[Pkg-ia32-libs-maintainers] Bug#684029: ia32-libs-i386: downgrade Recommends on lib{nss, pam}-ldap, libldap-2.4-2 to Suggests

Tobias Hansen thansen at debian.org
Fri Nov 23 20:31:17 UTC 2012

I could test and NMU this change if one of the maintainers approves.

Best regards,

Am 19.11.2012 15:53, schrieb Ansgar Burchardt:
> Hi,
> I talked to the release team on IRC and they would like to have the
> problem with the debconf questions dealt with before migrating the new
> multi-arch ia32-libs to testing. It would be nice if you could look at
> this soon so we can get rid of the old ia32-libs soon.
> Regards,
> Ansgar

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