[pkg-horde] [announce] Turba H3 (2.2-ALPHA)
Chuck Hagenbuch
chuck at horde.org
Thu Aug 2 23:12:00 UTC 2007
The Horde Team is pleased to announce the first alpha release of the Turba
Contact Manager version H3 (2.2).
Turba is the Horde contact management application. It is a production level
address book, and makes heavy use of the Horde framework to provide
integration with IMP and other Horde applications. It supports SQL, LDAP,
Kolab, and IMSP address books.
This is a preview version that should not be used on production systems. This
version is considered feature complete but a few bugs may still exist in the
We encourage widespread testing and feedback via the mailing lists or our bug
tracking system. Updated translations are very welcome, though some strings
might still change before the final release.
Turba version H3 (2.2) is a major upgrade in the 2.x release series, including
these enhancements:
* The contact list can be sorted by multiple columns.
* Users can save their searches as Virtual Address Books.
* WCAG 1.0 Priority 2/Section 508 accessibility guidelines compliance.
* Improved default address book schema.
* Improved vCard support.
* Support for importing and exporting LDIF files.
* Support for address books based on favourite email recipients.
* Support for address books based on Horde Group membership.
* Database access can be split between read and write databases.
* More graceful operation if the calendar backend is not available.
* The IMSP backend now supports shared address books.
* Full Kolab webclient support.
* Advanced Search now renders custom contact field types.
* and much, much more.
The full list of changes (from version H3 (2.1.4)) can be viewed here:
The Turba H3 (2.2-ALPHA) distribution is available from the following locations:
Patches against version H3 (2.1.4) are available at:
Or, for quicker access, download from your nearest mirror:
MD5 sums for the packages are as follows:
a69a18ef253a56cb6c498b52bff28d1a turba-h3-2.2-alpha.tar.gz
2f769414731d1e4848b001eb6f171fed patch-turba-h3-2.1.4-h3-2.2-alpha.gz
Have fun!
The Horde Team.
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