[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Re: [bug][iso_3166_2] what's the correct way to deal with two entry with the same name

LI Daobing lidaobing at gmail.com
Thu Feb 1 00:24:57 CET 2007

On 2/1/07, LI Daobing <lidaobing at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> in iso_3166_2.xml, there are two entry corresponding to "Maryland",
> one is LR-MY, another is US-MD and there is only one "Maryland" entry
> in iso_3166_2.pot. it will cause every language must give same name to
> these two entries, I don't think this is a good idea. "Montana" entry
> also has this problem.
> Suggestion:
> 1. in xml file, rename "Maryland" to "Maryland (LR-MY)" in the first
> place, and rename another to "Maryland (US-MD)".
> 2. provide en.po, in en.po almost every msgstr is equal to msgid, but
> for these two, they will be translated to Maryland
> 3. other languages can free to translate these two entry into different result.
duplicates list (generated by check_dup.py in attachment):
"Western":  FJ-W GH-WP PG-WPD SB-WE ZM-01
"Yevlax":  AZ-YE AZ-YEV
"Toledo":  BZ-TOL ES-TO
"Hsinchu":  TW-HSQ TW-HSZ
"Distrito Federal":  BR-DF MX-DIF
"Port Louis":  MU-PU MU-PL
"Central":  BW-CE FJ-C GH-CP KE-200 PG-CPM PY-11 SB-CE ZM-02
"Southern":  BW-SO SL-S ZM-07
"Limburg":  BE-VLI NL-LB
"Kaohsiung":  TW-KHQ TW-KHH
"Granada":  ES-GR NI-GR
"Maputo":  MZ-MPM MZ-L
"Colon":  HN-CL PA-3
"Chisinau":  MD-CU MD-CH
"Jura":  CH-JU FR-39
"Lankaran":  AZ-LA AZ-LAN
"Tainan":  TW-TNQ TW-TNN
"North-West":  BW-NW CM-NW ZA-NW
"Mwanza":  MW-MW TZ-18
"Adrar":  DZ-01 MR-07
"Córdoba":  CO-COR ES-CO
"Ash Sharqlyah":  OM-SH SA-04
"Rio Negro":  AR-R UY-RN
"Manchester":  GB-MAN JM-12
"San Juan":  AR-J DO-22
"Taichung":  TW-TXQ TW-TXG
"Saki":  AZ-SA AZ-SAK
"La Libertad":  PE-LAL SV-LI
"La Union":  PH-LUN SV-UN
"Punjab":  IN-PB PK-PB
"San Jose":  CR-SJ UY-SJ
"Vientiane":  LA-VT LA-VI
"Santa Cruz":  AR-Z BO-S CV-CR
"Susa":  AZ-SS AZ-SUS
"Plateau":  BJ-PL NG-PL
"Nord":  FR-59 HT-ND
"Taipei":  TW-TPQ TW-TPE
"Maryland":  LR-MY US-MD
"Para":  BR-PA SR-PR
"Florida":  US-FL UY-FD
"Littoral":  BJ-LI CM-LT
"Bari":  IT-BA SO-BR
"La Paz":  BO-L HN-LP SV-PA
"Bolivar":  EC-B VE-F
"Plateaux":  CG-14 TG-P
"Sucre":  CO-SUC VE-R
"Northern":  FJ-N GH-NP PG-NPP SL-N ZM-05
"Kalimantan Timur":  ID-KT ID-KI
"Eastern":  FJ-E GH-EP KE-400 SL-E ZM-03
"Luxembourg":  BE-WLX LU-L
"Al Jawf":  SA-12 YE-JA
"Veszprém":  HU-VE HU-VM
"Centre":  CM-CE HT-CE TG-C
"Montana":  BG-12 US-MT
"Santa Catarina":  BR-SC CV-CA
"Amazonas":  BR-AM PE-AMA VE-Z
"Huila":  AO-HUI CO-HUI

LI Daobing
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