[pkg-horde] GNU Arch usage [was: GNU Arch repo created]
Lionel Elie Mamane
lionel at mamane.lu
Wed Feb 1 02:28:39 UTC 2006
On Wed, Feb 01, 2006 at 02:02:03AM +0100, Gregory Colpart wrote:
>> master at capsaicin:~/src/horde/horde-3.0.7$ cat ++log.horde--upstream--3--pkg-horde-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.orrg--2006
>> Summary: import upstream horde 3.0.7
>> Keywords:
>> #Let's check that all files are registered with tla
>> master at capsaicin:~/src/horde/horde-3.0.7$ find * | fgrep -v '.arch-ids' | sort > ../foo1
>> master at capsaicin:~/src/horde/horde-3.0.7$ diff -u ../foo0 ../foo1
> Hum, how is generated file foo0 ?
Something like:
tla inventory --both --source > ../foo0
Note that this is using the "manual" method I used _once_ for
educative purposes, to show how tla works. You are welcome to use it,
but using tla_load_dirs is faster and easier. For the initial import,
you have to use it with "--no-commit" and then do "tla import". Or
apply the patch from http://bugs.debian.org/350234 .
>> master at capsaicin:~/src/horde/arch$ tla get pkg-horde-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.org--2006/horde--sid--3
>> master at capsaicin:~/src/horde/arch$ cd horde--sid--3/
> A detail : for me, the directory is tail with '--base-0'
Ah yes. Just rename it. Or you can do:
tla get pkg-horde-hackers at lists.alioth.debian.org--2006/sam--sid--3 sam--sid--3
The first argument is _what_ to get, the second argument is where to
put it, which defaults to
${category}--${branch}--${version}--${revision} . The ${revision} part
gets confusing once one starts working in that working directory and
doing commits (because it gets outdated), so I usually name my working
dirs ${category}--${branch}--${version} .
>> ==================================
>> First, if you don't already have one, get a tla-ised copy of the
>> "sid" branch of the thing you are going to work on. E.g. if you are
>> going to work on nag2, do:
>> tla get nag--sid--2 nag--sid--2
>> Then, create a source package:
>> cd nag--sid--2
>> debuild -S -i
> With this build, you have "fake" lintian warnings , isn't it ?
Err... What do you mean? What warnings?
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