[Pkg-haproxy-maintainers] Bug#750459: Bug#750459: Patch for haproy init script and link to the original launchpad bug report

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Sun Jun 8 21:44:14 UTC 2014

 ❦  3 juin 2014 17:09 GMT, "Gabriel David (OI&T V)" <David.Gabriel at oeamtc.at> :

> Ubuntu launchpad bug report
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/haproxy/+bug/1325847


Testing the configuration is a good idea. However, there are several
problems with the patch as is:

 1. It uses bash. We try to only use sh. I could do the conversion if
    you are not comfortable with that. No big deal.

 2. It is a lot more verbose. Most init scripts are as verbose as the
    original script. For example, when you uninstall haproxy, you don't
    expect to get a warning saying that haproxy executable is not here
    anymore. This is not an error. The init file being a configuration
    file, it usually stays here.

 3. We need to have at least feature parity with the systemd
    unit. Notably, the support of conf.d directory is not possible
    directly with systemd. Test of the configuration should also be done
    with systemd. This is our default init system now.

As a side note, maybe it would be a time to remove the configuration
knob to not enable haproxy at boot. It now features a working
configuration out of the box and there is little interest to install
haproxy and get it disabled by default.
Use statement labels that mean something.
            - The Elements of Programming Style (Kernighan & Plauger)
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