[pkg-horde] Office of the united states presindent

Donald J. Trump meverson at tulane.edu
Wed Oct 11 14:46:26 UTC 2017

Dear Sir,

I President Donald J. Trump hereby wish to officially contact you after my meeting today 11Th.October 2017 with US, Department of Justice, U.S Department of Treasury, IRS- Internal Revenue Service,  USA Secretary Of States, National security council, Sauid Arab King,Queen of England ,German chancellor concerning the delay in releasing your long out-standing payment.

Your payment fill is under my table now waiting for your confirmation for release of your fund $10.5million dollars.

I want your urgent response for next step for immediate release of your fund.

Note that your consignment is in the vault of U.S Department of Treasury waiting for immediate delivery at your house.

This is move and my confirmation of my election manifesto.

Be advised to treat as urgent and get back to me today unfailingly if you really want to receive your fund because i have limited time.


President Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States of America.

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