[Pkg-hpijs-devel] hplip 2.7.7-0ubuntu4

Mark Purcell msp at debian.org
Tue Oct 30 08:25:43 UTC 2007


I have now uploaded the ubuntu package into Debian experimental so we have something to start working with.

But it may need to go through NEW so it maybe a few days yet. I will upload to my people.d.o account tonight.

I also need to get this into CVS/ SVN asap. I have requested an svn archive as well.


-original message-
Subject: Re: [Pkg-hpijs-devel] hplip 2.7.7-0ubuntu4
From: Bruce Sass <bmsass at shaw.ca>
Date: 19/09/2007 08:04


I would start looking for any changes in the output from "View Device 
Information" [under the "Tools" tab in the HP Device Manager (HPLIP 
Toolbox)] from when it works to when it stops recognizing there is a 
printer available.

Restarting CUPS can't hurt, and knowing if that affects your ability to 
print may be useful (although I don't think it would necessarily be 
indicative of the problem lying with CUPS if doing so does restore 

You will also want to see if how you print makes any difference. i.e., 
selecting "print" from the context menu when you RMB on a file, via 
kprinter (or whatever tool your desktop provides), and via the HP 
Device Manager's Print function.

Best is to find out where the error is coming from and under what 
condition(s) that particular error can occur, then figure out why you 
are meeting the condition(s). grep-ing through source code or 
strings-ing binary executable looking for the non-variable portion of 
the error message should pin down where the error comes from. Figuring 
out the "why" is a bit tougher because the actual problem may be 
somewhere other than where it is being reported from, and code is often 
opaque (if it was usually transparent it would be called "source 
text" :-).

HTH, and sorry I can't give you anything more concrete to go on.

- Bruce

P.S. - keep us updated with what you find; at the very least we'll have 
a "heads-up" on a potential problem, and you never know when some error 
message (etc.) you've send us will strike a chord with someone.

On Tue September 18 2007 07:08:28 pm you wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
> I built hplip 2.7.7 for Etch, and in the beginning everything seemed
> to work fine. hplip would recognize my printer and install the right
> driver, however once set up it would complain that it cannot
> communicate with the printer as if the printer was unplugged. After
> installing old drivers everything worked fine again. Any suggestions
> where to look to find what the problem is?
> Right now I don't have a sid box running, sorry. Thanks for your
> help!
> Slaven
> On Tuesday 18 September 2007 07:41, you wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Attention everyone who has expressed an interest in getting a newer
> > HPLIP into Debian.
> >
> >
> > I have built, installed, and done some basic testing (except for
> > faxing) of this Ubuntu HPLIP package[1] on an up to date sid box.
> > It seems to be working OK.
> >
> > It would be great if you could find the time to do the same and
> > report back to: pkg-hpijs-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> >
> >
> > In the meantime (and working under the assumption there are no
> > serious issues), I am going to determine which bugs would be closed
> > if it was uploaded, start working on the Ubuntu->Debian changes,
> > and see if I can figure out how to get it into the Alioth pgk-hpijs
> > CVS repository[2] (although I most certainly would not complain if
> > someone who already knows how was to go ahead and check it in ;).
> >
> >
> > These are the packages it builds:
> > hpijs-ppds_2.7.7+2.7.7-0ubuntu4_all.deb
> > hpijs_2.7.7+2.7.7-0ubuntu4_i386.deb
> > hplip-data_2.7.7-0ubuntu4_all.deb
> > hplip-dbg_2.7.7-0ubuntu4_i386.deb
> > hplip-doc_2.7.7-0ubuntu4_all.deb
> > hplip-firmware_2.7.7-0ubuntu4_all.deb
> > hplip_2.7.7-0ubuntu4_i386.deb
> >
> >
> > Hoping to hear from you soon,
> >
> > - Bruce
> >
> >
> > [1] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hplip/2.7.7-0ubuntu4
> > [2] http://alioth.debian.org/scm/?group_id=30176

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