[PKG-IRC-Maintainers] NGIRC Debian Wheezy

Christoph Biedl debian.axhn at manchmal.in-ulm.de
Fri Sep 26 08:50:23 UTC 2014

Joschi wrote...

> can you please explain why the package ngirc on debian is compiled
> without pam support?

Just because it hadn't been enabled historically.

> And currently that is something I would really like to have. Hope
> that pam is enabled in future.

It will be from jessie on:

| ngircd (21.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
|   * Build ngircd with support for ident (enabled by default) and
|     PAM (disabled)

Where "disabled" means "PAM = no" in the shipped configuration.

This however does not justify a new release in stable aka wheezy.
If the matter is urgent, re-build with updated debian/rules or do a


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