[pkg-horde] Bug#749799: update on RC bug#734101: libjs-jquery-mobile not working

Sebastiaan Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Sun Mar 19 19:32:34 UTC 2017

On 03/19/2017 07:30 PM, Paul Gevers wrote:
> libwireshark-data depends on libjs-openlayers. And libjs-openlayers-doc,
> build from the same source, depends on libjs-jquery-mobile. Also horde
> depends on libjs-jquery-mobile.
> [...]
> However, other solutions may lay in the direction of
> removing/downgrading dependencies of libjs-openlayers on
> libjs-jquery-mobile (how much is it needed for a documentation
> package?), removing the horde dependency (apparently the Horde usage is
> broken already since 2014, see bug 749799 in CC) and similar dependency
> tree resolutions. I'll try to make time to look into this, but don't
> mind if other people beat me to it.

OpenLayers 2.x is dead upstream, they have switched to Node.js since
3.x. Packaging that turned out to be worth the effort, the dependency
chain is too large and (tiny) Node.js packages still trigger too many
discussions in Debian. The OpenLayers.js provided by libjs-openlayers
is still used by several packages, so I'd like to keep it around for a
while longer.

Based on the popcon for openlayers dropping the -doc package is not
likely to adversely affect users. If that makes life for others easier,
I'm happy to stop building that binary package.

Kind Regards,


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