[Pkg-ime-devel] scim-prime, scim-anthy, scim-skk etc.

Mike Hommey mh@glandium.org
Fri, 13 May 2005 22:19:15 +0200

On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 11:48:14PM +0900, AWASHIRO Ikuya <ikuya@oooug.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
> I made scim-prime package.
> deb http://everybody.good-day.net/~ikuya/debian/sarge/scim-misc/ ./
> deb-src http://everybody.good-day.net/~ikuya/debian/sarge/scim-misc/ ./
> # apt-get install scim-prime
> PRIME has predictive mode in Japanese and English.
> Please try it.
> scim-anthy, scim-skk, and kasumi follow new upstream release.
> avaliable above apt-line.
> scim-anthy and scim-prime will release new version soon.
> After that, I will file ITP.

I'll try to take a look to your packages over the week-end. I'm
particularly interested in those, sine i'll be able to use scim as IM
method without wrapping uim in it to use anthy or prime :)
