
file. We could remove it and have the initscript refer the user to the 
examples if no config file is present.

On the other hand, there are a couple of Debian-specific values (like 
the chroot directory and /dev/log support) that the user should be aware 
of, so this must be taken care of in the examples and/or the 


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