[Pkg-isocodes-devel] [l10n] Slovak debconf PO translation for the package iso-codes 0.55-1

Peter Mann Peter.Mann at tuke.sk
Sat Sep 30 20:04:04 UTC 2006

----- Forwarded message from bubulle at debian.org -----

You are noted as the last translator of the ISO 3166 list in 
the iso-codes package (used in Debian and a few others places in Debian and
other FLOSS).

As the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency has made some changes (namely split of
the Serbia and Montenegro country as of
some messages are marked "fuzzy" in your translation or are missing. I would
be grateful if you could take the time and update it. Please send the
updated file to pkg-isocodes-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org or submit it as a
wishlist bug against the iso-codes Debian package.

----- End forwarded message -----

ok, done


5o   Peter.Mann at tuke.sk

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