[Pkg-isocodes-devel] iso_639/es.po

Davi Leal davi at leals.com
Sat Mar 10 21:10:02 CET 2007

LI Daobing wrote:
> check the newest version here:
> http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-isocodes/trunk/iso-codes/?rev=0&sc=0

Javier,  I attach a new iso_639/es.po, now in sync with the above link.

We hope get your feedback to follow improving the iso-codes files, which GNU 
Herds is going to use.

Let us now any error we are realizing.

Best regards,
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Url : http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-isocodes-devel/attachments/20070310/b1b2e647/es.po-0001.bin

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