[Pkg-haproxy-maintainers] /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Wed May 1 18:37:21 UTC 2013

 ❦  1 mai 2013 19:33 CEST, Prach Pongpanich <prachpub at gmail.com> :

>> For the configuration file, Apollon, you are right, we need a
>> configuration file for chroot and /dev/log support. Therefore, I have
>> just commited a proposed change where I strip down the configuration
>> file to only the needed bits. I was feeling uncomfortable to change the
>> defaults for maxconn, retries, conntimeout and others: upstream should
>> know better than us for those defaults and we don't want to maintain
>> them. So I have removed them. Tell me if you think that I am wrong.
> I completely agree with Vincent about the configuration file, it's
> unusable with default config file. I think we should add a comment
> about chroot and /dev/log in the config file too.

Feel free to add them. Maybe just a note to README.Debian to avoid to
repeat ourselves in several files?
Don't stop with your first draft.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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