[Pkg-isocodes-devel] [SCM] ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations branch, debian, updated. iso-codes/3.11.1-50-g6578021
Tobias Quathamer
toddy at debian.org
Sun Nov 1 12:51:19 UTC 2009
- Previous message: [Pkg-isocodes-devel] [SCM] ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations annotated tag, iso-codes/3.11.1, created. iso-codes/3.11.1
- Next message: [Pkg-isocodes-devel] [SCM] ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations branch, debian, updated. iso-codes/3.11.1-50-g6578021
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The following commit has been merged in the debian branch:
commit b88fe3839a7079e27f17103fa56d02f86e4d1813
Merge: f14f34d2ef9921b7afa1ea6b2a64cdeada1a7b0a 87c50fe54a4ca8bafeee01e4a2239d6a8d6e260d
Author: Tobias Quathamer <toddy at debian.org>
Date: Sun Nov 1 13:37:34 2009 +0100
Merge branch 'master' into debian
ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations
- Previous message: [Pkg-isocodes-devel] [SCM] ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations annotated tag, iso-codes/3.11.1, created. iso-codes/3.11.1
- Next message: [Pkg-isocodes-devel] [SCM] ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations branch, debian, updated. iso-codes/3.11.1-50-g6578021
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