[Pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers] [b-d][ia64] sun-java5 (lenny)

Goswin von Brederlow goswin-v-b at web.de
Thu Jun 10 12:49:00 UTC 2010

Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs at debian.org> writes:

> Hi Goswin,
> On tiisdei 8 Juny 2010, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> Michael Meskes <meskes at debian.org> writes:
>> >> That means that ia32-libs is fully broken on ia64 at least since Etch
>> >> (same broken symlink in the package) and nobody cares? How was it
>> > 
>> > It surely looks that way.
>> > 
>> >> possible to build sun-java* on ia64 in the past? I wonder if the problem
>> >> is specific to merulo. How can we find it out without any other ia64
>> >> machine?
>> > 
>> > But if the package is not correct how can that bne specific to merulo?
>> > 
>> > Michael
>> The link is definetly broken. My guess is that simply nobody has used it
>> since the old libc6 was removed.
>> MfG
>>         Goswin
>> PS: I have an ia32-libs update in the pipeling. It just needs a free
>> weekend to get finished and uploaded.
> Are you talking about an update for stable or unstable? If stable, would it be 
> possible to build sun-java5 with that update?
> Thanks,
> Thijs

I was talking unstable. But there is a security update for stable in the
pipeline that includes tha ia64 fix as well. That ball is in the hands
of the security team now.


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