[Pkg-hpijs-devel] Bug#648223: Bug#648223: Bug#648223: [hplip] hp-check fails to detect libusb

Filipus Klutiero chealer at gmail.com
Thu Feb 23 19:16:35 UTC 2012

Hi Mark,

On 2012-02-23 04:25, Mark Purcell wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 08:44:20 Filipus Klutiero wrote:
>> I don't know about libusb-dev, but the part this report is about is
>> libusb, as I quoted in the report text:
> `hp-check` checks to see if you are able to compile&  run hplip.
> `hp-check -r` only checks the necessary dependancies to run hplip and is what
> a user would normally use.
>>   >  Checking for dependency: libusb - USB library...
>>   >  error: NOT FOUND! This is a REQUIRED dependency. Please make sure that
>>   >  this dependency is installed before installing or running HPLIP.
> What this error doesn't tell you is that it is really looking for the file
> /usr/include/usb.h and friends which are necessary to compile.
> In Debian usb.h is located in the libusb-dev package.
> Other distributions and people to build their systems from scratch may have
> usb.h in other packages, or just installed as part of the libusb

I can't speak about other distributions, but what I can say is that on 
my system, an installation of Debian testing with both versions of 
libusb installed, hp-check complains that it can't find libusb. My 
system indeed does not have /usr/include/usb.h

> $ apt-file search /usr/include/usb.h
> libusb-dev: /usr/include/usb.h
> chealer at vinci:~$ LANG=C dpkg -l libusb-dev
> No packages found matching libusb-dev.
> chealer at vinci:~$

So, either:

  * libusb is missing usb.h
  * hp-check is not checking for libusb correctly

>> I wasn't compiling hplip, just troubleshooting a printer problem, and
>> hp-check threw the above.
> Trouble shooting as a user you should use `hp-check -r`.

Thanks. I suggest to make -r default then.
>    Indeed I have setup
> reportbug(1) when used by a Debian user to only run the hp-check -r. This is
> documented in the hp-check(1) man page.
> Mark
> hp-check(1)
> User Manuals
> hp-check(1)
>         hp-check - Dependency/Version Check Utility
>         Check the existence and versions of HPLIP dependencies. (Run as 'python
> ./check.py' from the HPLIP tarball before installation.)
>         hp-check [OPTIONS]
>         Compile-time check:
>                -c or --compile
>         Run-time check:
>                -r or --run
>         Compile and run-time checks:
>                -b or --both (default)
>         Set the logging level:
>                -l<level>  or --logging=<level>  <level>: none, info*, error,
> warn, debug (*default)
>         Run in debug mode:
>                -g (same as option: -ldebug)
>         Output plain text only:
>                -t
>         This help information:
>                -h or --help
>         1. For checking for the proper build environment for the HPLIP supplied
> tarball (.tar.gz or .run),
>         use the --compile or --both switches.
>         2. For checking for the proper runtime environment for a distro
> supplied package (.deb, .rpm, etc),
>         use the --runtime switch.
>         HPLIP (Hewlett-Packard Linux Imaging and Printing) is an HP developed
> solution for printing, scanning, and faxing with HP inkjet and laser based
> printers in Linux.
>         The HPLIP Launchpad.net site https://launchpad.net/hplip is available
> to get help, report bugs, make suggestions, discuss the HPLIP project or
> otherwise contact the HPLIP Team.
>         Copyright (c) 2011-14 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
>         This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free
> software, and you are welcome to distribute it under certain conditions. See
> COPYING file for more details.
> Linux
> 14.3
> hp-check(1)

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