[Pkg-ime-devel] Bug#591459: Bug#591459: ibus: breaks compose key

Marc Dequènes (Duck) duck at duckcorp.org
Tue Aug 3 15:39:31 UTC 2010


Thanks for your care.

Btw, i tried ibus-table, as suggested in the upstream ticket, and i  
thought it would emulate compose-key when disabled, but it is a  
distinct input method, with really not practical key sequences ("<<"  
gives "«<" instead of "«" because of the completion), so it cannot be  
a stopgap at all (and does not solve the dead keys problem at all).

ibus-xkbc is not packaged in Debian. Not sure it is the right method  
to solve this problem, but if someone decide to work on it, i'd be  
joyful to help testing (and sponsoring if needed).

If you need to test versions from the upstream VCS, or patches, tell me.


Marc Dequènes (Duck)
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