[Pkg-hhvm-team] 【GNIグループ】お問い合わせありがとうございました。

infojapan at gnipharma.com infojapan at gnipharma.com
Mon Aug 28 09:13:30 UTC 2017

曲†尚 様




お名前 : 曲†尚
会社名 : 
ご住所 : 
電話番号 : 0312346789
FAX番号 : 
メールアドレス : pkg-hhvm-team at lists.alioth.debian.org
お問い合わせ内容 : 
forget the above information 
Nice day, dear friend-:)
Hope this email find you well-:)
This is Ana, a lovely girl from China shenzhen, manufacturer of audio connectors,dc connectors ,alligator clips, test cable,
and rf connectors for 13 years.
After saw your website, I thoughyou might be interested in our product as below picture showed,
would you like to get some samples for testing , my friend ?We still have many other models, 
i can send you our more information if it s okay for you, 
dear friend -:)I m here waiting for your reply-:)
all email send to  sales at koko-go.com
Contact person : Ana
whatsapp :+86-18126184197
E-mail :sales at koko-go.com
wechat : yibaokeji121
Skype : michael.zhaoyanhui
web :www.koko-go.com
forget the below information 


〒103-0023 東京都中央区日本橋本町2-2-2 日本橋本町YSビル3F
TEL : 03-6214-3600/FAX : 03-6214-3668
Mail : infojapan at gnipharma.com

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