[Pkg-haproxy-maintainers] haproxy jessie package cannot be upgraded if init.d

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Fri Feb 3 12:59:59 UTC 2017

 ❦  3 février 2017 11:01 +0100, Ghislain Adnet <gadnet at aqueos.com> :

>> The start action shouldn't fail when haproxy is already running. Check
>> your /etc/init.d/haproxy script. It should contain --oknodo as an
>> argument for start-stop-daemon in haproxy_start. The flag has been added
>> a long time ago (1.5~dev26-2). Maybe you are using --force-confold when
>> upgrading?
> i have edited my own version of /etc/haproxy/errors/403.http the error
> message. It seems from what i have that customizing this file prevent
> the upgrade of the init.d and i guess of other files too but i continue
> to search the 'why' :)

The modification of one conffile should not affect the upgradibility of
the others. The most plausible explanation is that you either have
--force-confold configured somewhere (rgrep in /etc/apt* et /etc/dpkg*)
or you have modified /etc/init.d/haproxy at some point and at one point
in the past, you selected "keep my configuration" (which is the default
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