[pkg-horde] Re: RFS: sork-forwards-h3

Lionel Elie Mamane lionel at mamane.lu
Sun Apr 30 09:09:37 UTC 2006

On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 01:18:31PM +0200, Gregory Colpart wrote:

> I'm looking for a sponsor to my sork-forwards-h3 package.

I took a first glance at it and I see:

 master at capsaicin:~/src/horde/arch/forwards--sid--3$ cat debian/source.lintian-override
 sork-forwards-h3: postinst-should-not-set-usr-doc-link

Ugh. No, I won't upload a package that needs this override, unless you
explain (and convince) me that lintian is wrong here. Point is the
package should not set the /usr/doc symlink. If it does, it is a bug.

Maybe you are simply using too old a version of debhelper? Please use
the version from sid, or at the very least etch.

Your README.Debian contains upstream documentation in a quite literal
way; please replace paths such as /usr/local by those used by the
Debian packages, mention which _packages_ should be installed to
enable what optional features. Required packages are completely not
useful to list there, as dpkg/apt will make sure the user has them,
because you listed them in the "Depends:" field.

> I would be glad if my sponsor could be my advocate if I begin NM
> process (perhaps in some weeks/months).

We'll see about that. Convince us you are ripe for DD-dom by making
excellent packages :)


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