[pkg-horde] php-horde_4.0.13-1_i386.changes REJECTED

Mathieu Parent (Debian) sathieu at debian.org
Tue Mar 13 17:57:57 UTC 2012

Le 6 mars 2012 16:37, Alexander Reichle-Schmehl <ftpmaster at debian.org> a écrit :
> Hi maintainer(s)!
> Sorry, but I have to reject your package:
> js/jquery.mobile/       contains compressed js and css files
> js/plupload/            contains several compressed js and one presumly sourceless swf file

For reference, I have created: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/11075.

I will be mostly offline in the next 3 months (maybe more). Any help
is appreciated to push horde 4 to Debian, including uploading new
minor releases of already uploaded php-horde-* packages (with fixed
watch file and vcs-* fields, updated policy version), copyright review
of not-yet uploaded packages, ... All my local changes are already in

Mathieu Parent

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