[Pkg-isocodes-devel] [pkg-isocodes-Bugs][312747] Typos in region names

pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org pkg-isocodes-bugs at alioth.debian.org
Sun Oct 10 10:17:39 UTC 2010

Bugs item #312747, was changed at 2010-10-10 11:55 by Christian Perrier 
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>Status: Pending
Priority: 3
Submitted By: Yuri Chornoivan (yurchor-guest)
Assigned to: Nobody (None)
Summary: Typos in region names 
Part: ISO 3166-2

Initial Comment:
ISO-Codes letters use the followng names for provinces:

BS-MC Mangrove Cay
CF-KG Kémo-Gribingui

pkg-isocodes shows as follows

BS-MC mangrove Cay
CF-KG Kémo-Gribingi

Thanks for fixing these typos (patch attached).


>Comment By: Christian Perrier (bubulle)
Date: 2010-10-10 12:17

Thanks for pointing this. A fix has been commited. Please feel free to find any other of my mistakes when editing this huge file..:-)


Comment By: Christian Perrier (bubulle)
Date: 2010-10-10 12:17


thanks for your work, it's committed to our repository.

the iso-codes team


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