[pkg-horde] GNU Arch repo created - working on horde 3.0.9

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at mamane.lu
Sun Dec 18 10:20:24 UTC 2005


I've finally created the (now still empty) arch repository for
pkg-horde. Here's a log of the commands used (costa is arch.debian.org
and bagnat is my personal machine):

 lmamane at costa:/arch/pkg-horde$ mkdir tmp
 lmamane at costa:/arch/pkg-horde$ setfacl -d -m 'g:pkg-horde:rwx' tmp/
 master at bagnat:~$ tla make-archive --listing pkg-horde-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.org--2006 sftp://lmamane@arch.debian.org/arch/pkg-horde/tmp/2006
 lmamane at costa:/arch/pkg-horde$ mv tmp/2006/ .
 lmamane at costa:/arch/pkg-horde$ rmdir tmp/
 master at bagnat:~$ tla register-archive -d pkg-horde-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.org--2006 master at bagnat:~$ tla register-archive sftp://lmamane@arch.debian.org/arch/pkg-horde/2006/
 Registering archive: pkg-horde-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.org--2006

The dance with the "tmp" directory was so that I could set an ACL on
the directory before creating the archive; I'm not the owner of
/arch/pkg-horde so I could not set an ACL there. The ACL is there to
ensure that all members of the pkg-horde project can commit. (This
dance is only necessary one time per archive and only because of the
particular setup of costa; usually not necessary as one is owner of
the directory where one creates archives.)

GNU Arch has a pretty rigid archive naming scheme; the first component
is by convention an email address to guarantee uniqueness of names: No
two people or groups have the same email. The second part is a free
string, but should be descriptive. It is suggested to put a year in
there so that we can go to other archives in future; the one with the
most current date is the one where the development happens :)

So now you can work with this repository by doing:

 tla register-archive sftp://opal@arch.debian.org/arch/pkg-horde/2006/
or (for public anonymous read-only access)
 tla register-archive http://arch.debian.org/arch/pkg-horde/2006/

I'm going to work on packaging horde 3.0.9 now.


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