[Pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers] Bug#540303: Bug#540303: lots of files left in /emul/ after removing ia32-libs

Christoph Anton Mitterer christoph.anton.mitterer at physik.uni-muenchen.de
Sat Aug 8 13:45:05 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-08-08 at 09:50 +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> > I made a short test with dpkg -S /emul/ia32-libs/usr/lib/libutil.a
> > There's a file with this name in libc6-dev and libc6-dev-i386,.. but
> > both not below /emul
> Not if you had a /usr/lib32 -> /emul/ia32-libs/usr/lib link when
> /usr/lib32/libutil.a was installed. The file would end up in emul
> while dpkg only knows it under /usr/lib32.

Ah now I see. So there were packages,.. that already wrote their stuff
to e.g. /usr/lib32,... while this pointed still to some /emul/ subdir,
So I should probably look at all these files,... whether they have known
counterparts registered in /usr/lib32, /lib32, etc.... and whether these
files are really there. If so, I can delete the respective file
from /emul, if not, I should move it to the "canonical" location.

> You installed a package with /usr/lib32/foo while /usr/lib32 was still
> a link. Then you upgraded libc6-i386 which removed that link and
> replaced it with a directory. Last when dpkg wanted to remove
> /usr/lib32/foo on upgrade it was already gone and nothing was removed.
> /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib/foo remains behind.
> Cruft in /emul/ia32-linux/ is what one would expect from updates from
> the broken libc6-i386 to a more recent one. Since it only affects a
> minority of unstable users the maintainer felt it was ok to leave them
> with the pieces (i.e. clean up /emul yourself).
Don't get me wrong,.. it's not that I wanna tell you, or any other
maintainer how to do his work ;) .... but isn't this a policy violation?
Or would it be just one, if that would happen in stable?

Perhaps users should be noted by some NEWS file, that this could have
happened, and that manual intervention is required.

If not, feel free to close this bug, and thanks again for your help :)

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