No subject
Mon Jan 7 23:10:01 UTC 2008
importing cities from tzdata into iso-codes, and then using the
translation from iso-codes in tzdata.
> You might be amazed at the number of programs which still have mis-
> spelt, inaccurate and messy lists of language names, country names
> etc. And we have to translate them again, and again, and submit
> detailed bug reports about the inadequacies of the original strings.
> So I'm even keener to support iso-codes, including implementing other
> information that needs standardizing. ;)
> BTW, even if you haven't listed city names yet, and it would be
> impractible to list _all_ city names, the timezones are based on
> regions and sub-regions, so they are related to iso_3166-2. Perhaps
> the city names could be classified as part of a regional name.
> For example, as in:
> South Australia/Adelaide
> the timezone is the capital city tagged on to the state name.
> The above is my timezone (+0930, currently +0130), and it is often
> left out of supposed comprehensive timezone lists. ;)
This is not as easy. Timezones sometimes depends on the city, and can
differ from city to city within the same region. For example there are a
few cities which don't apply DST rules, while their region applies it.
Also tzdata provides timezone information for the current date, but also
in the past, back to early 20th century, when timezones where far less
standardized than now.
.''`. Aurelien Jarno | GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
: :' : Debian developer | Electrical Engineer
`. `' aurel32 at | aurelien at
`- |
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