[pkg-horde] Bug#810858: Bug#810858: Bug#810858: webmail-install and horde try to create db schema multiple times + wrong schema version

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo ivan.s.b at gmail.com
Fri Jan 15 18:34:13 UTC 2016

On 01/15/2016 11:00 AM, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> 2016-01-14 15:59 GMT+01:00 Ivan Sergio Borgonovo <ivan.s.b at gmail.com>:
>> On 01/14/2016 03:48 AM, Mathieu Parent wrote:
> |...]
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>> I think I got it...
> Great!

It'll be great when it will be patched in Debian ;)

> Can you propose a PR? There are at least two usages of this pattern:
> https://github.com/horde/horde/blob/master/framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Postgresql/Schema.php#L256
> https://github.com/horde/horde/blob/master/framework/Db/lib/Horde/Db/Adapter/Postgresql/Schema.php#L299
> Propose the CURRENT_SCHEMAS() pattern first. And post the PR here.

As discussed privately I'd prefer you try to get the patch upstream. I 
think you've more chances to get it merged since I was just "passing by 
and stumbled on the bug", you're a Debian powerhouse representative.

I haven't been able to trigger the index() function during normal 
installation/use, but I've been able to test it with a mockup.
The tables() function was tested plenty during installation.

webmail-install and horde-db-migrate works and most importantly horde 
can be installed with postgres again. Everything seems functional.

I'm wondering what caused the regression. I checked briefly horde 
repository and didn't see anything obvious... unless the implode/explode 
string manipulation was bugged before and was just recently triggered by 
a change in SHOW search_path. But generally pg people are very careful 
to not break things without a good reason.

kronolith now has the right schema version etc...

The patch is attached and should work with postgres versions as remote 
as 8.0.


Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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