[Pkg-iscsi-maintainers] [SCM] Debian iscsitarget packaging branch, master, updated. debian/

Ritesh Raj Sarraf rrs at researchut.com
Sat Sep 15 19:09:38 UTC 2012

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 281b4a449dc9651cc473bd39af05cf30510eed63
Author: Ritesh Raj Sarraf <rrs at researchut.com>
Date:   Sun May 27 11:45:47 2012 +0530

    Update README.Debian explaining the new DKMS package
    Closes: #668382
    Thanks: Olaf van der Spek

diff --git a/debian/README.Debian b/debian/README.Debian
index 85460dd..bb843ac 100644
--- a/debian/README.Debian
+++ b/debian/README.Debian
@@ -9,26 +9,9 @@ enterprise target software.
 The Debian iscsitarget source package provides two packages,
  1) iscsitarget, which the provides the userspace daemon
- 2) iscsitarget-source, which provides the source for the kernel modules
+ 2) iscsitarget-dkms, which provides the dkms format package for the kernel
+    Note: The older iscsitarget-source package has been drop in favor of the
+    dkms package
-The iscsitarget package Recommends the iscsitarget-module package which is
-provided by the kernel specific iscsitarget-module-KVER package built from
-the iscsitarget-source package
-The iscsitarget-source package can be used in several ways,
- - The easiest and preferred way is using module assistant:
-   m-a a-i iscsitarget
- - Using the make-kpkg(1) command provided by the kernel-package Debian
-   package. This will produce a corresponding iscsitarget-modules package
-   for the Debian kernel-image package that you are using. This is "the 
-   Debian way". See the "modules_image" section of the make-kpkg(1) man 
-   page.
- - Changing to the /usr/src/modules/iscsitarget/ directory and building as
-   the README file instructs using "make; make install". This will build
-   and install a module specific to the system you are building on and is
-   not under control of the packaging system.
- -- Philipp Hug <debian at hug.cx>, Tue, 29 Mar 2005 20:57:04 +0200
+The iscsitarget package Recommends the iscsitarget-dkms package which provides
+the sources to build the iscsitarget kernel component 

Debian iscsitarget packaging

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