[Pkg-isocodes-devel] Proper splitting of iso-codes repository

Tobias Quathamer toddy at debian.org
Fri Feb 17 09:04:40 UTC 2012

Am 14.02.2012 22:45, schrieb Tobias Quathamer:
> Well, everybody seems to be happy with this, so I suggest that I convert
> the repository in two days on thursday, 16 Feb 2012.
> If anybody still has some local changes to push to the repository,
> please go ahead now. I will temporarily remove the repository on
> thursday and upload the new one shortly afterwards. Please note that you
> need to "git clone" that repository to your local machine again, a
> simple "git pull" will not work.


with one extra day as grace period, I've now converted our git
repository. Please remember to clone a fresh copy to your local machine
before making changes, so that the committing works as expected:

git clone git+ssh://<NAME>@git.debian.org/git/iso-codes/iso-codes.git


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