[Pkg-isocodes-devel] New ISO 639-3 file reverting back to "old" tabular format

Tobias Quathamer toddy at debian.org
Thu Jan 24 16:33:55 UTC 2013

Am 24.01.2013 07:55, schrieb Christian PERRIER:
> The ISO 639-3 listing has been updated as of 2013-01-23 : 
> http://www.sil.org/iso639-3/download.asp
> Unfortunately, it seems that the tabular format we had in last release
> (see iso_639_3.tab in iso_639_3/ in git).....with more field, has been
> reverted back to the "old" format.
> As a consequence, I mioght have to revert back the parsing Pythong
> script...and the resulting XML file will have less information.
> Any advice? Should we do this now?


that's a pity. However, I would like to postpone this change until after
the release, in case we need to upload iso-codes to fix an RC bug. I
guess that uploading again before the release is quite unlikely, but
still ...

That's also the reason why I haven't released a new version of
iso-codes, although we have some translation updates waiting.

So my advice would be to wait until the release.


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