[Pkg-iscsi-maintainers] Bug#687925: diff for NMU version
Loic Dachary
loic at dachary.org
Mon Sep 17 15:11:42 UTC 2012
On 09/17/2012 03:49 PM, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> On Monday 17 September 2012 03:09 PM, Loic Dachary wrote:
>> Dear maintainer,
>> I've prepared an NMU for iscsitarget (versioned as and
>> uploaded it to DELAYED/3. Please feel free to tell me if I should delay it longer.
>> I'll take care of the unblock request.
> Can you rebase it against the version in experimental?
> Given the freeze, I am not hopeful of it getting in for Wheezy. But
> we'll see.
> So can you, instead, rebase your work against the one in experimental
> and send a patch?
I will do as you ask.
I would like to be extra sure that I understand how you would like to proceed, please correct me if I'm wrong:
a) merge the patch fixing #687925 into http://packages.qa.debian.org/i/iscsitarget/news/20120915T091748Z.html
b) submit the -11 which already includes:
* [6dfdd7c] Add iscsitarget-dkms to Recommends and drop iscsitarget-module
* [281b4a4] Update README.Debian explaining the new DKMS package.
Thanks to Olaf van der Spek (Closes: #668382)
* [a0d484c] Drop patch fix-build-3-2.patch
* [afdf1df] Add patches from 1.4.20 stable branch (Closes: #685422)
c) ask for an unblock and advocate for each of the 5 changes
d) if some of the changes are rejected, repackage -11 to contain only those that are acceptable
e) submit the -11 again
f) re post the unblock request which will get accepted because they were agreed during c)
The proposed NMU was based on the assumption that it would be easier to fix the release critical bug first and
then advocate for other changes:
a) ask for an unblock of -10.1 fixing solely RC#687925
b) discuss -11 while -10.1 migrates to testing
proceed as in b) to f) above.
I am concerned that including the publication of the resolution of RC#687925 ( which blocks the installation
of the nova-volume package which is essential to the successfull deployment of the entire OpenStack solution ) into a
larger discussion will involve a significant delay, maybe weeks, while the other changes are debated.
Thanks a lot for your work with the iscsitarget package : I use it daily :-)
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