[Pkg-isocodes-devel] iso_3166_2.xml US Armed Forces states

Kamal Mostafa kamal at whence.com
Wed Feb 20 00:20:14 UTC 2008


The <geographical_region> element containing the US Armed Forces 
"states" is the _only_ container-element in the file which has no "type" 
attribute.    The DTD indicates that "type" attribute is indeed 
optional, but it seems logical to fill in the only missing type (perhaps 
with the type="US Armed Forces state").

            <!-- The USPS Also recognizes the following Military"States" -->
            <!-- (Europe includes Africa, Middile East) -->
                    code="US-AE"    name="Armed Forces Europe" />
                    code="US-AA"    name="Armed Forces Americas" />
                    code="US-AP"    name="Armed Forces Pacific" />

The comment block could use work too (mis-spelled "Middle East", 
mis-capitalization, etc.).

Should I submit this as a bug?

 - Kamal Mostafa

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