[Pkg-isocodes-devel] iso_3166-2.0.pot

Tobias Toedter t.toedter at gmx.net
Mon Mar 10 21:38:50 UTC 2008

On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 14:08:45 +0100
Benno Schulenberg <coordinator at translationproject.org> wrote:

> LI Daobing wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 10, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Tobias Toedter
> > <t.toedter at gmx.net> wrote: 
> > > On Sun, 09 Mar 2008 15:49:04 +0100
> > > Benno Schulenberg <coordinator at translationproject.org> wrote:
> > > > For Galician the PO-Revision-Date wasn't updated, though the
> > > > file was changed.  Jacobo really should know better.
> > >
> > >  I didn't notice that the PO-Revision-Date wasn't changed,
> > > however, if this language would be marked as external, this
> > > should not matter at all, right?
> Well, it will not hinder the functioning of iso-codes, but it might 
> confuse people who look at the PO file later.  I look at many PO 
> files regularly, and it is exasperating to see headers that have 
> obviously not been filled in correctly: wrong dates, missing names, 
> missing initial comment lines...  It is impossible to decide who 
> made the file, when the last changes were made, who made these 
> changes, whom to complain to in case of errors...  It matters.

This brings me to another important point IMO: I agree with you that
those initial comment lines *do* matter, because they contain the
copyright notices of all current and past translators. However, some
files at the TP lack that copyright information, while the files in our
SVN repository still have that information. If I use the rsync
approach, those copyright statements will be lost. Is there an easy way
to sync those copyright statements again, or would I need to mail each
translation team leader to upload a correct file to TP?

> Besides, in this case I don't want to mark the language as external, 
> since the translator is already a member of the TP.  A TP member 
> wanting to bypass the TP is somewhat absurd.

True, but as far as I can see, nothing has happened at the TP for
Galician yet, despite my e-mail asking him to upload the file to TP. So
what do you recommend as course of action?

> > I think you can forward the mail to maillist of corresponding
> > language team(maybe you need subscribe) or forward to the
> > coordinator of the language team instead of directly merge it to
> > iso-codes.
> This would be ideal.  Whenever you get a direct submission of a PO 
> file, please forward the mail to the leader of the corresponding 
> team at the TP.  He or she can upload the file to the TP -- after 
> tweaking the headers if necessary -- without needing an assignment.

Hm, that sounds sensible, I'll try that. Let's see if the team leaders
are responsive enough to upload the file to TP in time. :-)


Tobias Toedter   | Early to bed and early to rise and you'll
Hamburg, Germany | be groggy when everyone else is wide awake.
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